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Knowledge Redefined

Metis Research Reports

Report on:
Knowledge Redefined

Transmission System Augmentation:

A Crucial Link for India's Power Sector Growth
Key Questions Answered
? Will planned transmission infrastructure be able to handle capacity addition targets? ? Augmentation expected with the on going projects for the XII plan Capacity ? State-wise analysis of transmission sector ? the impact of the new tariff structure based on point of connection methodology? What is ? How have the key reforms in transmission sector performed? ? What are the major drivers for investments and opportunities in the sector? ? The impact of Open access on Transmission sector and how is it effecting trading and

power market development?

? What steps should the government take to encourage private investment in Transmission

? What are the issues faced in integrating renewable energy with the grid? ? of major project including high capacity transmission corridors Status
Report on:

? of SAARC transmission link? Will it help in mitigating the sub-continents power Status

ransmission System Augmentation:

A Crucial Link for India's Power Sector Growth

crisis? No. of Pages : 250 approx Format : Hard or Soft Copy (PDF Format) Price : ? Subscriber 32,000/? Non Subscriber 40,000/-

Report on :
Knowledge Redefined

Is Solar an Expedient Solution for Energy Security?

Report on :

Key Questions Answered

? Comprehensive

Is Solar an Expedient Solution for Energy Security?

Will Piling of Solar project and policy announcements in India predict the market growth?

insight on Indias emerging solar market landscape

?state give the best opportunities for investment in solar? Which ? the solar capacity India can achieve by 2017? What is ? Will Indias financial climate be a deterrent to Indias solar plans? ? Solar manufactures market assessment ? What steps need to be taken notch up Indias solar interest? ? help solve Indias energy crisis? Will solar ? Case studies

No. of Pages : 200 approx Format : Hard or Soft Copy (PDF Format) Price : ? Subscriber 24,000/? Non Subscriber 30,000/-

For Report Booking Please Contact :

T: +91 11 45057447 F: +91 11 4505 7446

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