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Roll No........................

Total No. of Questions : 13] [Total No. of Pages : 02

J-3156[S-1012] [2037]
M.Sc. (CST) (Semester - 4th)
(M.Sc. (CST) - 404)
Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 75

Instruction to Candidates:
1) Section - A is compulsory.
2) Attempt any Nine questions from Section - B.

Section - A
Q1) (15 x 2 = 30)

a) What do you understand by Telnet?

b) What are Network Protocols?
c) What is difference between Internet and Intranet?
d) What is difference between the Physical structure and Logical structure
of Internet?
e) What is the use of FTP Software?
f) What is the meaning of surfing on Internet?
g) What do you understand by WWW?
h) What is the role of a Mail Server?
i) Write the advantages of Email?
j) Describe the significance of News-rooms.
k) What is the meaning of Heading Styles?
l) What do you understand by Hyperlinks?
m) Where STRIKE tag can be used?
n) Write purpose of Body section of a HTML program.
o) How width and height of a table in a HTML document can be changed?

Section - B
(9 x 5 = 45)
Q2) Explain different constituents of a Computer Network.

Q3) What is the significance of Browsers? Write different Browsers available for
Linux and Windows operating systems.

Q4) Describe the physical Structure of Internet.

Q5) Describe the properties of LOCAL AREA NETWORK and WIDE AREA

Q6) Write the steps of construction and launching a web-site on Internet? Explain

Q7) Explain structure of a Web Address using suitable examples.

Q8) What is the role of HTTP and URL in Internet? Is there any alternative of
HTTP? How the URL is processed?

Q9) Explain the use of FRAMESET, NOFRAME and FRAME tags.

Q10) Is it possible to add animation to an HTML document? Explain with suitable


Q11) What is difference between gif and jpeg images? How Hyperlinks can be
mapped to Images?

Q12) Write various functions that can performed on a TABLE of a HTML document
and how those functions can be performed?

Q13) Explain any five HTML tags with suitable examples.

J-3156[S-1012] 2

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