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From the very beginning of human civilization nature serves human being a lot. As a
mother nature care human. Nature recovers a lot of pollution from the very beginning of
earth. As the energy transfer from one stage to another by means of different action,
results no wastage of energy, similarly there was no word as wastage to environment.
Actually when wastages can not control by the environment then that wastages are
termed as pollutants. When a zone’s pollutants concentration begins to high then we
called that zone is polluted. Definitely pollution is marched on with the civilization. For
this reason some says technology destroys environment but their dark eyes disable to
watch that technology protect environment. Technology always runs for hunting solution
in a scientific manner. An effluent treatment method is one of its hunts which bring a
protection for green environment.

Bangladesh will become a developing country in the near future. Textile trade makes a
significant contribution in the GDP of Bangladesh. But being an agro based country its
environment demands pollutants free environment. As the textile industries discharged
effluents directly to the nature Effluent treatment planning is the burning question in
almost every industries. This effluent is coming from the wet processing unit of a textile

As we will be the future technologist at wet processing unit we have decided gather a
clear concept on effluent treatment. We think only technologists from wet processing unit
can control the effluent pollution. For this reason we have decide that our project work’s

Through this project work we gained a significant knowledge on effluent treatment

methods which will help us to supervise wet processing activities.


First of all we are very much grateful to almighty

We thank –



for giving the opportunity to work and study in their

organizations. For sharing all sorts of information and
encouragement, we are indebted to Pr of f. DR . Md.
MAH BUBU L H AQUE . Last of all we would like to show
gratitude to our departmental head
PR OF F.DR . M UST AFIZ UR R AH MAN. for his directions and
assistance. Without his supervision it would be
impossible for us to finish the study and report
successfully. We are extremely enlightened by this
project work.

Aim of the project

The aim of the project is to

• Gather knowledge on effluent treatment methods.
• Study the effluent treatment methods.
• Sort out the advantages of each method.
• Study the chemistry of each method.
• Study the cost of treatment method.
• Study the space consumption of each method.

Textile wet processing unit involves a variety of chemicals comprising a various class of
dyes and other chemicals along with huge amount of water the waste water resulting from
dyeing operation various threats for aquatic life about forty thousand to eighty thousands
tons of dyes and 1500 to 1800 pigments are estimated to discharge in a year by textile
processing units due to in complete exhaustion washing operation etc. such waste streams
generated from the process house needs suitable treatment prior to there disposal as a
legal requirement . now the conservations of chemicals become a most important aspect
for environment specially in consideration of the pollution phenomenon and increasing
cost of chemicals in order to make the industry much more competitive in the globalize
context for that reason liquid waste management of textile wet processing industry
approach calls for waste volume reduction by the product recovery and an identification
of most appropriate treatment option. In the case of Bangladesh near about 550 wet
processing industry present and 80% of these are cotton dyeing industry on the other
hand according to world bank report more than 700 wet processing units are needed to
feed the fabric in the garments industries as a result it may raised about to 90 percentage
will be cotton based wet processing industry so a large amount of effluent will be
produced from cotton dyeing industry. For these reasons effluent treatment planning is a
burning question for a wet processing unit. In order to solve these problems as a textile
technologist of our mother land our present study deals with an application of
physiochemical, biological methods for effluent treatments. The project title is study on
effluent treatment methods.

Basically effluents are those wastages discharging to hydrosphere of environment. It may

come from residence and or wet processing industries. Wastewater discharged from a
textile wet processing plant contains various types of impurities depending on the type of

raw materials, dyes, chemicals, auxiliaries and process used. Some of these impurities are
considered toxic while some are not. Off course the toxicity or harmfulness also depends
on the amount present in a certain amount of processed or wastewater. Various countries
have different standards for acceptable level of toxicity for various purposes. Different
types of water application also require different level of acceptable toxicity. For example
water is used for drinking purposes, irrigation in the fields, in various types of textile,
chemical, food processing, leather processing and pharmaceutical industries, and also to
maintain the aquatic life in the canals and rivers. In all these cases different level of purity
in terms of toxicity and harmfulness are required.

Effluent’s Character
Wastewater discharged from a textile wet processing plant contains various types of
impurities depending on the type of dyes, chemicals, auxiliaries and process used. Some
of these impurities are considered toxic while some are not. Off course the toxicity or
harmfulness also depends on the amount present in a certain amount of wastewater.
Various countries have different standards for acceptable level of toxicity for various
purposes. Different types of water application also require different level of acceptable
toxicity. For example water is used for drinking purposes, irrigation in the fields, in
various types of textile, chemical, food processing, leather processing and pharmaceutical
industries, and also to maintain the aquatic life in the canals and rivers. In all these cases
different level of purity in terms of toxicity and harmfulness is required. This is mainly
intended for wastewater generated in the various textile wet processing industries.
Therefore, the present discussion will mainly be concentrated on wastewater generated in
various types’ textile-processing industries. Table 1 shows the acceptable level of various
parameters of wastewater generated from textile wet processing industry. This is
Bangladesh Standard. The level of toxicity was considered for water intended to be
discharged into river or canals. The wastewater generated in a textile wet processing
industry can be recycled back for consumption in the plant or even can be used for
drinking purposes but this is expensive enough. So wastewater is generally discharged
into the river or canals.

Table 1: Characteristics of wastewater to be discharged into the environment. (stipulated

by the Dept. of Environment, Government Of Bangladesh)

PH 6-9
BOD < 50 PPM or mg/L

COD < 200 PPM or mg/L
TSS <100 PPM or mg/L
TDS < 2,500 PPM or mg/L
OIL & GREASE < 10 PPM or mg/L

The typical characteristic of wastewater generated in a textile wet possessing plant is

given in table 2. Parameters have been referenced about a range rather than a particular
value of the parameters. This is because the characteristics of textile wastewater for a
factory are not always same which may be due to the variation of raw materials, dyes,
chemicals and process. For example a factory sometime process 100% cotton and
sometime process 50/50 cotton & polyester blend or even 100% polyester. The three
different cases will require two different dyes and chemicals of varying quantity. For
white goods no dyes are used at all, in that case too the effluent characteristics will be
different from that of dyeing effluent. For woven (sized) fabrics the effluent
characteristics will be different from that of knit fabrics. The values shown in table 2 are
not actual tested values of a particular industry rather they are average of various
anticipated wet processing pollution characteristics. The values are assumed on the basis
of experience about the contaminants present in a textile wet processing industry.

Table 2: Characteristics of wastewater of a typical textile wet processing industry.

PH 8 –14
BOD 400 - 600 ppm
COD 800 - 1,200 ppm
TSS 200 - 500 ppm
TDS 3,000 - 6,000 ppm
OIL & GREASE 30 – 60 ppm
COLOUR Dark Mixed
TEMPERATURE up to 60 0 C

As was mentioned textile wastewater may contain various types of contaminants but in
most cases the toxicity of the above eight parameters are considered important before
discharging them into the environment. The parameters are now discussed below

Biochemical Oxygen demand (BOD): The strength of the wastewater is often

determined by measuring the amount of oxygen consumed by microorganism like
bacteria in biodegrading the organic matter. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) is a
chemical procedure for determining how fast biological organisms use up oxygen in a
body of water. It is used in water quality management and assessment, ecology and
environmental science. BOD is not an accurate quantitative test, although it could be
considered as an indication of the quality of a water source.

BOD measures the rate of oxygen uptake by micro-organisms in a sample of water at a
temperature of 20°C and over an elapsed period of five days in the dark.There are two
recognized methods for the measurement of BOD.

Dilution method

To ensure that all other conditions are equal, a very small amount of micro-organism seed
is added to each sample being tested. This seed is typically generated by diluting
activated sludge with de-ionized water. The BOD test is carried out by diluting the
sample with de-ionized water saturated with oxygen, inoculating it with a fixed aliquot of
seed, measuring the dissolved oxygen and sealing the sample (to prevent further oxygen
dissolving in). The sample is kept at 20 °C in the dark to prevent photosynthesis (and
thereby the addition of oxygen) for five days, and the dissolved oxygen is measured
again. The difference between the final DO and initial DO is the BOD the apparent BOD
for the control is subtracted from the control result to provide the corrected value.

The loss of dissolved oxygen in the sample, once corrections have been made for the
degree of dilution, is called the BOD5.

BOD can be calculated by:

• Undiluted: Initial DO - Final DO = BOD

• Diluted: ((Initial DO - Final DO)- BOD of Seed) x Dilution Factor

Manometric method

This method is limited to the measurement of the oxygen consumption due only to
carbonaceous oxidation. Ammonia oxidation is inhibited.

The sample is kept in a sealed container fitted with a pressure sensor. A substance
absorbing carbon dioxide (typically LiOH) is added in the container above the sample
level. The sample is stored in conditions identical to the dilution method. Oxygen is
consumed and, as ammonia oxidation is inhibited, carbon dioxide is released. The total
amount of gas, thus the pressure, decreases because Carbon dioxide is absorbed. Form the
drop of pressure, the electronics computes and displays the consumed quantity of oxygen.

The main advantages of this method compared to the dilution method are:

• its simplicity: no dilution of sample required, no seeding, no blank sample

• direct reading of BOD value
• continuous display of BOD value at the current incubation time

Furthermore, as the BOD measurement can be monitored continuously, a graph of its

evolution can be plotted. Interpolation of several graphs on a similar water may build an
experience of its usual evolution, and allow an estimation of the five days BOD after as
early as the first two days of incubation.

Microorganisms such as bacteria are responsible for decomposing organic waste. When
organic matter such as dead plants, leaves, grass clippings, cellulose components,
manure, sewage, organic waste like size, dyes, fats and oils, or even food waste is present
in a water supply, the bacteria will begin the process of breaking down this waste. When
this happens, the bacteria rob the available dissolved oxygen necessary to survive by the
other aquatic organisms like fishes. If there is a large quantity of organic waste in the
water supply, a large number of bacteria present in the water body will be working to
decompose the waste. When the bacteria consume organic waste they require oxygen.
Under this circumstance the demand for dissolved oxygen (DO) will be very high so the
BOD level will be high. As the waste is consumed or dispersed through the water, BOD
levels will begin to decline.
Nitrogen and phosphates in a body of water can also contribute to high BOD levels.
Nitrates and phosphates are plant nutrients and can cause plant life and algae to grow
quickly. When plants grow quickly, they also die quickly. This contributes to the organic
waste in the water, which is then decomposed by bacteria. This results in a high BOD
level. However in some effluent treatment plant TSP & UREA have introduced for the
growth of bacteria. The temperature of the water can also contribute to high BOD levels.
For example, warmer water usually will have a higher BOD level than colder water. As
water temperature increases, the rate of photosynthesis by algae and other plant life in the
water also increases. When this happens, plants grow faster and also die faster. When the
plants die, they fall to the bottom where they are decomposed by bacteria. The bacteria
require oxygen for this process so the BOD becomes high in that location. Therefore,
increased water temperatures will speed up bacterial decomposition and result in higher
BOD levels.

Textile mill wastewater possesses a very high BOD like 400 – 600 mg/l. It is necessary to
reduce this BOD value up to a level less than 50 mg/l before discharging them into the
environment like canals or rivers. If water of high BOD are discharged into the sea or
very large river then off course the concentration of BOD decreases due to dilution and
have little or no harmful effect on the aquatic life or environment. Therefore if it is
possible to discharge a highly toxic effluent in sea or large river no treatment is necessary.
It should be noted that BOD can reduce naturally where effluent density is lower. Say for
example shitalaxma a river in Bangladesh having sufficient current and volume of water
but it possesses a higher density of effluent so the aquatic life of this zone are threatened
by textile effluent.

Dissolved Oxygen (DO)

The amount of oxygen present in a certain amount of water in dissolved state is known as
Dissolved Oxygen (DO). It is normally expressed as mg/l, water may contain DO ranging
from 0 to 18 mg/l but in most cases of normal waters, DO lies between 7-9 mg/l. Aquatic
lives require certain level of DO to survive in the water and the DO level require to
survive in the water varies from one species to another. Even if we talk about fish, some
fish require more DO to survive than some other fishes.

Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD):

COD is based on the fact that nearly all-organic compounds can be fully oxidized to
carbon dioxide with a strong oxidizing agent under acidic conditions. When some
wastewater is discharged into a water body, the organic compounds are oxidized by
means of the dissolved oxygen present in the water as a result the level of DO falls

This is a means of measuring the ability of wastewater to sustain aquatic life, essential for
the preservation of the environment. It also enables proper assessment of treatment plant
performance. Aquatic organisms and animals require dissolved oxygen to flourish. The
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) test gives an indication of the impact of discharge
waters on aquatic life by measuring the oxygen depleting nature of the discharge water.

The basis for the COD test is that nearly all organic compounds can be fully oxidized to
carbon dioxide with a strong oxidizing agent under acidic conditions. The amount of
oxygen required oxidizing an organic compound to carbon dioxide, ammonia, and
water is given by:

This expression does not include the oxygen demand caused by the oxidation of ammonia
into nitrate. The process of ammonia being converted into nitrate is referred to as
nitrification. The following is the correct equation for the oxidation of ammonia into

The second equation should be applied after the first one to include oxidation due to
nitrification if the oxygen demand from nitrification must be known. Dichromate does
not oxidize ammonia into nitrate, so this nitrification can be safely ignored in the
standard chemical oxygen demand test.

Potassium dichromate is a strong oxidizing agent under acidic conditions. (Acidity is

usually achieved by the addition of sulfuric acid.) The reaction of potassium dichromate
with organic compounds is given by:

Where d = 2n/3 + a/6 - b/3 - c/2. Most commonly, a 0.25 N solution of potassium
dichromate is used for COD determination, although for samples with COD below 50
mg/L, a lower concentration of potassium dichromate is preferred.

In the process of oxidizing the organic substances found in the water sample, potassium
dichromate is reduced (since in all redox reactions, one reagent is oxidized and the other
is reduced), forming Cr3+. The amount of Cr3+ is determined after oxidization is complete,
and is used as an indirect measure of the organic contents of the water sample

One limitation of COD is that it cannot differentiate between biologically active and
those which biologically inactive. One major advantage of COD over BOD is that COD
can be measured in just three hours where as BOD measurement takes at least five days.
The value of COD is always higher than BOD, this is because BOD accounts for only
biodegradable organic compounds while COD accounts for all organic compounds e.g.
biodegradable as well as non-biodegradable but chemically oxidized.

Total suspended Solids (TSS):

TSS is mainly organic in nature, is visible and can be removed from the wastewater by
physical/ mechanical means e.g. screening and sedimentation. TSS is measured by
filtering a certain quantity of effluent and then drying the filtrate at certain temperature
e.g. 1050C followed by weighing. TSS is expressed as parts per million or in
milligram/liter. The pore size of the filter paper is very important in estimating the TSS,
the nominal pore size 1.58 micro meters.

Total Dissolved Solids (TDS):

TDS are the solids that are actually in solution, mean a homogenous mixture. Dissolved
solids generally pass through the system unaffected. TDS -is the sum total of all of the
dissolved things in a given body of water. It's everything in the water that's not actually
water. It includes hardness, alkalinity, chlorides, bromides, sulfates, silicates, and all
manner of organic compounds. Every time we add anything to the water, we are
increasing its TDS if it is soluble. This includes not only sanitizing and pH adjusting
chemicals, but also conditioner, algaecides, and tile and surface cleaners. TDS also
includes airborne pollutants and other waste as well as dissolved minerals in the fill
water. TDS is referred to as the total amount of mobile charged ions, including minerals,
salts or metals dissolved in a given volume of water, and is expressed in units of mg per
unit volume of water (mg/L), or as parts per million (ppm).

Some dissolved solids come from organic sources such as leaves, silt, plankton, and dyes
and chemicals used in processing. Dissolved solids also come from inorganic materials
such as rocks and air that may contain calcium bicarbonate, nitrogen, iron phosphorous,
sulfur, and other minerals. Many of these materials form salts, which are compounds that
contain both a metal and a nonmetal. Salts usually dissolve in water forming ions. Ions

are particles that have a positive or negative charge. Water may also pick up metals such
as lead or copper as they travel through pipes used to water distribution.

The effectiveness of water purification systems in removing total dissolved solids will be
reduced over time, so it is highly recommended to monitor the quality of a filter or
membrane and replace them when required. TDS may be the most misunderstood factor
in the whole field of chemical processing and public health. In most cases it is
misunderstood because no one knows exactly what effect it is going to have on any
particular body of water. TDS is directly related to the purity of water and the quality of
water purification systems and affects everything that consumes, lives in, or uses water,
whether organic or inorganic, whether for better or for worse.

Different standards advise a maximum contamination level (MCL) of 500mg/liter (500

parts per million (ppm)) for TDS, however for domestic water suppliers maintain the
TDS within 150 ppm. Off course some water supplies exceed this level. When TDS
levels exceed 1000mg/L it is generally considered unfit for human consumption. Most
often, high levels of TDS are caused by the presence of potassium, chlorides and sodium.
These ions have little or no short-term effects, but toxic ions (lead arsenic, cadmium,
nitrate and others) may also be dissolved in the water.

At low levels, TDS does not present a problem. In fact, a certain amount of TDS is
necessary for water balance. Hardness and Total Alkalinity are both part of TDS. For
textile processing the acceptable value of TDS is around 65-150 mg/l. The standard for
bath and swimming pool is between 1,000 and 2,000 ppm, with a maximum of 3,000
ppm. For irrigation the acceptable values of TDS are around 1500 ppm. Use of fertilizers
increases TDS of the environment.

When the water evaporates, it leaves behind all of the solids that had been dissolved in it.
This principle is used widely to measure the TDS of a particular body of water. When
everything else seems to be all right, and the water still acts unlawfully, check the TDS.

High TDS can result in corrosion of metal equipment and accessories, even though the
water is balanced. High TDS can cause eye and skin irritation, even though the pH is
right and there are no chloramines in the water. High TDS can permit an algae bloom,
even with 2-3 ppm chlorine residual.

If we drink water of high TDS some of this will stay in the body, causing stiffness in the
joints, hardening of the arteries, kidney stones, gall stones and blockages of arteries,
microscopic capillaries and other passages in which liquids flow through our entire body.
For effluent treatment reducing TDS is expensive so we must follow the minimization of
TDS during wet processing.

Dyes and the Environment:

The loss of dyes to effluent can be estimated to be 10% for deep shades, 2% for medium
shades and minimal for light shades how ever the loss of dyes is mainly depending on the

class of dyes. Dyes are present in the effluent at concentrations of 10 mg/l to 50 mg/l with
1 mg/l being visible to the naked eye. Dyes are complex organic compounds which are
refractory in aerobic treatment systems. Some contain metals such as Cr, Cu and Zn.

In the aquatic environment, dyes can undergo bio-concentration, ionization, abiotic

oxidation, abiotic and microbial reduction and precipitation. The ionic dyes such as acid,
direct, basic and metal complex dyes will not volatilize whereas, in principle, solvent,
disperse, vat and sulphur dyes have the potential to be volatile. Sorption should also play
a major role as dyeing is a sorption process. Hydrolytic reactions are not important
because if the dyes survive the biological treatment processes, it is unlikely to degrade
rapidly in the environment. Photochemical reactions may be important, as dyes are good
absorbers of solar energy. Aquatic plants will not be able to produce food by the process
of photosynthesis. As a result their life will be endangered. It is expected that anionic
dyes would react with ions such as calcium and magnesium to form insoluble salts and
thereby reduce the concentration available for other biological reactions. Redox reactions
should also be considered, as in early vat dyeing processes, the dyes were reduced
microbially before chemical replacements were introduced. Reduction in the environment
would most likely occur under anaerobic conditions, however, the difficulties of working
with anaerobic systems has limited research in this area. In general, there is very little
literature available on the environmental behavior of dyes. This is probably due to the
lack of suitable analytical techniques. Two methods are widely use for discoloration. One
is physical sedimentation of dyeing by coagulating and flocculating here dyes remove
completely. Ozonization is applicable for discoloration mean breaking pie bond of
chromophoeric group of dyes but dyes may remain in discharge water.


Temperature of water is a very important factor for aquatic life. It controls the rate of
metabolic and reproductive activities, and determines which aquatic species can survive.
Different aquatic species require different quantity of DO to survive in the water.
Temperature inversely affects the rate of transfer of gaseous oxygen into dissolved
oxygen. On the other hand at higher temperature the metabolic rate of aquatic plants and
animals increases producing an increase in oxygen demand.
International regulations related to water temperature and aquatic life classifies water, as
"Class 1 Cold Water Aquatic Life" should never have temperatures exceeding 20°C,
while waters classified, as "Class 1 Warm Water Aquatic Life" should never have
temperatures exceeding 30°C. These regulations also state that temperature for these
classes shall maintain a normal pattern of day to day and seasonal fluctuations with no
abrupt changes and shall have no increases in temperature of a magnitude, rate, and
duration deemed harmful to the resident aquatic life. Generally, a maximum 3° C increase
over a minimum of a 4-hr period, lasting 12 hrs maximum, is deemed acceptable.
Temperature preferences among aquatic species vary widely, but all species tolerate slow,
seasonal changes better than rapid changes. Respiration of organisms is temperature-
related; respiration rates can increase by 10% or more per 1° C temperature rise.
Therefore, increased temperature not only reduces oxygen availability, but also increases
oxygen demand, which can add to physiological stress of organisms. Increased

temperature influence the activity of bacteria and toxic chemicals secreted by the bacteria
in water.


The term oil and grease, as commonly used, includes the fat, oils, waxes, and other
related constituents found in wastewater. Oils and fats are mainly due to the sizing
process and also as oils and grease come in contact with the fabric during processing.
Apart from this small amount oils is found in the cellulose fibers. These oils and fats are
removed during scouring process and finally pass with the wastewater. If the wastewater
contains oils and fat, it forms a layer at the top surface of the wastewater. As a result the
oxygen cannot come in contact with the water and becomes difficult to increase DO level.

Oil & grease discharged into the environment typically has deleterious effects. Oily
wastes discharge may have objectionable odours, cause undesirable appearance, burn on
the surface of receiving water creating potential safety hazards and consume dissolved
oxygen necessary to forms of life in water. Bioassay data indicate that oil is toxic to fish.
In greater quantities, it limits oxygen transfer, hindering biological activity.

Oils and grease affect respiration of fish by adhering to the gills, it adhere to and destroy
algae and plankton. Feeding and reproduction of water life (plant, insect, and fish) is
affected by oils and fat. Aesthetics is affected by sheens of oils.
Table 7 shows that the level of oil and grease in textile wastewater is above the standard
and needs to be reduced. It is not clear about the denim data as additional fats/oils are
added during the sizing of denim process so that the oil and grease of denim plant
effluent should be very high and must be higher than that of knit dyeing plants

There are basically three types of effluent treatment methods. They are,
1. The physico-chemical method.
2. The biological method.
3. The combine method.

Comfit Composite Knit Ltd.
Location: Comfit Composite knit Ltd. is located at Gorai Industrial Area Mirzapur,

Comfit composite knit LTD. has newly joined for textile service among the world. This is
fully export oriented knit composite Textile industry. This manufacturing industry deals
with so many known buyers like H&M, G-Tex, AMC, and Hense and so on. This
manufacturing industry is well organized with maintaining all the compliance and
environmental issue. They established a biological Effluent Treatment Plant with latest
technology. They treated 100 meter cube of effluent per hour. Their wet processing unit is
of 13 ton/day capacity. For the better quality they use a high liquor ratio than the
suggestion of dyeing machine manufacturer. So they have to treat more effluent than the
theoretical demand. Effluent character of Comfit Composite Knit Ltd. is discussed;

Mainly they use following chemicals for wet processing

1. Detergent (non-ionic).
2. Anti creasing agent.
3. Hydrogen per oxide.
4. Caustic soda.
5. Soda ash.
6. Common salt
7. Glaubers’ salt
8. CLR ( known as organic exhausting agent for dyes)
9. Per oxide killer.
10. Washing off agent.
11. Acetic Acid.
12. Softener.
13. Anti foaming agent
14. Optical brightener.
15. Hydrose

16. Strong alkaline soap (NSR).

Without these they use a lot of chemicals those vary due to order requirement.
They use only two types of dyes; reactive dyes & disperse dyes. Dyes and chemicals are
soluble in water or in colloidal state. Some of suspended solid like wastages are also flow
with raw effluent. They are mainly cotton fibers’ flocks or the yarn. The raw color of
effluent is brown/ blue / black. All the liquors are coming through same drain of wet
processing unit. So rinsed liquor, dye liquor, soaping liquor, scouring liquor, acid liquor
all are getting mixed from the very beginning. The temperature, pH, BOD & COD of raw
effluent liquor is given in the following table. In Bangladesh basically these four criteria
are controlled for textile effluent.

Basic characteristics of raw effluent


1. pH 8.2
2. Suspended solids mg/L 200-400
3. Biological Oxygen Demand(BOD) mg/L 180
4. Chemical Oxygen Demand(COD) mg/L 417

5. Color Brown to black
6. Odour Not distinct
7. Temperature 48

Picture of raw effluent



Nature recovers a lot of pollution from the very beginning of earth. As the energy transfer
from one stage to another by means of different action, bacteria are very much essential
living being of earth. It helps us a lot to prevent pollution. Actually when wastages can
not control by the environment then that wastages are termed as pollutants. In textile wet
processing basically organic compounds are used to control process. How ever inorganic
compounds are also essential. Mainly two methods are applicable to remove such organic
compounds one is by coagulation which is followed by flocculation and to sediment. And
another is degradation of organic compound by means of bacteria. Here mainly organic
compounds are used to be the food of bacteria nothing else. Here sludge are formed
which are sediment by means of gravity. Later the sludge are separated and deposited in
sludge tank. But bacteria can not control the pH value and can not reduce the chemical
oxygen demand (COD). For this manner some of acid addition is required. If acid is not
required to neutralize the effluent it must require for providing acidic medium for
bacterial action. In biological treatment COD is controlled by aeration by means of
blower. The biological method for effluent treating is discussed below according to the
ETP of Comfit Composite Knit Ltd. Limited.

Aeration tank sludge returning tank Equalization tank Screening

Neutralization tank Storage tank

Picture: cross section of screening to aeration tank.

Screen is the synonyms of filtration. Here action is nothing but the filtration or separation
of suspended solid from the liquor or raw effluent. Separately three screening chamber is
used to filter suspended solid. Drain from two different units has a net of iron having 1
sq. inches of each hole. It separates the different foreign materials like bulk of trees,
leaves, polyethylene bag etc. picture will describe better.

Picture: filtration of suspended solid by iron net
To treat 100 cubic meter per hour, here three screening chamber are used. Suspended
solid which can pass through the first filter are finally filtered here. The screen has
around 250-300 slits per sq inches. This screening system has automatic wiping action
with four wipers or brush. Cotton fibers, yarns with the liquor are deposited on the screen
and raw effluent passes through the slits. This is a simple filtering method. The screen is
curved around 90 degree angle (ie, quarter part of circle). Curved screen provide a strong
control of wiping by rotating wiper. Materials deposited here are calculated for a cubic
meter effluent load, which is, 276 mg. there is a tray just above the screen in which
suspended solids are deposited.

Suspended solid

Picture: deposition of suspended solid from the screen

Wiper is rotating at an interval of 9 minutes for 3 minutes at 1.5 rpm speed. Its rotation
speed duration of pause is regulated on the basis suspended solid’s load. The next picture
will provide a clear conception.
Tray deposited suspended solid Screen

Picture: Screening of raw effluent.
Raw effluent
After screening of raw effluent raw effluent is stored in storage tank.

Storage tank:
Raw effluent is stored after screening in the storage tank. There are two storage tanks.
Delivery of raw effluent from storage tank is carried out by means of submergible pump.
It has an automatic lifting plan to deliver raw effluent into the next section of ETP. This
automation is programmed according to the effluent load in the storage tank which
ensures an uniform flow of effluent for every section. The pump gets off automatically
after lifting a certain volume of effluent which is varied according to effluent load. In
each turn this lifting pump arrangement is allowed to discharge 50 cubic meter of stored
effluent. In between two storage tanks there is a bi-pass channel. Through which stored
effluent can pass from one store to another. Bi-pass is used when any of the lifting pumps
is off for maintenance.

Pictures: storage tank 1& 2

Picture: delivery from storage tank.

Equalization chamber:

Pictures: equalization tank

The term equalization means to make equity. Here equalization means to form an
identical effluent of different characteristics. The effluent comes from storage tank are
mixed homogeneously. The effluents from different stages like scouring, dyeing, soaping
etc. are mixed homogeneously here. That’s why it is also termed as Homogenizing
chamber. The treatment of equalization chamber is basically depending on character of
effluent. Here temperature of effluent is decreased. This chamber equalized with respect
to its characteristics, homogeneity, flow and a uniform pollution load as well as to make
bacteria acclimatized.

In this ETP two vertical agitator and flow jet are used homogenize to mix the effluent.
These two agitators are not using as they can not carry any advantage for the treatment.
Water jet is carrying out the mixing action continuously and it is placed at the bottom of
the chamber. If the mixing is not accomplished homogenously then it will hamper the
further treatments resulting inefficient treatment.

As the temperature of the effluent is higher than the atmospheric temperature it is

necessary to be reduced to meet the temperature demand of the bacterial action as well as
the environment.

The volume of effluent treated is 2000 cubic meter. Here no cooling mechanism is added
as this chamber possess 200 sq meter of open area which is directly in contact with air.
Again the effluent is treated here for 20 hours which is another reason for the effluent
being cooled. So the cooling action for the effluent is carried out naturally. It should be
noted that the movement of molecules provide reduction of their internal energy. Due to
the flow jet the effluent keeps on flowing which results the reduction of the thermal
energy thereby dropping temperature.

Neutralization Chamber:

Neutralization refers to preparing neutral. Here neutralization stands for neutralizing the
effluent solutions’ pH value. First of all we are discussing about pH. A term used to
express the intensity of the acid or alkalinity source. pH represents the effective
concentration (activity) of hydrogen ions (H+) in water. This concentration could be
expressed in the same kind of units as other dissolved species, but H+ concentrations are
much smaller than other species in most waters. The activity of hydrogen ions can be
expressed most conveniently in logarithmic units. pH is defined as the negative logarithm
of the activity of H+ ions:

pH = -log [H+]

Where [H+] is the concentration of H+ ions in moles per liter (a mole is a unit of
measurement, equal to 6.022 x 1023 atoms). Because H+ ions associate with water
molecules to form hydronium (H3O+) ions, pH is often expressed in terms of the
concentration of hydronium ions. In pure water at standard atmospheric temperature,
H3O+ and hydroxyl (OH-) ions exist in equal quantities; the concentration of each is 1.0 x
10-7 moles per liter (mol/L). Therefore, pH of pure water = -log (1.0 x 10 -7) = -(-7.00) =
7.00. Because pH is defined as –log [H+], pH decreases as [H+] increases (which will
happen if acid is added to the water). Since pH is a log scale based on 10, the pH changes
by 1 for every power of 10 changes in [H+]. A solution of pH 3 has an H+ concentration 10
times that of a solution of pH 4. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14. However, pH values
less than 0 and greater than 14 have been observed in very rare concentrated solutions.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) sets a secondary standard for pH
levels in drinking water: the water should be between pH 6.5 and 8.5. But the Department
Of Environment (BD) suggests the pH value in between 6- 9.

Very high (greater than 9.5) or very low (less than 4.5) pH values are unsuitable for most
aquatic organisms. Young fish and immature stages of aquatic insects are extremely
sensitive to pH levels below 5 and may die at these low pH values. High pH levels (9-14)
can harm fish by denaturing cellular membranes.

Changes in pH can also affect aquatic life indirectly by altering other aspects of water
chemistry. Low pH levels accelerate the release of metals from rocks or sediments in the
stream. These metals can affect a fish’s metabolism and the fish’s ability to take water in
through the gills, and can kill fish fry.

In cotton dyeing industry effluent is always alkaline then water in nature. So it is required
to reduce the pH value. For reducing, acid dozing is essential according to the pH and
effluent character.

Here in this ETP no acid dozing is required for neutralizing. As the effluent possesses a
standard value of pH ie, 8.2 where as the standard value of pH is 6-9 (Recommended by

DOE) for treated effluent. But there is a pipe line for acid dozing. If the pH value rises
than the limit 8.9 then automated acid dozing will be started. This automation is
controlled at panel board. In panel board there is an alarm to inform operator. However
from the beginning of ETP they did not need to apply acid for neutralization. This due to
their high liquor ratio at every stage of wet processing and washing water, rinsing water,
dyeing water etc. are directly discharged to ETP. It should be informed that they use a lot
of water for rinsing purpose. In neutralization tank effluent is kept for 6 minutes and
volume of effluent is 10 cubic meter.

Sludge return tank:

First of all we are discussing about sludge. The settable solids separated from the effluent
during sedimentation (clarification). This is simply the degraded part of polymers. The
sludge is very toxic in nature and needs to be dealt with very carefully. Under no
circumstances it should be mix with the environment again Sludge return tank is not
common among biological effluent treatment plans. How ever it brings profit for a knit
dyeing unit. We know that effluent discharging from knit dyeing unit possesses low
quantity of food for bacteria. For that manner here developer decided to recycle the
sludge. Here not only sludge is returned but also food for bacteria is also provided. And
Sulphuric acid is also given here. As for bacterial action pH around 6.5.

Picture: sludge return tank

Nutrients delivery
Sludge returning

Acid dozing

In sludge return tank sludge, nutrients and acids are given for the bacterial action. It is
about 60 cubic meters in volume. And effluent is treated here for 36 minutes. As nutrient
urea is provided, at 2.706 gm per cubic meter of effluent, TSP at 1.875 gm per cubic
meter of effluent and 98% pure sulphuric acid at 72 cc per cubic meter of effluent.

Picture: sludge return tank.

Effluent flows from neutralization tank to sludge return tank by means of two pumps.
This addition of sludge return is a beneficial step for environment. And quality of
treatment results best by means of bacteria. If the sludge does not return then a significant
amount of bacteria may die due to food, as a result bacteria can not get when it requires.
Sludge returning helps bacteria to run its life cycle. It should be noted that manufacturer
demanded that sludge is a poor food for bacteria then the polymeric compounds found in
effluent. As knit dyeing process possesses less BOD, that’s why sludge retuning is
essential. But bacterial treatment can not degrade dyes totally.
Aeration tank:
In aeration tank basically aeration is occurred by means atmospheric air. Air from
atmosphere is firstly filtered then blower sucks them and flows air to the aeration tank
through 860 diffusers. There are three blowers are used to perform their function. Every
blower is running for 16 hours in the set of two. And every blower pauses blowing for 8
hours every day. Usually two blowers are running all the time to blow 1500 cubic meter
of fresh air per hour. 860 diffusers are uniformly distributed around the 470 sq meter

air filter
Picture: blowers for aeration. Picture: aeration system to tank

Picture: Cross sectional view of aeration tank.

Diffusers are kept at bottom of the tank floor. Blower takes air from atmosphere and then
it passes though pipe to the diffusers. Then diffusers supply air as well as oxygen to the
effluent. These blowers possesses the 25% cost of the plan. Blowers are highly stronger
than the normal. These blowers are micro chipped program with the reader JUMO
GMBH (it is a dissolve oxygen reader). When the dissolved oxygen comes up to 7.6
mg/L then the inverter of blowers’ motor worked to reduce rpm of blower.
These are the description of plan for aeration tank. Now the question how does the
function of air? This aeration does nothing but increase the quantity of dissolve oxygen.
4700cubic meter effluent is treated here for 47 hours, it’s a huge time. During this time
oxidative chemicals are liked to fill up their oxygen demand from the water. That’s why
increasing amount of dissolved oxygen is required to meet the demand. Without this the
aquatic life in this tank ie, bacteria demands oxygen which is also filled up by this
dissolved oxygen.

These are all about air, at aeration tank. During aeration bacteria is also involved to
degrade effluents. Next chemical reactions will describe better.

The bacterial action:

COHNS + O2 + Bacteria + TSP & UREA CO2 + NH3 + Energy

+ Other end Products

TSP and Urea is used as food for the microorganism

COHNS + O2 + Bacteria C5H7NO2 (new bacteria)

C5H7NO2 + 5O2 CO2 + NH3 + 2H2O

Apart from the above basics reaction there are some other reactions that take place in the
aeration tanks. During aeration the oxygen reacts with C, S and N which is shown below.
C + O2 CO2
S + O2 SO2
N + O2 NO2

Picture: the aeration tank

Picture: the delivery from aeration tank

Oil separation is an important part of an effluent treatment plan. Every where this kind of
simple technique is used. In picture the oil separation technique is described. We know
that the oil is lighter than water due to density. Here effluent passes through these two
pipes. These are pipes having too many holes. Holes are started from the bottom to 8
meter of this tanks’ height. But the height is 10 meter. This results the effluent to pass just
below from the liquid surface. So lighter oil cant passes but the liquid water with sludge
can pass through the holes. As a result oil is floating at the surface. When a significant
amount of oils are layered then manually these are removed from the tank to the sludge

Aeration tank of this plan play the chief role for treating effluent. Here polymers are
degraded, but only biodegradable polymeric chemical compounds can be degraded.
Manufacturer of this plan may appreciate for this simple technique but for environment
dyers must need to use selective chemicals. But it is appreciated for knit dyeing industries
as the knit dyeing process possesses almost eco friendly chemicals. But for printing like
industries, effluent characters can not support this type of effluent treatment plan.

Lamella clarifier:

out let of treated effluent Picture: Lamella clarification inlet of

(Red line shows the effluent entrance direction & the green shows the treated effluents’
exit direction)

This is a special kind of clarification system of sludge from treated effluent. Mainly
sludge is denser than the water, which results its sedimentation at the bottom of the
chamber. There are eight units for clarification they are separated from each other by thin
tin sheets. It has eight clarification chambers. Treated effluent comes out through over
flow and the sludge sediment at the bottom of lamella clarification system. From aeration
tank effluent with sludge comes through pipe which is joined with the lamella
clarification chambers.

Cross sectional view of Lamella clarification system

Effluent with sludge

Effluent without sludge

Wiper Outlet of sludge Outlet Drain

Wiping ground Lamella Tin walls
Filtration tank’s ground

Shaft and motor arrangement for wiping

The cross sectional view of the lamella clarification system is representing two chambers
only and the rest follows the same principle. Here the figure shows that after the input of
effluent from the aeration tank it passed to the chambers through inlet pipes due to
gravity. The ground of the chambers is sloped down to ease the sludge through the sludge
holes. The flow rate through the sludge hole is much lesser than the inlet flow due to the

• The hole is much narrow than the width of filtration tank.

• The layers of deposited sludge at the hole.
• Very short area between the sludge outlet and the wiping ground.
• Wiper is rotating at very low rpm (1 revolution/12 minute).
• Sludge return time from the Lamella sheets is very short.

These reasons cause an effective upward flow of the effluent. The lamella sheets are
parallel to each other and inclined with the wall at an angle of 45 degree. This
arrangement of lamella clarification provides sludge down ward action to the ground of
tank which results passing of effluent without sludge. Thus sludge sedimentation is
occurred by the lamella clarification system.

Effluent without sludge is over flowed above the tank due to the hydraulic pressure
involving in the tank. According to Department of environment Bangladesh this effluent
without sludge is dischargeable to environment. But internationally some standard
demands colorless effluent. For this manner manufacturer of this plant suggest an
ozonization treatment for discoloration. So we may not mention this effluent as treated
effluent. Over flowed effluent without sludge is then passed to ozonization chamber.

Sludge wiping technology is very simple here. Wiper is rotating at .0833 rpm that is 1
revolution per 12 minute. Sludge deposited on eight different place on the wiping ground.
In the circular wiping ground there is a blank space for to fall down sludge which are
wiped up. And from there marshy sludge is pumped in to the temporary sludge tank. The
following picture will describe better

Sludge tank:
Treated effluent directly goes to the ozonization chamber and the sludge goes to sludge
return tank through pump and pipe arrangement. Here sludge is recycled. If the sludge
concentration rises at 70% then the sludge is deposited at sludge tank. The concentration
of sludge is measured regularly from the liquid of aeration tank delivery. The flow of
sludge is marked at next picture

deposite Sludge tank
here before

Lamella chambers
Picture: Marooned line shows the path of sludge returning to a temporary sludge
tank from where sludge is delivering to sludge returning tank or to sludge tank. The
passage for sludge is under grounded. Magenta arrow shows the pipe to sludge
retuning tank. Green arrow shows the under grounded drain to the ozonization

Sludge concentration measurement is too simple. In sludge measuring cone effluent from
the aeration tank delivery is taken and then it is kept on a table for 15 min. if the sludge
sedimentations rises up to 70 then its concentration is 70%. The sludge concentration of
this plant is recorded 45% as its highest concentration. When the concentration of sludge
rises to 70% then sludge is allowed to sediment at sludge tank. In sludge tank there is a
sand filtration system in which 2 feet of sand layer is kept and above that sand sludge is

deposited. At the ground of tank there is a pipe arrangement with filtration which allows
effluent without sludge passing to the ozonization tank. This is all about sludge tank.

It is a new technique for discoloration. Ozone gas is prepared at first then it is passes
through the effluent without sludge. Due to business secrecy manufacturers are not like to
describe its machine principle. Here we can learn one thing that is ozone is used to
discolor effluent.
The chemistry of this principle is very simple. We know that pie bond is responsible for
hue in dyes. By means of ozone gas this pie bond is broken down.

R-C=C-R + O3 R- C C


Picture: the ozone chamber and the discharged effluent

After ozonization the effluent is totally color less which is mentioned as treated effluent.
After this treated effluent is directly discharged to the river Hatu bhanga through a

Results of Ef flue nt T reatme nt (biological)

Bangladesh Quality Standard at

SL Effluent Quality Concentration Concentration Discharge
NO. parameters present in raw present in Public
effluent treated effluent Inland Swear at Irrigated
surface secondary land
water treatment
mg/L mg/L mg/L
mg/L mg/L

1 pH 8.2 6.5 6-9 6-9 N/A

Biological Oxygen
2 Demand (BOD) 180 16 50 250 100

3 Chemical Oxygen
Demand (COD) 417 42 200 400 400
4 Time 67 hours 12 min

Chemical cost per day = 6650 tk
Power cost per day= 78 tk
Man power cost per day= 1000 tk.
Total = 7728 tk per day.
They processed 1800 cubic meter per day so cost per cubic meter= 3.22 tk

Advantages of biological method:

1. It possesses a low maintenance cost.
2. It can process colorless water.
3. It is highly modernized with the latest technology.
4. Its mechanism is simple enough.
5. Theoretically it is simple as well as practically.
6. It is best for the effluent treatment plan for any kinds of textile industries.
Disadvantages of biological method:
1. It has a very high fixed cost around 50000000 tk rather than the physico chemical
2. Treatment through this method possesses a huge area around 30 kathas.
3. Non-biodegradable chemicals can not treat here.
4. Its maintenance needs skilled professionals.
5. Dyer needs to select chemicals with respect to its effluent treatment.
6. It possesses relatively high treatment duration around 67 hours 12 mins.

ACS TEXTILES (Bangladesh) Ltd.

Location: ACS TEXTILES (Bangladesh) LTD. Is located at Tetlabo, Rupganj,

ACS TEXTILES (Bangladesh) LTD. has newly joined for textile service among the
world. This is fully export oriented woven composite Textile industry on 50 bigha of
land. This manufacturing industry deals with so many known buyers like Ham-Tex,
Springs, Tesco, Nortic form, ladud and so on. This manufacturing industry is well
organized with maintaining all the compliance and environmental issue. They established
a physico-chemical Effluent treatment plan with latest technology. They treated 75 cubic
meter of effluent per hour. Their dyeing unit is of 2 million yard per month and the
printing section involved .8 million yard per month.

Mainly they use following chemicals for wet processing

17. Detergent (non-ionic).

18. Anti creasing agent.
19. Hydrogen per oxide.
20. Caustic soda.
21. Soda ash.
22. Common salt
23. Glaubers’ salt
24. Washing off agent.
25. Acetic Acid.
26. Softener.
27. Anti foaming agent
28. Optical brightener.
29. Strong alkaline soap (NSR).
30. Synthetic thickener
31. Binders.

Without these they use a lot of chemicals those vary due to order requirement.
They use pigments and two types of dyes; reactive dyes & disperse dyes. Dyes and
chemicals are soluble in water or in colloidal state. Some of suspended solid like
wastages are also flow with raw effluent. They are mainly cotton fibers’ flocks or the
yarn. The raw color of effluent is brown/ blue / black. All the liquors are coming through
same drain of wet processing unit. So washing liquor, dye liquor, soaping liquor, scouring
liquor, acid liquor all are getting mixture from the very beginning. The temperature, pH,
BOD & COD of raw effluent liquor is given in the following table. In Bangladesh
basically these four criteria are controlled for textile effluent.

Basic characteristics of raw effluent



1. pH 11.8
2. Suspended solids mg/L 378.8
3. Biological Oxygen Demand(BOD) mg/L 416
4. Chemical Oxygen Demand(COD) mg/L 850

5. Color Brown to black
6. Odour Not distinct
7. Temperature 65

Picture of raw effluent


Blower room and
Collection tank
control room.
Primary 37
Reaction tankPE
FeSO 4 & CaO
Picture: Top view of a Physico chemical process.

According to ACS Textiles the physicochemical method is illustrated below:


The effluent from the dyeing and finishing is first drained into the screening chamber.
This chamber performs few physical filtrations. There is a series of netted filters
positioned serially. For removing solid particles including suspended solids, yarn, fibers
flocks, thickeners, etc, this process is important. After passing through these filters the
effluent is free from solid bodies.

This chamber has a capability to keep the flowing effluent for two minutes as it has a
volume of 2 cubic meters. The very first netted filter is made of M.S.Bar rod which is
then followed by the second filter made of the same material having a hole of 4 square
centimeter and the last but not the list is a filter made of stainless still having five holes
per square centimeter.

Picture: the screening chamber

Picture Cross section of three filters

Picture: X-section of three filters from side and below shows X-section from front

Oil separation:
Oil separation is a major tusk for effluent treatment. In maximum effluent treatment
planning oil separation technique is almost same. We know oil is lighter than the water.
Here 25.6 cubic meter of raw effluent without suspended solid is flowed for 20.5 minute.

It is almost a huge time to layer up oil on surface of effluent around area 16 sq meters.
Effluent passes to collection tank under the 1 feet of liquid surface. As a result only liquid
water and its colloidal solution can pass to collection tank but not the oil. Special feature
of this oil separation chamber is its time of staying in this chamber, which is allowed oil
to float on the surface of water even though they were dispersed in the solution.

Picture: Oil separator

Collection tank:
Here collection tank is nothing but the proper mixing of effluents of different types. It’s a
cylindrical tank of 20 m diameter and 2.5 meter surface water depth. So the volume
effluent carrying is 800.75 cubic meter. Effluent is treated here for 10 hour 40 minutes.
Here effluent without suspended solid and oil is mixed with air by means blower. Air is
filtered first and then blows air at 1260 m3 per hour. 585 diffusers are used to supply air

to the effluent for treatment. Here dissolved oxygen of water is increased by the air. The
dissolved oxygen’s quantity is increasing to meet the Chemical oxygen demand by the
effluent. 3 blowers are used to blow air for 16 hours continuously. And each blower is
keeping working off for 8 hours. So 2 blowers of 50 kw/ hr are blowing air to the
collection tank. After mixing properly effluent is allowed to pump to reaction tank.

Reaction tank:
Effluent from the collection tank is directly passes to reaction tank for treating with
chemicals used in physico-chemical process. In reaction tank the main chemistry of
physico-chemical method for effluent treating is involved. It bears maximum
maintenance cost for the treatment. This is a highlighted demerit for this method. The
chemistry is described below.

Picture: reaction tank (left) & X-section of reaction tank

This reaction technique can be discussed within two steps one is coagulation and the
other is flocculation.

In chemical mixing tanks 1.66 ppm of ferrous sulphate solution, 0.5 ppm of lime solution
and 0.0016 ppm (1.6 µgm / L) of poly electrolyte solutions are prepared to react with
effluent solution. These solutions are flowed to effluent continuously.
We saw the oxygen demand for the chemicals are reduced at collection tank. By this
reaction tank the biological oxygen demand is solved. Not only the BOD but also the
discoloration is also performed. We know dyes are responsible for color. Here in woven
wet processing sizes, enzymes, thickeners and other organic materials are responsible for

oxygen demand in hydrosphere. If these can not remove from discharge then the aquatic
lives of hydrosphere do not have their oxygen to live. Now the question how physico
chemical method of effluent treatment reduce the BOD?

Principle is so simple coagulation and flocculation then to sediment. CaO leads to form
Ca (OH) 2 at first. It is then followed to react with FeSO4 to form Fe (OH) 3. Here this Fe
(OH) 3 is working as coagulants. The function of coagulant is to adsorb polymers to form
an insoluble salt. As a result all the dyes pigments, chemicals are going to be coagulated.
After coagulation these insoluble salts are liked to be precipitated on the ground at a slow
rate. To accelerate their precipitation polyelectrolyte is employed here. Polyelectrolyte
does nothing but the flock formation of coagulants.
The basic idea of adding coagulant is to bring together all the suspended and dye particles
so that they can be precipitated out in the reaction
The chemical reaction that occurs in the coagulation and flocculation process is shown

CaO + H2O Ca (OH) 2

The above reaction take place in lime dosing tank when lime reacts with water and we get
calcium hydroxide solution. This solution reacts with the ferrous sulphate solution, which
as follows
Ca (OH) 2 + FeSO4 CaSO4 + Fe (OH) 3

+ FeSO4 (Un-reacted) + Fe (OH) 2

Adequate quantity of polyelectrolyte polymer solution is dosed in the flocculation tank to

enhance the process of color removal by the flocculation process. A substantial amount
BOD and COD etc. are removed in the coagulation and flocculation process.

Flocculation is an essential stage in solid liquid separation process. Particles are too small
to be separated by sedimentation filtration or floatation can be caused to aggregate. These
aggregates can be easily removed by flocculation. The final structure of the flock is
usually a loose, three dimensional network, resulting form the bridging of macro
molecular flocculants between particles. Recently polyelectrolyte is widely used to
flocculate in industrial use. Polymeric coagulants or polyelectrolyte are high molecular
weight organic chains with functional groups at intervals of chain. Since the ionic group
may be charged positively or negatively, the polyelectrolyte molecule may carry an
overall positive or negative charge. Therefore they are classified as
• Cationic
• Anionic
• Nonionic.
There is some specific affinity of polymer segments for the particles surface, so that
adsorption and coagulation can occur. Some interactions are:
• Hydrophobic bond: responsible for the adsorption of non-polar segments on to
hydrophobic surface.

• Hydrogen bond: polymeric molecules have suitable H-bond sites.
• Dipole crystal field effects: polar segments of the polymer chain may interact
with the electrostatic field at a crystal surface.
Some formulas of polyelectrolyte are given bellow:

Cationic Amines N R (----CH2----CH2------NH2-------)----- Polyethylenimine
+ X Hydrochloride


Quaternary N R (----CH2----CH------)----- Poly ( nmethyl1-4-vinyl

+ X pyridinum chloride)

N+ Cl


Nonionic Polyamide C NH3 (----CH2----CH------)----- Polyacrilamide




Polyalcohol OH (----CH2----CH------)----- Polyvinyl Alcohol




Anionic Carboxylate C O (----CH2----C------)----- Poly(meth)acrylic acid



Sulphonic S O (----CH2----CH------)----- Polyvinylsulphonate



Primary clarifier:
Primary clarifier is used to sediment sludge and discharge clear water without color. As
we discussed above that coagulation and flocculation removed all polis used to sediment
sludge and discharge clear water without color. As we discussed above that coagulation
and flocculation removed the toxic elements from here the crystal clear water is formed
but it is alkaline. Here 2 chambers are used as primary clarifier. Each chamber is allowed
to keep 105.625 cubic meter of effluent. And effluent’s treatment duration is about 2 hour
49 minutes.

Picture: X-section of primary clarifier and the surface primary clarifier.

This chambers bottom is sloped down around 45 degree to sediment sludge easily.
Effluents from reaction tanks are directly pass to this tank. Here sludge sediment at
bottom and the clear effluent pass out by means of over flow. Later a significant amount
of sludge is pumped out to the sludge tank. Here the delivery effluent is alkaline and a
fewer hot than the atmospheric temperature. The over flowed effluent is directly pass to
the aeration chamber.

Aeration chamber and secondary clarifier:

Picture: aeration chamber and secondary clarifier and their X-section

In aeration chamber acid is given to neutralize the solution with stirring. Though
manufacturer suggests using a scrapper but the authority does not as they don’t need to
use it. Without stirring relatively a few hot effluents is become cool naturally. Aeration
tank has an open area around 490.625 sq. meter and its volume for effluent capacity is
2060.625 cubic meter. Effluent is treated here for 23 hour which is a huge time. So
temperature is naturally fall down easily.
The inlet pH of the effluent is 11.8. to neutralize its alkalinity around 7 liters of 33%
concentrated hydrochloric acid per cubic meter is used. After neutralization its pH comes
down to 7.16.
If any sludge remains in the effluent they are allowed to sediment again in the secondary
clarifier. From aeration tank neutralized effluent is entered to the secondary clarifier. 212
cubic meters this is kept here for 2 hour 52 minutes. Its time is sufficient enough to
sediment sludge. The ground of secondary sludge is sloped down around 15 degree. Here
treated effluent is also passing by means of over flowing. From here treated effluent is
directly discharged to the cannel. Sludge from here is also passes to sludge tank by means
of pumping arrangement.

Sludge tank:
In sludge tank there is a sand filtration system in which 2 feet of sand layer is kept and
above that sand sludge is deposited. At the ground of tank there is a pipe arrangement
with filtration which allows effluent without sludge passing to the collection tank. This is
again treated.

Results of E f fluent T re atment ( ph ysico-
chemi cal)

Bangladesh Quality Standard at
SL Effluent Quality Concentration Concentration Discharge
NO. parameters present in raw present in Public
effluent treated effluent Inland Swear at Irrigated
surface secondary land
water treatment
mg/L mg/L mg/L
mg/L mg/L

1 pH 11.8 7.16 6-9 6-9 N/A

Biological Oxygen
2 Demand (BOD) 450 45 50 250 100

3 Chemical Oxygen
Demand (COD) 750 180 200 400 400
4 Time 50 hours


Chemical cost per day = 21,600 tk

Power cost per day= 156 tk
Man power cost per day= 1500 tk.
Total = 23256 tk per day.
They processed 1800 cubic meter per day so cost per cubic meter= 12.92 tk

Advantages of physico-chemical method:

1. This process posses a very low fixed cost which is around 80,00,000 tk.
2. Discharge effluent is colorless.

3. Effluent is 100% pollutant free.
4. Non-biodegradable chemicals can treat here.
5. Its maintenance does not demand highly skill professionals.
6. It is applicable from all kinds of textile industries.
7. It is very simple in technology.
8. Dyer does not need to select chemicals with respect to its effluent treatment.
9. It occupies minimal spaces around 15 kathas.
10. It possesses less treatment duration rather than biological treatment method
which is around 50hours.
Disadvantages of physico-chemical method:
1. Treatment cost is very high around 12.92 tk per cubic meter. Cost will be
equivalent with its fixed cost within 396 days (14 months) from its
installation. Economically it brings loss.
2. This method is not that much modernized.
3. It is chemical based for this reason treatment efficiency is highly depended on
its chemicals strength.

Comparisons in between raw effluent character of knit

& woven wet processing unit
Knit wet processing Woven wet
unit processing unit
1. pH 8.2 11.8
2. Suspended solids mg/L 276.8 378.8
3. Biological Oxygen mg/L 180 450
4. Chemical Oxygen mg/L 417 750
5. Color Brown to black Brown to black
6. Odour Not distinct Not distinct
7. Temperature 48 65

Here the raw effluent characteristics in between two wet processes pH, BOD, COD and
temperature is differing a significant quantity.
Let us discuss about this differences.

A term used to express the intensity of the acid or alkalinity source. pH represents the
effective concentration (activity) of hydrogen ions (H+) in water. This concentration could
be expressed in the same kind of units as other dissolved species, but H+ concentrations
are much smaller than other species in most waters. The activity of hydrogen ions can be
expressed most conveniently in logarithmic units. pH is defined as the negative logarithm
of the activity of H+ ions:

pH = -log [H+]

So according to pH definition it is totally depending on the liquor. As knit wet processing

involves relatively high liquor ratio due to the exhaust dyeing method, it must possesses
low pH rather than the woven wet processing.

BOD from woven wet process is much higher than the knit wet process. Because the
woven grey fabric is need to desize and the sizes are strongly responsible for biological
oxygen demand by the bacteria in hydrosphere. However knit wet process possesses a
significant value of BOD due to the biodegradable chemicals.

COD is the chemical oxygen demands by the chemicals present in effluent. In woven wet
process it is also higher in value than the knit wet process. Same philosophy of liquor is
applicable for the difference between COD value of this two wet process. Chemical
concentration in woven wet process is much higher than the knit wet process as woven
wet process involves padding method and the knit possesses the exhaust method of
pretreatment and dyeing. Basically in textile wet process unused per oxides, alcohols
forms during various treatment and reducing agents like per oxide killer are responsible
for COD.

Temperature of two different wet process units are differing here because in woven wet
process a few rinse water is discharged to ETP maximum are like to drain directly. But in
knit wet process that we visited for project is like to mix all kinds of rinse water with the
dye drop liquor and souring drop liquor. This temperature faults are not the processing
faults this is individual treatment plant’s technical fault.

Cost comparison:

Physico-chemical method possesses a high maintenance cost of chemicals, which is
too high and not economically viable. This method can not inspire investor to run this
plan. If it is possible then in future we must work for recycle of this water to wet
processing unit. This solution may inspire this method from the economical point of view
for a long run.

Space comparison:
Space in between two methods biological treatment method possesses higher space
consumption than the physico-chemical method. How ever space consumption is
depending on the plant designer it can vary from person to person.

Minimization of wastewater in Textile Processes

Attempt has been made in the following sections to describe measures, techniques
practices to minimize the pollution and volume of textile effluent. Both pollution and
volume of textile effluent is directly related to the cost of operation of the effluent
treatment plant. So minimization of effluent flow results best.

Reducing pollution
Compounds that contribute to the aquatic toxicity of textile effluent include salt, metals,
surfactants, toxic organic chemicals, biocides and toxic anions. Some methods of
reducing the use of these compounds are to:
• Reduce metal content through careful pre-screening of chemicals and dyes for
metal content and using alternatives where possible.
• Eliminate galvanized plumbing as reactions with brass fittings can take place in
the presence of acids, alkalis or salt and lead to the release of zinc.
• Reduce the amount of salt in the effluent by optimizing recipes, using low-salt
dyes, reusing dye baths and optimizing dyeing temperatures.
• Use biodegradable surfactants such as linear alcohol ethoxylates.
• Replace chlorinated solvents with unchlorinated alternatives.
• Replace the use of biocides with ultraviolet light as a disinfectant for cooling

Sizing: As far as environmental pollution is concerned synthetic sizes are better than
starch-based sizes. The advantages of this are a reduced pollution load as synthetic sizes
have lower BOD levels, and they can be recycled for reuse. Ensure that only the
minimum required size is added onto the yarn. This reduces chemical consumption as
well as the pollution load to drain during desizing. Here in ACS textile can use pick up%
70 for sizing with minimum wastage. We are also suggesting woven textile industries to
use a synthetic size which is recycled again.

Pretraetment: Preparation includes desizing, scouring, bleaching and mercerizing.

Desizing accounts for more than 50% of the pollution load of preparation while scouring
contributes between 10% and 25%. Good preparation is essential for subsequent
processing, as any impurities remaining on the fabric will interfere with the dyeing and
finishing processes. Some waste minimization options for the preparation department are
listed below.

• Desizing: The effluent from desizing will contain the sizes. Using and recycling
synthetic sizes in place of starch sizes will reduce the pollution load from

• Scouring: Incoming raw material should be screened for toxic chemicals, as these
will be removed during the scouring process. Detergents must be easily
biodegradable. And must avoid the following detergents:
linear alkylbenzenesulphonate; nonylphenoletoxylate; dialkyldimthyl ammonium
chloride; distearyl dimthyl amonium chloride; di dimithyl ammonium chloride;
sulphosuccinates; alkylphenolethoxylates; complexing agents with poor

biodegradability (e.g. EDTA; phosphonic acid; NTA; phosphonates). Reuse scour
washwater for desizing. Recycle continuous scour washwater to batch scouring.

• Bleaching: Replace the use of chlorites and hypochlorites with hydrogen

peroxide. Ensure that bleaching is carried out efficiently. Recycle bleach wash
water for scouring. It must be noted that recycling the liquor of scoring-bleaching
may possible.

• Mercerizing: Recycling of sodium hydroxide through evaporation for reuse in

mercerizing or scouring will decrease the pollution load and chemical
consumption. However evaporation is expensive it can be stored to reuse with
sufficient amount caustic and water again.

• General: Use modern equipment. Replace batch processes with continuous

processes. Install counter-current washing. Combine processes such as desizing,
bleaching and scouring. Replace harmful chemicals with those of lower
environmental impact. Reuse wash-water for cleaning equipment and screens.

Batch Processing: There are a number of waste minimization options for batch
processing. These include: Cascading multiple rinsing operations. Reusing of softening
baths with reconstitution. Reusing preparation baths (scouring and bleaching) with
reconstitution after filtration to remove impurities. Segregating colored effluent streams
from clean streams (preparation and rinsing) to ensure that only concentrated effluent is
treated. This clean effluent may be used elsewhere in the factory or can discharge. Some
suggests two separate outlets drains e.g. (I) more contaminated water drain and (ii) less
contaminated water drain. The less contaminated waters are allowed to bypass many
stages before mixing together again at certain point effluent treatment process.


Batch dyeing: Careful selection of dyes is important. Dyes should have high
fixation/exhaustion, low toxicity, absence of metals, and be appropriate for the end use.
Correct and efficient application procedures must be used and right-first-time production
should be achieved. The main areas for waste minimization in batch dyeing include:
• Using low liquor ratios.
• Using automated dye and chemical dosing systems. Reusing dye baths, rinse
water and softening baths.
• Optimizing pH and salt for each recipe.
• Avoiding the use of auxiliaries that reduce or retard exhaustion.
• Using bi-reactive dyes.
• Using the newer low-salt reactive dyes.
• Avoiding the addition of more chemicals to offset the effects of other chemicals.
• Replacing the acetic acid in neutralizing after dyeing with formic acid or dilute
hydrochloric acid (acetic acid adds to the COD of effluent).

Continuous dyeing: The main waste minimization strategies in continuous dyeing are to:
• Maximize dye fixation.
• Minimize wash - off.
• Minimize the number of times a dye bath has to be dropped and cleaned due to a
color change by careful scheduling.
• Use automated color kitchens to minimize the working losses and discards.
• Improve washing efficiency through the installation of flow restrictors to control
water volumes. Use counter current washing procedures.
• Optimize dosing of chemicals through monitoring of relevant parameters such as
pH, absorbance, turbidity etc.

Waste minimization options for dyeing: Operate at lowest possible bath ratio. This
leads to a reduction in operating costs, water consumption, chemical use, energy use and
less effluent discharge. Table 3 shows the liquor ratios of various dyeing processes.
Minimize stripping and / or re-dyeing procedures. Avoid the use of detergents to wash
fabric after reactive dyeing; high temperatures are just as effective.

Table -3: Liquor ratios for various dyeing processes process liters/kg

Dyeing process Liquor Ratio

Dyeing in winches 1: 20-30
Jet dyeing 1: 7- 10
Package Dyeing 1: 5 – 8
Pad Batch 1: 5

• Machine: Now a day’s so many low liquor dyeing machines are available. These
can dye fabric even at 1:1 THENCE JET FLOW DYEING machine is an example
(from HK). Recently THIES is widely use for exhaust dyeing it consumes M:L is
around 1:5

• Minimize auxiliary use. Some auxiliaries interfere with dye fixation and should
be replaced with alternatives or removed, as this will reduce the color load of the
effluent. Multi-functional biodegradable auxiliaries must choice during recipe.
Some auxiliaries are added to compensate for inefficiencies in the process,
equipment, or substrate design. Therefore, optimizing these factors will reduce
auxiliary use. Recently an organic salt so called CLR is useful to consume half
amount of Glaubers’ salt or sodium chloride.

• Right-first-time dyeing. Corrective measures are chemically intensive and have

much less chance of achieving the required quality. The greatest costs in
reprocessing are associated with the cost of dyes and chemicals - typically, the

costs can increase by as much as 30%. Right-first-time dyeing leads to an increase
in productivity and more efficient use of resources (e.g. labor, capital). In dyeing
polyester, avoid the use of carriers by upgrading dye machinery or replace with
less harmful alternatives.

Good fabric preparation increases the chance of right-first-time dyeing as fixation is

improved. Improved dye fixation. Dye fixation onto cotton can be improved by
mercerizing the yarn or fabric prior to dyeing. Pad-batch dyeing is a cold dyeing method
used mostly on cellulosics that results in a reduction in pollution, energy use, and costs.
The advantages include: no salt or chemical specialties are required, more efficient use of
dye, improved quality of dyeing, can be used on woven or knits, and low capital
investment results in savings in dyes, chemicals, labor and water. Reuse dye baths,
especially those using dyes with high exhaustion such as acid or basic dyes. There are 4
main steps to follow:
• Save the exhausted dye bath - this can be done by pumping it to a holding tank (or
identical machine doing the same processes) and returning it to the machine for
use in the next dyeing procedure.

• Analyze the dye bath for residual chemicals - most auxiliaries do not exhaust in
the dyeing process. There is approximately a 10% loss due to adsorption onto the
fabric. Others however, are used or lost during the process and must be replaced.
Unexhausted dyestuffs need to be analyzed to determine the concentration
remaining in the dye bath to ensure correct shading in further dyeing. Dye bath
analysis can be performed using a spectrophotometer and specific guidelines for
such a procedure.

• Reconstitute the dye bath - water is added to replace that which is lost to
evaporation or to the product. Auxiliaries are added in proportion to the water
volume (these can be estimated) and finally the dyestuff is added for the required

• Reuse the dye bath - check the temperatures to ensure that the reused dye bath is
the right temperature to minimize spotting and unleveled dyeing. If properly
controlled, dye baths can be used for up to 15 or more cycles. Use dyes that
undergo minimal changes during dyeing (acid, basic, direct and disperse) and
reuse dye baths to repeat the same shades. Dye bath reuse is limited by impurity
build-up from, for example, the fabric, salt build-up, steam contamination and
surfactants. In addition, specialty chemicals may be lost during the dyeing process
and these should be screened for their reuse potential. Close scheduling is also
required which may limit the flexibility required for bath dyeing.

Water reuse. This can be achieved by dyeing multiple lots in the same dye bath by
means of acid dye basically nylon dyeing may proceed in this method. Recently in DEPZ
YOUNGONE SPORTS WEAR LTD. is following this method. This is generally possible
for those products where high quality dyeing is not essential (e.g. work gloves, hosiery).
Install improved machinery that has better controls.

Printing: Pollutants associated with printing include suspended solids, solvents, foam,
color and metals, and in general, large volumes of water are consumed during the
washing-off stages. The main areas of waste minimization in printing include raw
material conservation, product substitution, process and equipment modifications,
material handling, and scheduling and waste recovery. Other options include:
• Waste minimization in the design stages can eliminate the need for dyes
containing metals.
• Careful selection of surfactants.
• Reducing air emissions by replacing solvents with water-based alternatives.
• Routine and careful maintenance of printing equipment.
• Training employees in the practices of good housekeeping.
• Reusing water from washing the print blanket.
• Reusing left over print paste if possible.
• Removing excess paste from drums, screens and pipes by dry techniques (wiping
with a squeegee etc.) before washing with water. This reduces the color load
discharged to drain.
• Careful scheduling to prevent expiration of print pastes before use.
• Investigating alternatives to urea as this increases the nitrogen in the effluent
Ethylene glycol may use here.

Finishing: There are a number of finishing processes that are carried out on the fabric
after dyeing and/or printing. These can be achieved by chemical or mechanical methods.
Some waste minimization options are listed as follows: Design fabrics such that the need
for chemical finishes is minimized. Use mechanical alternatives to chemical finishes. Use
low add-on methods. Minimize volatile chemical use. Install automated chemical
dispensing systems. Train employees in good housekeeping practices. Use formaldehyde-
free cross-linking agents. Investigate the use of spray application of finishes as these have
a low add-on and require no residual dumping at the end of a run.

At present wet processing industry in Bangladesh are under pressure to
install ETP. For financial and space constraints, it is difficult to meet the
deadline of installation. From our findings, we like to state that it may not be
necessary to use all methods to meet the permissible limit of the parameters
set by the Department of Environment. One suitable method may be good
enough to fulfill the requirements.


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