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Flower Mister?

I think that the lady is within him because, by the end he had finally opened up to the
same joy and sense of life that she had. When the story started, the man had no care to
stop for anything in life, his life was taken over and controlled and devoted to his
company. When he first saw the lady in front of his office he had walked rite past her
thinking that she was considered something such as an outcast, the second time that he
walked past her she still looked at him and asked her question “Flower Mister?” despite
the fact that he had treated her like that the day before. As the story weaned closer to the
end, I think that that man opened up and saw that she wasn’t a outcast, but someone just
like all of us, and all she waned to do was offer our a gift to make someone’s day happier,
I also think that his theory of, “why is the old lady picking on me,” suddenly turned into a

Personally I have not had an experience similar to one such as this, but I think that this
experience say’s a lot about relationships. Relationships are something that can be grown
on such as the story, at the start of the story the man couldn’t care less what happened to
that lady, as long as he would not have to see her. But by the end of the story the man did
not want the two days of weekend to take into action, because that would mean two days
without seeing that lady. I think what this is show us is that you don’t have to know
someone very well to find out that he or she may be someone you would really like to be
friends with. But if you are able to just take a few moments every day to maybe smile at
them, or say hi, you could surprise your self, and maybe gain a new friend.

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