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Headship team: Mrs S Nettey Mr T Wilson
October 2011

Princess Frederica CE VA Primary School




Our School
We are proud to announce the responsibilities for important jobs in our school Head boy: Alex Deputy: Elliot Head girl: Florence Deputy: Sophie Twain captain: Jay Twain deputy: Nekeisha Anderson captain: Tom Anderson Deputy: Ava Seacole captain: Georgina Seacole deputy: Nickush Brunel captain: Mathilde Brunel deputy: Tristram

A super start to 2011

This half term has gone by very quickly indeed! It has been a pleasure to see the children settled and all working hard. Im sure they are looking forward to the holiday so they can recharge and be ready for learning in the second half of the autumn term.
School Council at the Marylebone Project

Black History Month

We celebrated Black History month in school with various activities which culminated in a superb assembly on Friday 14th October. This year- to coincide with the Olympics in 2012- we looked at the sporting achievements of black athletes and sports people through the ages. Children were entertained in assembly by enactments of some classic moments in recent history as well as reports and presentations about sporting stars we all know and respect.

Many thanks for your support at the recent Open Evening where parents and careers had the opportunity to meet with class teachers and discuss targets for the forthcoming year. It was great to have such a Play Leaders good turnout. Brodie, Lara, Honor, Solon,
Mya, Harry, De Andre, Hannah, Zico, Ella, Scarlett and Rachel Tour Guides Jonathon, Jamie, Dishen, Nate, Cherise, Nina, Lucas, Denea, Amelia and Anoushka Gardeners Emmanuel, Condeleeza, Lydia, Maximus, Florence, Georgia, Erin and Solon Junior Road Safety Officers Kevin, Elisa, Sabian and Poppy School Councilors Betsy, Georgia, Khalid, Saul, Felix, Mila, Laurelle, Isla, Angel, Marcel, Archie, Lily

We had an enjoyable Harvest service led by Rev Ollie Ryder at St Marks Church. Your kind donations of dried and tinned food were gratefully received and have been donated to the Marylebone Projecta charity which supports vulnerable women. Many thanks for your generosity. May we take this opportunity to say a big thank you to parents, carers and everyone in our school community who continue to support the school with prayers and in so many other diverse ways. We do hope you all have an enjoyable and restful half term and we look forward to seeing you back at school on November 1st. Headship team

Nursery Places 2012

The Governors would like to announce that from September, 2012 our Nursery will be running part time morning or afternoon sessions.

Chair of Governors
Our thanks go to Pippa ThiedePalmer who is stepping down as Chair of Governors after 6 years in the role. She will remain as a governor. Her service to the school as Chair has been invaluable. We would like to take this opportunity to welcome our new Chair of Governors, Mr Andrew Moss (Eleanor Y4 and Toby Y2)

Operation Christmas Child

Once again Christmas is nearly here and everyone at Princess Frederica is hoping to make a difference to the lives of children less fortunate than ourselves. Your child should have already brought home an Operation Christmas Child leaflet with easy to follow instructions. We ask you to fill a shoebox with Christmas gifts for a child, donating what you can. We would delight in breaking our previous record of 220 boxes collected. All clean and useful items are welcome in the shoeboxes. No chocolate is allowed. Boxes must be returned to school by Monday 7th November, 2011


Our Brent Council Road Safety Officer has recently appointed 4 Junior Road Safety Officers to help support children, parents and carers to stay safe when travelling to and from school. Our JRSOs will be awarding Walk to School on We have had a very exciting half Wednesday badges in the second term for educational visits with the half of the autumn term. They will children visiting many different also be issuing parking tickets to organisations, museums and events. parents who park on the yellow zig All of Year 4 -6 took part in World zag lines at the start and end of the Skills 2011, travelling to the Excel school day- be warned! Centre in Docklands and learning about different jobs, skills and Reading Volunteers careers. Many thanks to the eleven parents and carers who have volunteered to train to be reading volunteers. This commitment is very much appreciated by everyone in our school community.
World skills 2011

Educational Visits and special events this half term

Junior Road Safety Officer

Our Governors
Mrs S Nettey, Rev Ollie Ryder, Colin Burch, Catherine Hardie, Louisa Dallmeyer, Louise Williamson, Kirsty Lister, Pippa Thiede-Palmer , Malcolm Winterburn, Chris Ampofo, Chris Martin, Jennifer Knight, Andrew Moss, Lanre Adebola, Peter Smith and Nigel Clark. Full details of our Governing body can be found on our website.

National School Films Week We have been very fortunate to secure film tickets for all children from Year 1-6 to take part in National Schools Films Week. Science workshop Year 5 very much enjoyed a workshop led by Science Whiz, Will Embliss. This provided inspiration to their Science topic on Sounds and Vibrations Museums and Galleries Year 6 recently explored the Natural Gallery as part of their Art topic on movement. Year 4 attended the Natural History Museum to support their learning about skeletons in Science. Gardening Club Our gardeners were among an exclusive group invited to the press launch at the new education centre in Hyde Park. At this centre children will be able to learn about the natural world and experience mini-beast hunts and pond dipping among other engaging activities P

From time to time your child might be invited to join our group for children with particular strengths or talents in an area of our curriculum. This group replaces the initiative which was previously known as Day a Week School. So far this term Pelicans have been learning about adaptation and change in relation to the science curriculum. They have designed their own creatures adapted to particular environments. The fruits of their labour can be seen on our website blog.

Writing competition
Our Writing competition is currently running in Year 5/6. Please encourage your child to enter. They could win a book token worth up to 25. We are looking forward to reading some super stories! All entries must be received by Monday 5th December, 2011.


Parent and carers workshops

Following the success of the workshop we ran last term about learning in mathematics we have decided to run further workshops to help parents and carers understand approaches to mathematics and English learning in school and what you can do to help at home. There are three workshops, each aimed at different groups of parents and carers. We do hope you will be able to attend. Where possible, please do not bring children to these workshops Supporting Literacy at home for Foundation and Key Stage 1 parents Tuesday 1st November, 2011 at 9.15am in the Infant hall Supporting Mathematics at home in Key Stage 1 Wednesday 2nd November at 3.45pm and repeated at 6.30pm in 1 Ottawa Supporting Mathematics at home in Key Stage 2 Wednesday 3rd November at 3.45pm and repeated at 6.30pm in 5 Lisbon

Our new website
Our new website will be formally launched after half term although you can get a sneak preview now by visiting You can already view our online calendar which will keep us all up to date with events and important information. Full details about clubs, important letters and activities to help support learning out of school will be available soon. We do hope you find it a useful resource. We will be using parent email more frequently after half term to send letters home. If you havent already given us your email, please do so as soon as possible so we can update our records.

ABC Fund
The Governors would like to thank all of those parents and carers who have paid their 30 ABC fund money. The way we are funded means that this money contributes to essential building works which need to be carried out from time to time. We desperately need all parents to contribute annually even if your children have moved through the school and are now in Year 5 or 6. Class payment records and targets will be sent out at the start of next half term. If for any reason you feel unable to pay, please speak to the Headship team as a matter of urgency.

School meals and healthy lunches

We are proud of our school lunches at Princess Frederica but wed thought youd like to know that we are working hard to make them even tastier. Children have been asked to tell us what their favourite food is and we are working with Eagle Solutions to make sure their views about school dinners are heard. In the coming weeks you will hear more about our working party on healthy packed lunches. We will soon be providing some useful guidance and support on what makes a great packed lunch.

Clubs and extra curricular activities

We offer many different clubs and activities after school and even more are starting after the half term holidays including - Art club led by Miss E Sharp - Lego club led by Miss ML Hall - French conversation club led by Mr Djabate and Madame Lacki - Computer club led by Mr T Wilson Further details about membership of these clubs will be published after the holiday. Clubs already running in school Tap, Netball, Fencing, Film club, Girls football, Boys football, Athletics, Gardening club, Chess, Badminton, Cricket, School Band, Recorders, Rugby, Lunchtime football clubs and Choir

Personal Safety
There have been a number of robberies of mobile phones outside the school near College Road. Please ensure you keep your personal belonging hidden and take safety precautions seriously. P


Coffee morning

PSA Annual Meeting

The PSA Annual General meeting was held in October where the previous years accounts were presented. PSA reps will be contacting you shortly to Each Friday morning ensure they have your up to date email information so they can get in touch easily. Many thanks for your continued support at Cake Sales. These are parents and carers are warmly invited to raising impressive sums of money to support learning, play and special events in your childs class. The PSA are currently seeking your opinion come along to our about how money raised can be best spent. Please let your rep know if you weekly coffee have ideas and we can work in partnership to use your kind donations for the morning at 9.00am. This is an opportunity good of all children at our school. to talk to other parents and members of staff and Bags top school Thursday 3rd November, 2011 offer your opinions PSA Meeting Friday 4th November, 2011 9.00am-10.00am and feedback on Tuesday 15th November, 2011 TBC school initiatives and Quiz Night Mufti Day Friday 25th November, 2011 activities. We look Friday 2nd December, 2011 forward to seeing you Mufti Day Christmas Fair Saturday 3rd December, 2011 3.00pm-6.00pm there.

Upcoming events PSA

Personal belonging
Please note, children are not allowed to bring personal belongings into school including mobile phones. Naturally, exceptions are made when children have been asked to bring in something for a specific purpose.

Scooters in school
Please ensure that children are not scooting on the playgrounds. Scooters on the playground after drop off are left at the owners risk and will not be accessible for collection until the end of the school day. Please make sure you have all your belongings with you when you leave the premises

Art shirts
Please send to school named old shirts for use in art. This will help the children to keep clean in messy activities throughout the year. Shirts should be stored in classrooms as directed by the class teacher and will need to be taken home every term to be washed.

Wellies on Wednesday
Children in the Foundation Stage (Reception and Nursery need to remember to bring their wellies to school on Wednesdays so they can go onto the embankment and learn through play in our wonderful outdoor environment.

The morning bell

Parents and carers must leave the playground as soon as the first bell rings in the morning. If you wish to meet with your childs class teacher please do so after school or make arrangements by emailing the office at

ACE Clothing
There is a significant back log of uncollected orders in the school office- deliveries are every Tuesday. Please make sure you collect your order promptly.

Important dates for your diary

Inset day (School Closed) 5 Lisbon Class Assembly 5 Portugal Class Assembly Foundation and KS 1 Nativity @ Christmas lunch End of term service at St Martins End of term Back to school 31.10.11 18.11.12 at 10.15am 2.12.11 at 10.15am 8.12.11 and 9.12.11 at 1.45pm 15.12.11 16.12.11 at 10.30am 16.12.11 at 1.30pm 3.01.12

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