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Rubric for Hero/Bully Story

1 (24-41%)
Detailed Elements of a story

2 (42-59%)

3 (60-73%)

4 (74-87%)

5 (88-100%)

Simple, short, The story is a Clear Interesting Engaging no details, and sequence of beginning and a beginning and beginning, with a very basic. events. sequence of events unfold to solid sense of Connection A few added events that lead create a satisfying direction leading between events details, but still to a predictable conclusion. to a perfectly and/or basic and conclusion. Most details developed characters are simple and do Some details enhance the story. conclusion. missing. very little to enhance the Details are enhance the story. elaborate and story. enhance the story. Simple, short, repetitive words No bullying aspects whatsoever A few expressive words Vague bullying aspects Some expressive words Bullying aspects are present, but simple and straightforward Many rich, imaginative words Well thought out bullying aspects with an obvious solution Uses rich and imaginative language throughout Perfectly thought out bullying aspects with a more global solution

Vocabular y usage

Contains one of the 4 types of bullying

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