IntrotoM Commerce

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Introduction to M-Commerce


What is M-Commerce? Security Issues Usability Issues Heterogeneity Issues Business Model Issues Case Studies / Examples Q&A

What is M-Commerce?

E-Commerce with mobile devices (PDAs, Cell Phones, Pagers, etc.) Different than E-Commerce? No, but additional challenges:

Security Usability Heterogeneous Technologies Business Model Issues

But first, lets learn a little about wireless technologies

Wireless Technologies

Link Layer (examples)

WAN: Analog / AMPS CDPD: Cellular Digital Packet Data TDMA/GSM: Time Division Multiple Access, Global System for Mobile Communications (Europe) CDMA: Code Division Multiple Access Mobitex (TDMA-based) LAN: 802.11 Bluetooth

Devices: Cell Phones, Palm, WinCE, Symbian, Blackberry,

Examples of PDA Devices

PDA Microprocessor Speed

Palm, Handspring
RIM Interactive Pager Compaq Aero 1530 HP Jornada 820 Casio Cassiopeia E100 Psion Revo Psion Series 5

Motorola Dragonball
Intel 386 NEC/VR4111 MIPS RISC Intel/StrongARM RISC SA1100 NEC/VR4121 MIPS

16.6 20 MHz
10 MHz 70 MHz 190 MHz 131 MHz

ARM 710
Digital/Arm 7100

36 MHz
18 MHz

Application Layer Technologies

Micro-browser based: WAP/WML, HDML: Openwave iMode (HTML): NTT DoCoMo Web Clipping: XHTML: W3C Voice-browser based: VoiceXML: W3C Client-side: J2ME: Java 2 Micro Edition (Sun) WMLScript: Openwave Messaging: SMS: Part of GSM Spec.

Example: WAP

WAP: Wireless Application Protocol Created by WAP Forum

Founded June 1997 by Ericsson, Motorola, Nokia, 500+ member companies Goal: Bring Internet content to wireless devices

WTLS: Wireless Transport Layer Security

Basic WAP Architecture


Web Server


WAP Gateway

Example: WAP application

Security Challenges

Less processing power on devices

Slow Modular exponentiation and Primality Checking (i.e., RSA) Crypto operations drain batteries (CPU intensive!)

Less memory (keys, certs, etc. require storage) Few devices have crypto accelerators, or support for biometric authentication No tamper resistance (memory can be tampered with, no secure storage) Primitive operating systems w/ no support for access control (Palm OS)

Wireless Security Approaches

Link Layer Security

GSM: A3/A5/A8 (auth, key agree, encrypt) CDMA: spread spectrum + code seq CDPD: RSA + symmetric encryption
WAP: WTLS, WML, WMLScript, & SSL iMode: N/A SMS: N/A

Application Layer Security

Example: Security Concerns

Performance: well do an example: should we use RSA or ECC for WTLS mutual auth? Control: WAP Gap data in the clear at gateway while re-encryption takes place

Example: WTLS ECC vs. RSA?

WTLS Goals

Authentication Privacy Data Integrity

Authentication: Public-Key Crypto (CPU intensive!!!) Privacy: Symmetric Crypto Data Integrity: MACs

WTLS: Crypto Basics

Public-Key Crypto

RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adelman) ECC (Elliptic Curve)


None, Client, Server, Mutual

WTLS w/ Mutual-Authentication

Client Hello -----------> ServerHello Certificate CertificateRequest ServerHelloDone


1. Verify Server Certificate

Certificate ClientKeyExchange (only for RSA) 2. Establish Session Key CertificateVerify 3. Generate Signature ChangeCipherSpec Finished -----------> <----------Application Data <----------> Finished Application Data

WTLS Handshake Timings (Palm VII)

Mutual-Authentication: RSA
Operation Cryptographic Primitive(s) Time (ms) Required

Server Certificate Verification Session Establishment Key

RSA Signature Verification (Public decrypt, e=3) RSA Encryption encrypt) (Public



Client Authentication

RSA Signature Generation (Private encrypt)




WTLS Handshake Timings (Palm VII)

Mutual-Authentication: ECC
Operation Server Certificate Verification Cryptographic Primitive(s) CA Public Key Expansion ECC-DSA Signature Verification Server Public Key Expansion Key Agreement ECC-DSA Signature Generation Time Required (ms) 254.8 1254 254.8 335.6 514.8 2614

Session Key Establishment

Client Authentication TOTAL

The cryptographic execution time for mutually-authenticated 163-bit ECC handshakes is at least 8.64 times as fast as the cryptographic execution time for mutually-authenticated 1024-bit RSA handshakes on the Palm VII.

WAP Gap: One Alternative

Dynamic Gateway Connection

WTLS Class 2 SSL


WAP Gateway


Content Provider

WAP Gateway


Web Server

Other alternatives also exist

Usability Challenges

Hard Data Entry

Poor Handwriting Recognition Numeric Keypads for text entry is error-prone Poor Voice Recognition Further complicates security (entering passwords / speaking pass-phrases is hard!)
i.e., cant show users everything in shopping cart at once!

Small Screens

Voice Output time consuming

Usability Approaches

Graffiti (Scaled-down handwriting recognition, Palm devices) T9 Text Input (Word completion, most cell phones) Full alphanumeric keypad & scrollbar (Blackberry) Restricted VoiceXML grammars for better voice recognition Careful task-based Graphical User Interface & Dialog Design Lots of room for improvement!

Heterogeneity Challenges

Many link layer protocols (different security available in each) Many application layer standards Businesses need to write to one or more standards or hire a company to help them! Many device types:

Many operating systems (Palm OS, Win CE, Symbian, Epoch, ) Wide variation in capabilities

Heterogeneity Approaches

HTML/Web screen scraping Protocol & Mark-up language translators Standardization

Business Models Issues

Possible Models:

Slotting fees Wireless advertising (text) Pay per application downloaded Pay per page downloaded Flat-fees for service & applications Revenue share on transactions

Trust issues between banks, carriers, and portals Lack of content / services

Case Studies

NTT DoCoMos I-Mode Sprint PCS Wireless Web

NTT DoCoMo I-Mode

20 million users in Japan HTML-based microbrowser (supports HTTPS/SSL) on CDMA-based network 10s of thousands of content sites, ring tones, and screen savers Pay per application downloaded and pay per page models Invested in AT&T Wireless so we may see it here in US in next few years!


Low 100K users in USA Web Clipping (specialized HTML) microbrowser on Mobitex (TDMA) based network run by BellSouth (>98% coverage in urban areas) 100s of content sites (typically no charge for applications) Palm VII devices now selling for $100 due to user adoption problems. (Service plans range from $10 - $40 per month.)

Sprint PCS Wireless Web

Low, single-digit millions of US users Multi-device strategy: WAP/HDML based microbrowser on phones, Web Clipping on Kyocera, both on CDMA network ~50 content sites slotted, many others available (very hard to enter URLs, though) Slotting-fee + rev-share on xactions model $10 per month flat-fee to users, most phones already have microbrowser installed.

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