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JFK 11-12 Lab Report Name: Lab Partner(s): Class: Instructor: Cuaresma Week#: Date of Report Submission: Date(s) of Experiment:

State the Given Objectives in a Bulleted List Objective 1 Objective 2 Etc


Written in complete paragraphs with topic supporting and concluding sentences. Starts by talking about the Universe, relates the key ideas of the lab activity to your own prior knowledge. Thesis statement is clear and sets reader up to know what he/she is about to learn in the lab report.

List all the materials required to perform this Lab Activity Material 1 Material 2 Etc


Procedural steps follow a logical order, and can be followed like a movie script by any other student. Imagine I have no idea how to do the experiment and your procedures should help me generally figure out the steps on how to perform this lab experiment. 1. First Step 2. Second Step 3. Etc


A Data Table or Data List is shown that clearly represents the measurements or calculations with correct significant digits AND UNITS. There is at least one (1) full sample calculation with Math shown to illustrate competence of calculations.


Recorded Data is logically represented in an Independent/Dependent variable graph. Graph is clearly titled, axis are correctly labeled with names AND UNITS, graph correctly displays data via line, pie, bar or other common graph technique.


Discussion is written in complete paragraphs with topic, supporting and concluding sentences. Answers discussion prompts if provided. Addresses major challenge or concept of the lab activity based on the data recorded from the observation or experimentation.


Written in a complete paragraph with a topic sentence, supporting statements and concluding sentence. Re-states the thesis statement from the introduction. Makes a final judgment or interpretation of the data. Relates lab results back to prior knowledge and Universe.


List the additional websites, books, textbooks or other reference material where you borrowed information.


Dont forget to thank the people that helped you to achieve the objective of this Lab.

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