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Takaful myGemilan g

Presented by : Juaina Falihin Binti Jamsari 2010684756 BBAF 4F

Comfortable retirement Select suitable terms of coverage to meet our changes lifestyle needs Financial protection increasing Perform partial withdrawals or cash out from our Certificate at anytime Reinforce your protection needs with either the Takaful Personal Accident or Takaful Hospital Cash Benefits Rider.

Receive money and constant protection even when we stop contributing a) starting from the 8th year of our Certificates 10 years term or for the last 5 years of our Certificate for other terms of Certificate duration. b) still enjoy uninterrupted protection and other benefits

Who is Eligible to Participate?

Anyone who is between age 18 to age 65 We may choose a term of 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years of coverage subject to a maximum expiry age of 80 The Contribution that you need to make depends on your age, occupation, health status and amount of Sum Covered and term chosen.

Payment Method
monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually Cash Cheque Autodebit from Maybank Account Bankislam Maybank2u Salary Deduction

Types of Charges and Fee

Tabarru charges Wakalah fee Partial withdrawal charges (RM 50) - must be in multiples RM 100 - minimum RM 1000 in Savings Fund Surrender charges (RM 100)

Investment Profit Distribution

The investment profit arising from the Savings Fund If the company has profits, profits shall be distributed annually between us and the company - You : 90% - Company : 10%

Exclusions and Limitations Death (up to age 80)

- Suicide while sane or insane Total and Permanent Disability (Up to age 65) - Disability caused by war or warlike operations - Any breach of law by you or any assault provoked by you - Participation in training for any dangerous sport or competition or riding in any form of race

Thank You

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