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Become a life long learner -

It sounds like a lot, doesnt it? But, thats just one book per child per month.!
During the month of October, Mrs. Taylor and Ms. Gallays are challenging their grade five students to read 51 books in 31 days.! This challenge is open to every student, and both classes will work together to reach this goal.!



cultivate a love for reading.

Grade 5 October Reading Challenge: 51 children read 51 books in 31 days.

Reading can be done at school and at home. We encourage children to do 15 minutes of reading per day in our classrooms, and also hope that they can commit to spending the same amount of time reading at home during the evening.! When your children have finished reading their books, we will record their progress.! Children are expected to track their reading using the reading log attached.!

Great places to read:!

In bed! Under a beautiful tree! Curled up in a comfy chair! In a fort

The 51 Book Party

October 31

What happens if we reach our goal?! Well, we will have to have a celebration! As a reward we will have a combined class party that will involve food, fun, and friends. During our party we will have an opportunity to meet with a friend from the other classroom to tell them about the awesome book we just finished reading.

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