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Friday, October 21, 11

Strengthening Ivanhoe
Julie Sikonski
Friday, October 21, 11

Ian Spaeth

| Karen Villalba

Good Morning! :) Im Karen, this is Ian and Julie.

Friday, October 21, 11

Ivanhoe has grown as a thriving community in the last 10 years and their identity has not grown with them.

Friday, October 21, 11

Elements that make up the Ivanhoe identity are: logo, newsletter, information pamphlets, banners and welcome bags for new neighbors.

Friday, October 21, 11

Members of the community receive some of this material at the Neighborhood center or through the block captains that distribute this information through volunteers.

1. Refresh the Identity 2. Focus on Communication 3. New Neighborhood Information

Friday, October 21, 11

During the times that we have visited the community. We noticed that certain elements can be strengthened, and our goal is to: 1. Refresh the identity. Reect Ivanhoes positive improvements this is a thriving community that has grown and changed in the past 10 years. 2. Focus on strengthening the means of communication within the community and facilitating distribution of it 3. Reiterating the importance of the information new neighbors receive when they move into the Ivanhoe neighborhood

1. Objective

Refresh identity

Friday, October 21, 11

The rst objective is to refresh the identity

Friday, October 21, 11

Friday, October 21, 11

During our research, we found that the logo was designed through Kansas Citys beautication committee. We understand how important this recognizable symbol of Ivanhoe is to its people and were excited to get the chance to give a personal ngerprint to the mark to mirror all the good things happening.

2. Objective

Focus on Communication

Friday, October 21, 11

The second objective is to focus on strengthening means of communication within the community and facilitating distribution of that communication.

Friday, October 21, 11

We understand how big of a community Ivanhoe really is, convenient access to information is our aim. We want to create easy comprehension material with user friendly visuals and content that is intriguing and relevant to the members of the community. Information dealing with crime, youth, give aways and city services. As well as possibly looking for other means of production of this material.

Friday, October 21, 11

For instance, in the neighborhood of Greenwich Village in New York City, theres a community news paper called The Village Voice. It was launched on October 26, 1955 from the two-bedroom apartment of Ed Fancher, Dan Wolf, and Norman Mailer. Its initial reach was only Greenwich Village and now its distributed across the entire united states. Were not saying our goal is to get this published across the United States, but this shows that it can reach outside of the Ivanhoe community.

3. Objective

New Neighbor Information

Friday, October 21, 11

The third objective is reiterating the importance of the information new neighbors receive when they move into the Ivanhoe neighborhood.

Friday, October 21, 11

The welcome package would give new home owners and renters information on the history of Ivanhoe to show why there is so much pride here. It would also have information and tips on how to care for their property, and how they can be involved in Ivanhoe. As well as a list of contact information for a variety of situations.

Our Task

Refresh the Identity Update the Quarterly Update the Welcome Bags New Signage
Friday, October 21, 11

the parts we want to work on are refreshing the identity, update the quarterly, update the welcome bags, and possible create new signage. Throughout all of this we would be applying the new identity to help tie everything together. Were currently working on the identity refresh for ivanhoe while also working on some beginning tests of layouts for the quarterly redesign. all of this will also inform the welcome bags and signage.

Friday, October 21, 11

weve worked very hard to make sure that Ivanhoe residents know that they live in Ivanhoe (not an easy task) an one of the tools weve used is the logo. because of this, were working on a few different directions. one direction that takes the current identity an builds upon it and makes it more robust. and possible 2 other directions that are more of a departure from what they currently have.

Friday, October 21, 11

refreshing the identity: the sunburst, staying very close to the original. the left is an updated, slightly altered suburst from their current identity. the right is a more geometric-styled version.

Friday, October 21, 11

refresh: sunburst. here were starting to move farther away from what they have now.

Friday, October 21, 11

refresh: a complete departure from what exists now. it keeps the color palette and typographic treatment the same, but the imagery were representing is different. four quadrant / cross

Friday, October 21, 11

the tagline a thriving community would be used throughout the system as well, just not directly with the logo & name.

Friday, October 21, 11

the quarterly layout, but now every month, handed out at the monthly meeting.

Friday, October 21, 11

the quarterly layout, but now every month, handed out at the monthly meeting.

Friday, October 21, 11

the welcome bags would ideally be reusable shopping bags that could be used more than just the rst time. Also, we would want to have something in this bag for every member of the family. A small little game for the kids, something to entice the teenager, and things for the parent as well. Information about Ivanhoe ect.

Friday, October 21, 11

Thank You!

Friday, October 21, 11

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