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STUDENT’S UiTM ID: 2006686484











STUDENT’S UiTM ID: 2006686484
PROJECT TITLE: Automatic Chicken Feeder System Using Microcontroller

Marks Marks
Allocated Obtained
I. Research Methodology (Will be filled by Project Coordinator)
 Seminars

II. Proposal (Will be filled by Project Supervisor)

a) Abstract
The abstract should consist of the following elements:-
 Brief overview of the project scope.
 Summary
ummary of the proposed project. 1

b) Introduction
The introduction part should:-
 Outline brief overview of the project and identify the
encountered problems. 20
 Describe the methods already available in solving the problem
 Describe the proposed approach to be implemented in the

c) Methodology
 Describe the approach in the project.
 May involve the followings:-
following Simulation, Design, hardware 35
construction, analysis and proposed field
f tests.

d) Plan schedules (Gantt Chart) for both semesters. 10

e) Conclusions
 Discuss on the (expected) results of the method used and its 20

Total Marks 100

Sub Total Part II: 50
III. Work Progress (Will be filled by Project Supervisor)
Creativity/ideas 20
Logbook 20

Sub Total Part III: 40

Total: ………../ 100 marks

Supervisor’s Signature Coordinator’s
Name: Signature Date:
Title: Automatic Chicken Feeder System Using Microcontroller.

1.0 Introduction
Although we are moving towards develop nation status by 2020, agriculture is
still relevant. Nowadays, farming and breeding are as important as the other crucial
sectors. Year by year the numbers of entrepreneurs that get involve in commercialize
chicken breeding increases. Nowadays, government also encourages people to make
small business as an alternative to increase their income and at the same time
improving our economy status [1]. When people do this as a commercial purpose,
they need to determine the suitable size of the chicken cage. The specific size of the
chicken cage is needed in order to cater to the total number of the chickens. For
commercial purposes, usually people allocate more than 5000 chickens in some big
cages. Most people usually have less than 2000 chicken one cage [2]. That would be
considers as a small business. Another aspect also needs to be considered is the
method of feeding the chicken. The method can be done in two ways whether by
manually or automatically.
As we know before the development of technology and ICT people were used to
the conventional method to feed chickens which is by filling containers with grains
and foods manually. The main problem by doing this method is we need to
continuously provide the food, be alert and conscious on the food remaining in cages
all by ourselves. The sufficient amount of the food provided also cannot be
determined clearly. It is such a waste and non-economical. Breeders also find that it is
difficult to manage their business effectively because they need to be around the cages
every now and then to monitor the poultry.
Nowadays, the automatic feeding system is available in the market. This method
is actually better than manual. But, there are also some problems and weakness need
to be overcome and solved. Firstly, the automation, the computerized method is
suitable and caters more to the commercial purpose. This is because the needs of high
investment for equipment and devices. We also need precise manual guide and
knowledgeable, skilled people to operate the machine. Second, more workspace is
needed to put and assembly the automatic system.
Therefore, an automatic chicken feeder system is proposed to provide the food
effectively and also to control chickens feeding time. This controller system provides
an efficient solution for exact quantity of the food distribution, fixed feeding time and
hassle free automatic feeding in order to help breeders. User can set desired time and
save it to microcontroller’s memory. As the consequences, the feeder will feed the
chicken automatically as what has been set.

2.0 Literature Review

Manual chicken feeder
The manual feeder system consist the various type of the container. Manual
system needs human to refill the container with grain and it must be done constantly.
The time to feed the chicken also cannot be determined exactly, usually two times per
day. The system does not have any electronic system; it only consists of plastic
container. This container can be get with various sizes and shape such as circle,
vertical etc. The size is determined by what amount can be hold by container. The
vertical size container is around 30 – 50cm. The containers need to hang up to avoid
the chicken scrape the grain. The figure 2 shows two type of the container. This
container only can holds grain with amount around 2 - 18 kilogram [18].

Durable Plastic
Galvanized Chick Feeder with anti chicken feeder
waste holes

Figure 2: The type of manual feeder

Automatic chicken feeder
These automatic systems consist of the expensive hardware, the manual guide
to use and also use more electricity. Most of the automatic system use motor to
provide movement. The container will move through the feeder and fill up with grain
with a specific amount. This system very useful but required a lot a money to use it.
The maintenance also needed to make it functionally. The feeder will move around
the cage and will fill up by the grain. These systems only operate during the feeding
time. The benefit for this system, it is not required human to go to the plate to fill the
grain. But this system still needs a human to control the machine. The more work
space is also needed to place this machine. The figure 3 show the automatic chicken
feeder that use for nowadays.

Figure 3: The type of automatic feeder system

3.0 The Automatic Chicken Feeder System Using Microcontroller
The block diagram of the system is shown in figure 5. The main component of
the system consists:
1) Microcontroller (PIC)
2) Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
3) Switch
4) Motor
The input of the system is determined by the switch. Switches are used to interface
between the user and the microcontroller. These switches provide to user to enter the
desired time. The microcontroller will be read the signal from the switch and store as
the input.
This paper proposes a new chicken feeder system by using microcontroller. It
is an alternative method to replace the conventional technique. This system will be
use the microcontroller to replace human energy [3]. The function of the
microcontroller is to control this automatic chicken feeder which will solve all the
problems regarding chicken feeding process. The microcontrollers are connected with
switch, LCD and stepper motor. Microcontroller receives the input from the switch
and then will be process the data to feed the chicken. It also helps the user by display
the current operation and time simultaneously using LCD. Another output of the
system is a stepper motor. This motor is selected because it can easily perform to
control the chicken feeder. Figure 4 show how the stepper motor will be use.
The size of the casing can be determined depends on the amount of chicken take
every day. This system is different with the other automatic system. Most of the
automatic systems require more space to operate and also costly.


Slide Stepper motor

with gear
Figure 4: The casing with the stepper motor
3.1 The System Operation
The significant of this project is to maintain the schedule for chicken feeding
in a specific time. It will help people to feed the chicken with exact and sufficient
amount. The system will be operated according to the time that has been set. Then,
breeders do not have to worry if they forgot to feed the chicken or if they want to
leave the chicken for a few days. The microcontroller will do it for them. In order to
do that, we need the second part that is software part. The software part contains the
assembly language.
Once the system is on, the program will be initialize the output, input port and
the LCD. Then, the program will scan the switch whether it is pressed or not. User can
choose the time needed to feed the chicken.
Then system will be run 24 hours and the food will be feed. Once the system
needs to feed the chicken, the microcontroller will set the motor ON to feed the
chicken. The amount of food feed depends on the delay set in the software.
This system it does not require person to monitor because all process will be
performed by the microcontroller. The breeder can leave the system for the whole
days, and for minimum of three days.

Liquid Crystal
Display (LCD)

Switch Microcontroller Motor

Figure 5: Block diagram of the whole system


Initialize the LCD, input & output ports

Read user setting

Is the switch is No


System run

Delay 1

No Is it time
to feed?

Turn on the motor

Delay 2

Turn off the motor


Figure 6: The flowchart of the system

4.0 Project Methodology
This project has been conducted by do some literature review such as survey
on the internet what people have done before about the chicken feeder. The
information about chicken feeder also came out by reading from newspaper. Besides
that, the discussion with the people that involve in chicken feeder also been done.
This project requires a lot of information regarding the process that involves in
existing feeding system. For example, we need to find out the appropriate feeding
duration and so on so forth [2]. After we gather all the data and information then only
the system can be built and constructed. This project will be conducted by using two
separate parts which are software and hardware parts. It is important to know about
the feature and components of the controller in order to control it [4]. Microcontroller
acts as the time controller whereby it distinguishes the appropriate feeding time to
The project consists of two different parts that are interrelated to each other.
The first part that must be highly considered is the hardware. The specifications of the
system need to be determined according the problem statement. This system will act
like human to feed the chicken.
The controller circuit needs the motor to replace the human energy. For this,
we need the microcontroller to control the motor such PIC. The name PIC initially
referred to "Programmable Interface Controller", but shortly thereafter was renamed
"Programmable Intelligent Computer" [4]. All the PIC’s that are produced by
Microchip Company have a specific instruction that need to be study carefully and
attentively [5, 21]. Another component is the LCD [6]. An alphanumeric LCD will be
used in this system to display the time to feed the chicken. “How to use Intelligent
LCD” proposed by Julyan Ilett [7] is one of the resources article needed to be studied
in order to control the LCD. The LCD will be embedded to the microcontroller to
complete the system.
There are other components needed to build up the system such as resistor,
capacitor, resonator, voltage regulator, keypad and battery as a main supply. Once the
system is built up, the software for controlling can design.
The PIC microcontroller need to program in order to make it function in the
circuit. The way to program the PIC can be done by various ways such as using C
programming [8, 15], assembly language [9, 19, 20] and BASIC language [16, 17].
By using C program, the instruction can be simple and not complex [10, 22].
This instruction is needed to initialize the LCD. The LCD has the specific command
to make it function [7].
The Instructions that will be use in the microcontroller can be developed by
using MPLAB Integrated Development Environment (IDE) [11, 14]. The function of
this software is to compile the assembly language into the machine code. We know
that the C programming can be used to program PIC [8]. Then, the compiler for C
programming is going to be used and need to select. The compiler that can be used for
compiling task is the mikroC for PIC [12]. As we know C Programming comprises of
the high level language. It takes much more memory in the PIC. Therefore, the PIC
that has more memory should be used in this case.
Once all the software and hardware part is built up, the simulation part can be
run to test whether it is function or not. In order to save cost and reduce hardware
failures, hardware can be simulated by using the software Proteus Virtual System
Modeling (VSM) that provided by the company Labcenter Electronic [13]. This
software can be used to simulate almost all of the microcontroller functions. We can
key in the instruction codes and the system will work accordingly as what have been
saved and coded.
The simulation must indicate the software and hardware to make it function
properly. Then we can be built up the system on the PCB board. The unique
instruction will be burn in into the PIC. The assembly language is designed
compatibility with the hardware. The hardware and software will be test
simultaneously. Output and input ports are determined by the hardware assembly. The
software need to be burn in many times to test the hardware. The voltage and current
can measure by using oscilloscope. The output can be monitor and must be stable with
the different amount of the grain. The graph and table be describing the result.
The result from the testing can be use to write the thesis and technical paper.
All the information will be use during the presentation. The preparation for the
presentation will be included all the software and hardware part. Once the thesis is
already finish, then can be submitted.
There are a few limitations and disadvantages in this project. This project only
focuses on feeding the chicken meanwhile water, temperature and environment are
not to be considered. Otherwise, size of the container also limited to a specific amount
of grain. For example the container only can support 1kg of grain in a time. More
amount of grain need bigger container.
5.0 Conclusion
As a conclusion, the system is expected to provide the food to the chickens
and poultry for the whole days without constantly human monitoring. This system
offers more benefit and user friendly. It is expected to run in less power consumption
during operation and low cost to setup and controls.

[1] “Kempen Ternak Ayam Kampong”, Utusan Malaysia online, 15/04/1998

[2] Ismail Muda, Private communication, Self Business, 2008

[3] Tim Wilmshurst, “Designing Embedded System with PIC Microcontroller”, 1st
Edition, Elsevier Ltd., 2007.
[4] “PIC Microcontroller”,

[5] Julio Sanchez, Maria P.Canton., “Microcontroller Programming The Microchip

PIC®”, CRC Press, 2007.

[6] “Liquid Crystal Display”,

[7] Julyan Ilett, “How to Use intelligent LCD”, Everyday Practical Electronic
Magazines,Vol 36 No 2, February 1997.

[8] Jivan S.Parab, Vinod G.Shelake, “Exploring C for Microcontroller”, Springer,

[9] Nebojsa Matic, “The PIC Microcontroller”,

[10] Mike Hibbett, “C for PICs”, Everyday Practical Electronic, November 2007

[11] “MPLAB Integrated Development Environment”,
[12] “mikroC for PIC”,

[13] “The VSM Advantage”,

[14] Mike Hibbett, “An Introduction to MPLAB”, Everyday Practical Electronic,

June 2007.

[15] Dogan Ibrahim, “Advance PIC Microcontroller Projects in C” Elsevier, 2008

[16] “Programming PIC microcontroller in BASIC”,

[17] Dogan Ibrahim, “PICBASIC Projects 30 Projects Using PIC BASIC and
PIC BASIC PRO”, Elsevier, 2006

[18] “Home Farm Fowls”,

[19] D.W. Smith, “PIC in Practice”, ELSEVIER, 2006

[20] Sid Katzen, “The Quintessential PIC Microcontroller”, Springer-Verlag,

November 8, 2000

[21] "PIC® Microcontroller Overview",

[22] Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Rolin D.McKinlay, Danny Causey, “PIC Microntroller
and Embedded Systems using Assembly and C for PIC18”, Prentice Hall, 2008
Semester July 2008 – November 2008 and December 2008 – April 2009

Literature review
Design the
controller circuit
and feeder
Design the
software for

Learn how to
program the PIC
Build electronic
controller and

Build casing
Hardware &
software testing

Writing thesis
Technical paper
& presentation
Submit thesis

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