Mean Girls (Movie Discription)

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Mean Girls


The movie “Mean Girls” is about a girl named Cady who has been home schooled

all her life and is immersed into “Girl world”, as Cady put is, which is the world of

teenage girl competition. When Cady arrived to the high school she is befriended by Janis

Ian and Damian, who are called the “Art freaks” by popular girls. Then one day in the

cafeteria Cady is spotted by the “popular girls”, or as Janis and Damian call them “The

plastics”. The leader of the Plastics is named Regina George, once she see’s Cady at

lunch Regina asks Cady to sit down with her and the other two Plastics, Gretchen and

Karen. Once the Plastics find out that Cady has never been to a public school before they

decide to take her on as their new project, they decide to teacher her how to be popular

and plastic. Cady and the “plastics” become friends.

When Janis Ian finds out that Cady and Regina George are now friends, Janis Ian

starts a plan to sabotage Regina George. At first Cady doesn’t know why Janis Ian wants

to plot this attack on Regina George but towards the end she does. Janis Ian’s reasons for

this attack are because Regina and Janis use to be best friend when they were younger,

and Regina started a nasty rumor about Janis and it had a serious affect on Janis and her

reputation. So the friendships between Janis, Damien and Cady’s are drawn closer now

that they have something to focus on and strive after. They have meetings to come up

with different ways they can sabotage Regina George. And they have Cady infiltrate

herself into the realm of the plastics and give off the illusion that Cady is totally devoted

to Regina and the other two plastics.

After several attempts and a few dramatic episodes the “Art freaks” plan to bring

down Regina George is almost a success. But then Regina decides to take matters into her

own hands and fights back by unleashed the “Burn Book” on school grounds and letting

chaos run wild among the girls at school. The “Burn Book” contained secrets and mean

things about almost everyone in school. Then all the girls are gathered together by the

principal in the gym and they are forced to come to an understanding. By the end on

the movie a sense of tranquility exists when school resumes the next, there aren’t any

more “Plastics” , and “girl world” was at peace.

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