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King’s College Record of Work

Student Support Unit – Study Group 2007-2008 (1 Term)

Appendix I Record of Work – S.1 Eng. / S.1 Maths. / S.2 Eng. / S.2 Maths. Tutorial Class
Tutor’s Information
Name : ( ) Class :

Tutee’s Information
Name : ( ) Class :
Tele. No.: E-mail address

Date Attendance Content of Tutorial Marks Remark(s) Attitude

KCSSU – Study Group 2007-2008 (1st term) – Record of Work Page 1 of 3

King’s College Record of Work
Student Support Unit – Study Group 2007-2008 (1 Term)

Date Attendance Content of Tutorial Marks Remark(s) Attitude

KCSSU – Study Group 2007-2008 (1st term) – Record of Work Page 2 of 3

King’s College Record of Work
Student Support Unit – Study Group 2007-2008 (1 Term)

Date Attendance Content of Tutorial Marks Remark(s) Attitude

KCSSU – Study Group 2007-2008 (1st term) – Record of Work Page 3 of 3

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