Mba1 PPM Dec08

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Roll No. Total No. of Questions: 071 [Total No.

of Pages: 02

PaperID [C01011
( P l e a s ef i l l t h i s P a p e r l D i n O I \ { R S h e e t )

MBA (Sem.- 1") PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES OF MANAGEMENT (MB . 101) Time : 03 Hours Instruction to Candidates: 1) Section- A is ComPulsory. 2\ from Section- B. Attemptany Four questions Section- A Qt) a) What is the purposeof management? b) Defineplanning. by of c) What arethe advantages management objectives? d) What arethe stepsin decisionmaking process? e) DefinePolicy? 0 What is decentralisation? authorityandpower' g) Differentiatebetween of h) What is the significance coordination? t) j) What is feed forward control? theory? What aremotivationalfactorsin Herzberg's Section- B (4 x 10:'40) is management a and Q2) Discussthe scopeof management explain whether or science an art? of development of QJ) I)iscussthe contributions Elton Mayo towardsthe thought. managelnent its of Q4) l)iscussthe process planningand explair-r types. (10x2:20) Maximum Marks : 60

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the approaches decision to making. QS) Discuss traditional for Q6) What are the commonreasons failure of delegation?Explain how to makedelegation effective. of management. Q7) Explainthemain features Japanese



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