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L. J.

Institute of Engineering & Technology Management- II Assignement Semester V : All Branches

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

List out different methods to forecast the market demand. List out the functions of Production Planning and Control (PPC). List out the various bases of Market Segmentation for industrial products. List out the factors to be considered to select plant location. List out the various bases of Market Segmentation for consumer products. List out the 4 Ps in marketing mix. Also list the 4 duals of them from consumer side. 7. Define: (1) Sales Quota (2) Sales Budget. 8. List out the objectives of PPC. 9. Classify the business buyers with respect to industrial marketing. 10.What is Niche Marketing? 11.Explain the term Manpower Planning. 12.List out the objectives of Manpower Planning. 13.Define: (1) Performance Appraisal (2) Incentives 14.Define: (1) Break-even point (2) Margin of Safety (3) Plant Layout 15.List out the different methods for forecasting the demand of manpower. 16.List out the various sources of recruitment. 17.Distinguish between Recruitment and Selection. 18.What are the various types of selection tests? 19.List out the various Marketing concepts. 20.List out the various types of Plant layouts.

_____________________________________________________________________________________ Ms. Uma Joshi, Mr. Mosam Pandya, Mr. D A Shah

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