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School of Life Tool - Kit

Intergenerational Activities Quick Guide Overview of the Process

School of Life Tool - Kit

LAYING THE FOUNDATIONS: Identify & Establish Partnerships Identify Project Targets Consult with the Generations Create Project Brief

Template 1& 2

Contact & Appendix

PROJECT PLANNING & RESEARCH (1) Research other Projects Research Relevant Legislation Consider Logistics Plan Budgets

PROJECT PLANNING & RESEARCH (2) Risk Assessment Develop Monitoring and Evaluation Agree activity plan and delivery

Template 3 & 6

Template 4 & 5

PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION Action Plan and Permissions Run the Project! Monitor & Record

CELEBRATE, CLOSE & REVIEW Celebrate Successes & Thank everyone Present Project Outputs&Outcomes Evaluation and evidence

Template 7

This quick guide is to be used as an aid to planning intergenerational activities and will be most effective if used alongside the more detailed School of Life Pilot Project Tool-Kit. To obtain a copy or further question please contact; Please email Amanda Harris Or Brenda Easton

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