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Roll No...........................

Total No. of Questions : 13] [Total No. of Pages : 02

J-3046[S-46] [2037]
DCA/B.Sc. (IT) (Semester - 2nd )
Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 75
Instruction to candidates:
1) Section - A is compulsory.
2) Attempt any Nine questions from Section - B.


Q1) [15 × 2 = 30]

a) What is Photoshop?
b) How to create halftone pattern?
c) What is type tool?
d) What are Lasso tool?
e) Why to use info palette?
f) What is Revert command?
g) What are clone stamp tool?
h) How to use paint bucket tool?
i) What is magic eraser?
j) What are Dodge and burn tools?
k) How to fill objects with pattern fills?
l) What are masks?
m) How to create Lightening effects?
n) How to create borders?
o) How to convert objects to curves?

[9 × 5 = 45]
Q2) Write note on CMYK color model?

Q3) Write note on HSB color model?

Q4) How to perform spell check?

Q5) Explain RGB model.

Q6) Explain Lab color model.

Q7) How the zooming is done?

Q8) How to use postscript fills?

Q9) What is bitmap and grayscale mode?

Q10) How to use mesh fills?

Q11) What are pressure-sensitive lines or curves?

Q12) What is knife tool?

Q13) What are layer effect and glows effect?


J-3046[S-46] 2

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