Unbreakable Week 7

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The Promise of Wisdom

God will give us wisdom if we live by His design

VII. The Promise of Wisdom

Shalom - Shalom means that all life is at peace with God - Our sin broke the shalom God created - With this sin came death, disease, famine, broken relationships, violence, war, addiction and depression

VII. The Promise of Wisdom

The Four Questions James 1:5-8 1. What is this wisdom James is talking about? - Wisdom is the opposite of foolishness - Wisdom is living life the way God designed it - Wisdom requires both knowledge and application

VII. The Promise of Wisdom

The Four Questions James 1:5-8 Here are a few areas the Bible preaches wisdom: 1. Work Proverbs 6:6-11 2. Money Proverbs 22:7 3. Speech Proverbs 12:17-19 4. Relationships Proverbs 13:20; 1

VII. The Promise of Wisdom

The Four Questions James 1:5 2. What is James teaching us about God? - God doesnt give based on our performance - God gives because of Jesus sacrifice - No matter how foolish youve been God can give you wisdom

VII. The Promise of Wisdom

The Four Questions James 1:6-8 3. What is James teaching us about prayer? - IF you want wisdom you must ask - BUT you must ask in faith, with no doubting - We must be willing to do what God says - God will give you wisdom IF you live according to His design

VII. The Promise of Wisdom

The Four Questions 4. How does God fulfill this promise of wisdom? 1. Trials James 1:2-4 2. The Bible 1 Timothy 3:16-17, Proverbs 3. Wise friends Proverbs 13:20, 27:27

VII. The Promise of Wisdom

Proverbs 9:10: The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom
Its all about Jesus Romans 11:36

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