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Test #1: Review Guide Roanoke: Raleigh, Grenville, Lane Jamestown: J.

Smith, Rolfe, Powhatan, Pocahontas, Openchancanough Plymouth: Carver, Bradford, Winslow Mass Bay: Winthrop Mayflower Compact City Upon A Hill Catholicism vs. Protestantism Anglican, Presbyterian, Congregationalist Puritan, Separatists, Pilgrims Elizabeth I, James I, Charles I

American Republic Ms. Whitaker

Nathaniel Bacon, William Berkley Maryland, Calverts, John Coode 13 Colonies (will receive charts back for use if there are pertinent questions on the test) Pequot War 1637 Mohegans (Uncas), Narragansetts (Miatonomi), Puritans & Pequots King Philips War 1675-6 Pokanokets, Massasoit, Wamsutta, Metacom, Sassamon, Winslow, Church Roger Williams Anne Hutchinson (and her trial) Mary Dyer: Quakers Salem Witch Trials (when, where, who, why) Mercantilism: A. Smith Atlantic Polygon (Map) Indentured Servitude, Headright System Crops: Tobacco, Rice, Indigo, Cotton, Sugar Society with Slaves vs. Slave Society Atlantic Slave Trade Population stats, coffle, barracoon, captiverie, outfactory Middle Passage Gun-Slave Cycle Slavery in the North, Chesapeake, Deep South & French Louisiana Natchez Rebellion, Stono Rebellion, Nat Turners Rebellion & Amistad Rarity of revolts, ways of resistance, maroons Saltwater vs. Creole, Gullah & Geechee Task System, Africanization of the South, Old Plantation Enlightenment, Rational Christianity The Great Awakening Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield Evangelicalism, Baptists Old Lights vs. New Lights

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