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Lectures 60
Practical / tutorials 60
Total 120

Detailed Syllabus

1. Graphics Hardware (3 Hrs.)

Colour Monitor, Graphics Accelerator cards

2. Transformation and Projections (12Hrs.)

Matrix Representation and Homogeneous Coordinates, Two-Dimensional


Composite Transformations, Transformations Relative to a Fixed point, Reflections.

Line Drawing - Bresenhams's Algorithm.

Three-Dimensional Transformations

Projections: Parallel, Perspective and Isometric.


3. Clipping (4 Hrs.)

Sutherland-Cohen Algorithm, Cyrus-Beck Algorithm.

4. Hidden Line and Surface Removal (6 Hrs.)

Z-Buffer-Algorithms, Depth Sort (Painter's Algorithm), Area Subdivision Method.

5. Curves and Surfaces (10 Hrs.)

Curves: Circle Drawing, Parametric Curves, Bezier Curves and B-Spline Curves.

6. Light and Shading Models (6 Hrs.)

llumination Modeling, Shading Models for Polygons, Shading Algorithms: Flat, Gouraud
and Phong. Ray Tracing.

7. Graphics Standards Open GL (6 Hrs.)

Introduction to Open GL : Command Syntax, Rendering, Pipeline, Drawing Point, lines,

Polygon, Curve-Drawing, Smooth Shading.

8. Multimedia (13 Hrs.)

Introduction to Multimedia: Hardware, Networking, Software-Applications, Environment,

CD-Rom, WROM Optical Drives, Flat Panel Displays.

Non Temporal Media: Text, Hypertext, Images, Images Operations, CCD Cameras,
Scanner, Frames Grabbers, Formats

Audio: Digital Audio, Wave Files, Music, MIDI

Graphics Animation :Tweeking, Morphing, Simulating Acceleration, Motion Specification

Video: Analog Video-Operations, Digital Video, Compression, MPEG, JPEG, Operations.

Multimedia Authoring Systems.

Recommended Books

Main Reading

D.F. Rogers, "Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics"

Hearn, D.and M.P. Baker, "Computer Graphics (C Version)"

Woo, Neider, Davis and Shreiner, " Open GL Programming Guide'

Supplementary Reading

D.F. Rogers and J.A. Adams, "Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics"

J.D. Foley, A.V. Dam, S.K. Feiner and J.F. Hughes, "Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice
in C"

Tay Vaughan, " Multimedia Making IT Work

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