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STAGES 1. RECYCLING & clean-up

Recycling must start in our class. Use and take care of the paper recycling box. Ckeck class maintenance once in a while and every time you leave the room.

We must make the community aware of the rubbish problems in our centre especially in the school courtyard. Start to make them think with a survey. On the next page youll find some sample questions.


Make up a logo or a motto (consigna, lema) and give the clues to a cleaner school. Think about how the courtyard could be cleaner: more bins, attractive notes to remind students of their duty to keep the courtyard clean. They must feel this is their home for 30 hours a week, so make them react.

We must launch a campaign. Leaflets are welcome and those of you who are good at drawing or any other design should create them. The important thing: you must grasp

the students attention. This has to be a thorough campaign with long-term results.

By mid-term we should check results and the success of the project.

How to make a good Questionnaire!

The first question is one you should ask yourself:

"What do I hope to learn from asking the questions?"

This defines your objective (the purpose, or why you are conducting the survey).

Example: you want to clean up the local river. You feel that with some help and some money you could make it really beautiful again. Now you know why you are doing a survey, start writing down the questions you will ask! Just write down any questions you think may be useful. Don't worry about quality at this stage, you will improve your list of questions later. Example: Questions you could ask for the school survey:

Do you or your family ever recycle? Yes/No What? Plastic/Metal/Glass/Paper Does rubbish worry you? Yes/No Whats your opinion about the courtyard? Have you noticed the rubbish in it? Would you be happy to volunteer for courtyard cleanup? When would you be available to help? How should we clean up our courtyard?

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