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8 Basic Building Blocks (8BBB)

Dato Vijay Eswaran: "Networking is not about Pathman, it is about making

thousands of Pathmans, so you retire"

- Very sensitive to people.

- Dream is your compelling reason to stay alive.

- Dreams are forgotten because of the daily routine, "GO TO


- But a DREAM without action is NOTHING.

- Your dream should be "Something you want.. so badly.. so that

you are willing to pay any price to achieve it".

- Just believe you are going to achieve them.

- Do this list because you really want to know them.

- Categorize you DREAMS into:

o Short-term: 1st CHQ … 4th CHQ …

o Dreams of life: House.. Car….etc

o Dreams of who you want to be: 5 years from now

- QuestNet is the Ferrari of this industry.. where do you want to go:

o 250$ in the 1st week: maybe possible.

o 250$ in the 1st month: very possible.

o 250$ in 1st day: has been done before.. means it is very


- Never talk about things if you're not willing to write it down.

- Remember.. It is for you to realize that there is something out

there you want to achieve.

- "A man without a DREAM is as good as a DEAD man"

- "If the DREAM is BIG enough.. the FACTS don't count"

o 20 rejections is a fact.

Ameen Radhi Ahmed – HY441234

+973 36402121 –
o Tired is a fact.

o No enough time maybe a fact.

o All downlines are lazy maybe a fact.

o Your market is saturated.. which is a lie.. not a fact.

- Everyone is allergic to it.

- "Making a decision and sticking to it no matter what"

- No commitment.. no money.

- We are doing it for the whole life.. and we call it: JOB.

- Seven days a week.. depends on your DREAM.

- "This business is flexible hour business.. but as your upline.. it is

my duty maximize your commitment".

- Commitment.. is to yourself.. and to your growth.

- Commitment to your growth:

o Attending events

o Getting trained

o Attending VCON

o Attending ReVCON

o Attending NSS

o Listening to CDs

o Attending leadership camps

- "Training is part of power of association"

Ameen Radhi Ahmed – HY441234

+973 36402121 –
- People will feel it is undermining their intelligence.

- Everything is done by QuestNet!!!

- It is crucial to your growth

- It must be not less than 150 names

- "Biggest disease in our business is when you prejudge"

- Sit with your downline and make sure it is done

- Use memory joggers to help you


- "put EVERYONE into your name list"

- Categorize them into "HOT, WARM and COLD"

- There is no specific one way.

o Invitation

 Invitation: to invite someone

 Don't say any unnecessary information

• Professional invitation

• Non-professional invitation

 Don't panic or be scared

 Have the posture, who needs who more?

 Should be done "Short & Sweat"

 Give him options "Two days"

o Prospecting

 Increase your list by 10% every month

 Networking is talking to people

Ameen Radhi Ahmed – HY441234

+973 36402121 –
 When you interact with society, you must come
back home with new prospects

- REMEMBER: "He needs you more than you need him"

- People panic with the word "PRESENTAION"

- No right or wrong one

- Rubberband: company profile, product, compensation plan &


- First 5 presentations, your upline will do it, you sit, watch and
learn, nodding your head and smiling

- Upline must be edified

- Always choose the right environment

o Don’t dine and wine

o Don’t go late

o Bring your upline after your prospect sit down

- Questions and Answers: "Please, hold questions till the end"

- Do it using a paper and a cheap pen

- No need to show products

- Dressing: Smart, casual and professional

o Clean shoes

o Shirt

o Good watch

o Nails are cut well

o Shaving well

- Dress, walk and talk like a millionare

- Second 5 presentations, you do half, upline half

- Third 5 presentations, you do it, upline watch

Ameen Radhi Ahmed – HY441234

+973 36402121 –
- 45 minutes to 1 hour

- Talk about one product only

- Like hitting the gold ball with the bat, you need to follow through
to go further

- The hardest, people will try to avoid you

- The worst can happen.. "NO"

- Within 48 hours

- Always use positive terms

- People:

o ––Will sign up on the spot

o Will fall of the chair laughing

o Will say no in the follow up call

o Will come to your follow up meeting

 They have 50, 50

 Use feel, felt and found

 SW Rule: "Some will, Some won't, So what,

Someone else is waiting

- Very, very, very, very IMPORTANT

- Crucial

- You listened to your driver trainer to be able to drive

- GOLDEN RULE: "BAD news – upline, GOOD news – downline"

- The key aspect of Network Marketing – DUPLICATE ASAP

Ameen Radhi Ahmed – HY441234

+973 36402121 –
- Identify your core leadership

- 8BBB

- You have to take a decision

- Put passion into it

- Give 100% everyday

Ameen Radhi Ahmed – HY441234

+973 36402121 –

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