Brand Personality

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Developing a multi-brand strategy Clearly understand the target audience for each brand Be knowledgeable about the competitive

ve landscape When products are in development, demand a clear understanding of who they are serving, what the products are about and how they relate to the other brands Leverage our reputation while enticing customers with a new product There are 3 basic strategies for managing multiple brands Single brand entity: separate brand for each product Umbrella: all products are under the same brand Multi-brand categories: different brands for different product categories The brand architecture is how an organization structures and names the brands within the portfolio Monolithic: where the corporate name is used on all products/services Endorsed: all sub brands are linked to the corporate brand by either verbal or visual endorsement Freestanding: where the corporate brand operates as a holding company and each product/service is individually branded by its target market Brand essence: the brand promise expressed in its simplest terms. The most powerful brand essences are rooted in a fundamental customer need. (Volvo=safety)

Strategic Brand Analysis

1. 2. Using qualitative and quanititive research, we have examined Jensen itself, our customers and the competition Develop a brand identity 1. Using analysis from step 1, this process includes 5 unique elements that are critical to ensure the clear, consistent and continuous marketing and communication of the brand Develop the brand strategy platform 1. This consists of the brands value proposition to drive sales 2. And the positioning statement that defines differentiation Brand implementation 1. This requires the coordination of all points of contact between the market and the brand 2. These include the usual communication tools and the people involved in the brand Brand tracking 1. Elements that contribute to a brands strength include perception of quality, brand awareness, associations and differentiators




Brand Personality

Is an expression of the core values & characteristics of a brand with emphasis on human personality traits Process of transforming a brand into a person or humanizing a brand Acts as a brand differentiator & offers sustainable competitive advantage Brands having charisma extends well beyond their brands functional benefits The brand personality is the voice behind the brands: Values Functional attributes Competitive positioning Creating the brand personality Define the target audience Find out what they need, want & like Build a consumer personality profile Create the product personality to match the profile The 5 factors of the brand personality framework are: Sincerity Excitement Competence Sophistication ruggedness

Brand Personality Scale

Down to earth Cheerful Honest Wholesome

daring up-to-date spirited imaginative

successful intelligent reliable

charming upper class

tough out doorsy

Identity brand personality Market/ Consumers Roots of personality

visual communication

effect (mkt share, profit, etc)


expression of personality

Brand personality gives life to a brand, to manage the identity and image and create likeability


Nothing else beats it


Strong relationship/ high share of category expenditure

Does it offer something Better than others like it

Can it deliver


Does it offer me something


Do I know about it?


Weak relationship/low share of category expenditures

Personality Traits

Personality traits of Creation as a product

Intimidating Very expensive Difficult to use In a class by itself Trusted Proven/tested High end ceramic material Technique sensitive Used by the finest top ceramists who employ multiple powder buildups

Profile/Behavioral Drivers for potential new creation customers

Young & aspiring (25-40 yrs old) 1-5 man lab (owner or lead ceramist) Technicians who have worked in a non-creation lab and have set out on their own Understand and embrace technology Passionate and proud of their profession Hybrid-business person/artist Want to set their product apart from competition Technicians are CDTs or RGs Willing to invest in education to grow skill and make them more consistent and quality oriented Place a value on branding & marketing Willing to assume risk and responsibility Looking for a way to maintain and/or increase the price of their work Artistic/creative Talented Good teachers confident

Personality Traits

Personality traits of Stratum as a product

Easy to use Has as few materials as possible while still delivery a good esthetic Problem free material (easy handling, no tearing, lifting Affordable Enhances productivity and ultimately profitability Produces a consistent and predictable result Lab size varies Of the 9,384 DIH, LFS, LCB labs in our data base 64.6% 1 to 5 8.9% 6 to 10 4.0% 11 to 20 2.8% 21 to 99 0.2% 100+ 19.5% blank Embraces technology as a means to increase productivity Business person Modest Laid back/moderate (not passionate) Invest in technology only as a means to increase productivity/profitability Education is not a priority Operating our of fear Seeks quickest and most inexpensive means to a result

Profile/Behavioral Drivers for potential new Stratum customers

Multi-brand Personalities
They are a business Process oriented End result is functional esthetics Consistent (end result needs to be consistent not gorgeous) Follow specific protocol Trusted friend PC users They use what they use Modest Moderately priced Stable Reliable consistent

They are an artist Results oriented End result is a work of art (gorgeous vs. consistent) Each restoration is an individual job no specific protocol Inspired friend Mac user Proud to say the brand/product they use Passionate Pretentious Expensive Intimidating Difficult to use

Potential Tag Lines

Stratum Choose-Build-Deliver Consistent-Compatible-Complete Simple-Straightforward-Success Simple-Sustainable-Success Acquire-Build-Completeit is as easy as A,B,C

Jensen Dental has the ceramic system to meet your needs We will customize it to meet your needs You will receive our unsurpassed high quality ceramic system You will have access to our award winning support
Stratum Delivers functional esthetics in an easy to use, stable material that works across a variety of alloys and platforms. This ceramic system includes a comprehensive product offering: PFM PTM All-ceramic Ti/Zr It delivers the highest quality result affordably and simply and flexible individualized esthetics, enhancing lab results, increasing both productivity and profitability Creation Bring out your best-with creation porcelain, every restoration becomes a work of art. Since its introduction to the market, no other product has come close to matching its performance and reliability. Now, Jensen makes its easier than ever to bring out the best in your work with Creation porcelain.
Creation porcelain allows technicians to replicate natural dentition with the most vital and aesthetic material on the market Message: The porcelain you use is the single most important thing in determining the aesthetics of your restorations and ultimately the profitability of your laboratory. By choosing Creation from Jensen, youll receive the industrys most aesthetic vital natural looking porcelain, backed by the industrys most committed customer and technical support team. Emphasize Creation is easy to use, and not technique sensitive Reinforce the importance of reliability and longevity in the mouth Downside when porcelain causes problems dissatisfied doctors, wasted time, wasted money, hassle / frustration.

Product offering Metal Ceramic Layering-CC Zirconia Layering-ZI,ZIF Alumina Layering-AV Low Fusing Layering-LF All Ceramic Pressing-CP Pressed over Zirconia-CPZI

Regardless of your business model, Jensen Dental can provide the optimal ceramic system for your needs. From simple, minimal powder build-ups to complex cases with individual characteristics, Jensens ceramic portfolio can fill your labs ceramic needs. Just answer the following 2 questions and then we will be able to share with you, the ideal ceramic system for your lab.

1) 2)

What current ceramic system are you using? How many powders is your typical build up
What ceramic system do you currently use?

Ceramco Synspar Avante Shofu Vintage


VITA GC Initial d.Sign

How many powders is your typical build-up?





Brand purpose: to deliver a functional esthetic in an easy to use stable material that works across a variety of alloys and platforms Brand proposition Aligned with our core values Clear, engaging, unique and relevant to our target Able to incorporate an element of positive emotional attachment that is better than just good Echoed within the business internally and externally Consistent across multiple marketing and advertising mediums Continually reinforced within the organization Echoed by strategic partners
Jensen provides the optimal customer experience We create a holistic brand experience through creating a consistent and compelling experience at all touch points Creation delivers not only a product that is high quality, reliable and durable at a premium price, but it also delivers the feeling of buying and using the best. The ceramist has a self image of being the best and wants to use only first class products Leverage Jensens identity to establish credibility for Stratum Stratum and Creation will retain their own identities, however they will be related and consistent with the same high standards and use of Jensens brand standards At every touch point, our customer experiences Jensen quality Quality products Quality support Quality process

Different needs Different segments Different targets One common goal-delivering a quality product profitably This new brand needs to encompass the following 3 components 1) How is our brand relevant to them? 2) Define a sense of trust in our brand 3) Build unprecedented loyalty to our brand

We need to bring this BRAND TO LIFE

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