Case Presentation and Discussion On

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Case Presentation and Discussion on Intra-abdominal Tumor

Marlou O. Padua, MD General Data: J.S., 13 y/o F, from Sampaloc, Manila Chief Complaint: Hypogastric mass History of Present Illness: 2 mos PTA enlarging mass on hypogastric area (-) pain (-) tender (-) BM changes (-) dysuria (-) bleeding per vagina 1 mo PTA increase in size of mass with abdominal enlargement

consult Past Medical History: unremarkable Family History: unremarkable Personal Social History: non-smoker, non-alcoholic beverage drinker Physical Examination: Gen. Survey: conscious, coherent, ambulatory, NICRD Vital Signs: BP:90/70 CR:84 RR:20 T:37C

HEENT: pink palpebral conjunctiva, anicteric sclerae, supple neck, (-) cervical LAD Chest/Lungs: symmetrical chest expansion, clear breath sounds

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