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Input devices
Inpu t de vi ces ar e pi eces
of e qui pme nt tha t a r e
used to p ut da ta into a
computer . Inp ut de vices
al low us to enter r aw
da ta in to a computer . T he
computer pr ocesses the
inf or ma ti on and then
pr oduces outputs tha t we
can under stand usi ng an
output devi ce.

 A perip heral input devic e t hat
lo oks s imila r to a contro l d evice
you wo uld fi nd o n a n a rc ade
game a t your local arcades. A
comp ute r jo ystick all ows an
in div idual t o e asily navigate a n
object i n a game such as
navig atin g a plane i n a
fli ght s imu la to r .
 Most cameras like this are used
during live conversations. The
camera transmits a picture from one
computer to another, or can be used
to record a short video.
Compact Disc (

 CDs store information. The CD can then be

put into another computer, and the
information can be opened and added or
used on the second computer.
 The keyboard is a way to input letters or
numbers into different applications or
programs. A keyboard also has special
keys that help operate the computer.
 The mouse is used to open and close
files, navigate web sites, and click on
a lot of commands (to tell the
computer what to do) when using
different applications.
 A microphone is used to record
sound. The sound is then saved as a
sound file on the computer.
 A scanner is used to copy pictures or
other things and save them as files on
the computer.

 A disk drive can hold a CD or a floppy

disk. It reads the information on the
disk so that the computer can use it.
 Prepared by:

 Mae Karren G.

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