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B. E. (Computer Science Engg.) Vth Semester Examination

Time allowed: 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 100
Note: Attempt any five questions.

1. With the help of a block diagram explain in detail the

architecture of 8085 microprocessor. 20

2. (a) Differentiate between 'machine language' and 'assembly


(b) Write an assembly language program for 8085 JlP to find

the smaIfest ~kment in a block of 8~bit unsigned
bin~ata, whose number is stored in memory locatiorJ
ACOIH, and the data are stored in memory locations
beginning from AC02H. Store the smallest number in
rnemorylocation FFOOH. 5,15

3, Give architecture block diagram of 8086 JlP and explain

clearly EU, BIU and various registers. 20
4. ror 8086 JlP
(a) Determine the memory address accessed by the

MOV [Sl + 1001-11. EAX

Given DS = 1200, B. BX = 0100H, and Sf = 0250H
(b) Find the address of the next instruction (0 be fetched if fP
= lAOOH and CS = 2000B.
541-1 ,300-P2-(Q-8) (03)


(c) Obtain the current address of the stack if 55 = 2400 and


5. (a) Draw a block diagram of 8255 PPI and give the';s

functional description of each block.
(b) What are the various modes of operation of 8255 PPI?
Explain briefly. 10, 10

6. What is meant by DMA operation? Discuss the operation of

8257 programmable DMA controller. 20

7. (a) Discuss the hardware interrupt structures of 8085 and 8086

(b) Explain clearly the necessity of the 8259 PIC. 15,5

8. Write short notes on any three of the following: (a)

Shift and Rotate instructions
(b) Stack and stack pointer
(c) Flags of 8085 IlP
(d) Programmable Interval Timer.

541-" i.300

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