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Elon Board of Aldermen approves University construction

Left: Design plan for The Station at Mill Point Above: Design plan for the new Global Neighborhood The Elon Board of Aldermen

Board also elects two to Parks and Recreation Commission

by Steven Ebert The Elon Board of Aldermen approved two portions of Elons construction tonight at the monthly town hall meeting, allowing for the rst four story buildings in the town of Elon to be built on campus. Ke n M u l l e n , a s s i s t a n t v i c e president for building and nance at Elon University, says that the four new residence buildings will be erected by Lake Mary Nell. Construction should begin right after graduation, Mullen said. All board members voted in favor of the construction. The board also unanimously voted in favor of the zoning of the area that outlines construction of The Station at Mill Point, a new set of town-home style residences designed for upperclassmen at the
For more information on the Elon Board of Alderman: visit

university. The construction will take place across from the rehouse on the Firehouse Fields. Brad Moore, the associate director of planning, design and construction management spoke about the new construction of the Station. Phase I will be complete in Ju l y 2 0 1 2 , h e s a i d . T h e remaining 10 buildings will be completed by July 2013. Town Manager Michael Dula noted an interesting trend of growth in the population of Elon, explaining that the population is expected to grow by almost 3,000. Citing the last census, which was taken ten years ago, Dula reported that the town had group from around 6,700 residents to an estimated 9,419 residents.

Other agenda points from the Board of Aldermen:

Approved the request by Elon University to rezone property on 762 and 764 East Haggard Avenue from an Industrial Zoning District to a Public and Institutional Zoning District. This is to allow for the Elon Universitys Doctor of Physical Therapy program and new Physician Assistants program to be housed there. Adopted a revision to the Alamance County Hazard Mitigation Plan Appointed John Peterson and Brenda Morris to the Parks and Recreation Commission


To nd out more about Elons construction: visit and click on building an incredible campus

photos courtesy of Elon University Media Relations,

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