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kN Staff|ng Iact Sheet

8egardlng rlsks for compllcaLlons lnfecLlons prolonged hosplLallzaLlon and readmlssloneven deaLh reglsLered nurses
make Lhe dlfference CounLless sLudles provlde Lhe evldence LhaL wheLher or noL hosplLallzed paLlenLs have a safe and
saLlsfacLory healLh care experlence depends on Lhe skllls provlded by an adequaLe number of reglsLered nurses worklng
no more Lhan 12 hours ouL of each 24 hour perlod

O k|sks to pat|ents |nc|ud|ng comp||cat|ons fa||ure to rescue and death |ncrease when reg|stered nurse staff|ng |s
4 -eedleman !ack eL al (2011) -urse SLafflng and lnpaLlenL PosplLal MorLallLy" NIM (36411) 10371043
4 lken Llnda eL al (2002) PosplLal -urse SLafflng and aLlenL MorLallLy -urse 8urnouL and !ob
ulssaLlsfacLlon" @ Iootool of t Amtlcoo Mlcol Assoclotloo vol 228 (16)
4 Laschlnger eL all (2006) 1he lmpacL of -urslng Work LnvlronmenLs on aLlenL SafeLy CuLcomes" @
Iootool of Notsloq Amlolsttotloo vol 36 -o 3
4 ane 8oberL L eL al (2007) 1he ssoclaLlon of 8eglsLered -urse SLafflng Levels and aLlenL CuLcomes
SysLemaLlc 8evlew and MeLanalysls" Mlcol cot 43(12) 11931204
O nadequate staff|ng |ncreases the nurse's r|sk for |n[ury and |||ness and a|so |eads to d|ssat|sfact|on
4 1rlnkoff M eL all (2003) ercelved hyslcal uemands and 8eporLed MusculoskeleLal roblems of
8eglsLered -urses" Amtlcoo Iootool of ltototl Mlclo 24(3) 270273
4 Clarke S eL al (2002) LffecLs of PosplLal SLafflng and organlzaLlonal cllmaLe on -eedle SLlck ln[urles Lo
-urses" Amtlcoo Iootool of lobllc nolt 92(7) 11131119
4 lken Llnda eL al (2002) PosplLal -urse SLafflng and aLlenL MorLallLy -urse 8urnouL and !ob
ulssaLlsfacLlon" @ Iootool of t Amtlcoo Mlcol Assoclotloo vol 228 (16)
4 lnsLlLuLe of Medlclne (2004) loq lotlots 5of @toosfotmloq t wotk oltoomot of Notss
WashlngLo uC -aLlonal cademles ress p 237
O dequate nurse staff|ng may cost more |n the beg|nn|ng but |t w||| save money |n the end
4 McCue M eL al (2003) -urslng SLafflng CuallLy and llnanclal erformance" nolt cot lloooc 29(4)
4 -eedleman !ack eL all (2006) -urse SLafflng ln PosplLals ls 1here a 8uslness Case for CuallLy?" nolt
Affolts 23(1) 204211
4 8oLhberg Mlchael eL al (2003) lmprovlng -urseLoaLlenL SLafflng 8aLlos as a CosLLffecLlve SafeLy
lnLervenLlon" Mlcol cot 43(8) 783791
4 Dnruh L (2008) -urse SLafflng and aLlenL -urse and llnanclal CuLcomes" Amtlcoo Iootool of Notsloq
108(1) 6271

Iactors to Cons|der When |ann|ng Nurse Staff|ng

O nd|v|dua| and ggregate at|ent Needs ge ablllLy Lo care for self severlLy of lllness comorbld condlLlons speclal
needs such as communlcaLlon supporL plannlng for Lhe longLerm or LranslLlons dlscharge preparaLlon supporL
O I|uctuat|on of Census -umber of admlsslons Lransfers and dlscharges durlng a shlfL
O Dn|t supports dequaLe auxllllary personnel and equlpmenL funcLlon of supporL servlces such as pharmacy
LransporLaLlon laboraLory eLc
O @akeaway Acolty lsot t ooly foctot to cooslt wo loooloq oots stoffloq oot ls lt olwoys t most lmottoot

O C||n|ca| Competency and Lxper|ence -urslng experlence and experlence wlLh Lhe paLlenL populaLlon aL hand
educaLlonal preparaLlon cerLlflcaLlon organlzaLlonal skllls problemsolvlng skllls and lnLegraLlon of evldencebased
O ,anagement Support SupporL and dlrecLlon from charge nurse/manager cllnlcal nurse supervlsor and chlef
nurslng offlcer/execuLlve level
O @ra|n|ng and Cr|entat|on ddlLlonal sLaff as necessary Lo supporL orlenLaLlon and precepLorshlp of new sLaff and
supervlslon of sLudenLs
O @akeaway Notss wo tcl ooot soott wlll tol bttt otlot cot os loc by loctos otlot
oo oots sotlsfoctloo ctos ttots comllcotloos oo loqt of stoy ttby ctosloq costs to osltols oo
otty oyts


O C||mate -urses musL be shown LhaL Lhey are valued as Lhe asseLs LhaL make Lhe organlzaLlon survlve and Lhrlve
O Crgan|zat|ona| Support ollcy pracLlce and procedure regardlng sLafflng levels overLlme and resL breaks beLween
shlfLs ollcles and procedures are developed wlLh dlrecL care nurse lnpuL and parLlclpaLlon uocumenLed
compeLencles for all sLaff lncludlng prn and Lravel nurses dequaLe orlenLaLlon and compeLency developmenL of
floaL or prn pool nurses
O @akeaway A tmlot# of o stoffloq loo wltoot qoolo loolmot of t ltctcot stoff wlll oot lmto
otlot cot lolcotots ot stoff totoot lock of soott fot stoff coo b costly to t lostltotloo

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