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1. I consider my self .user of a cellular phone. Heavy Medium Light 2.

I am a user of Nokia Yes No

3. My most proffered brand is Nokia Samsung Motorola LG Other

Rate the attributes in choosing your proffered mobile phone brand

4. Brand perception Extremely important Important Average Below Average Not Important Extremely Unimportant 543210 5. Price Extremely important Important Average Below Average Not Important Extremely Unimportant 543210 6. Features Extremely important Important Average Below Average Not Important Extremely Unimportant 543210 7. Add something Extremely important Important Average Below Average Not Important Extremely Unimportant 543210

8. Add something Extremely important Important Average Below Average Not Important Extremely Unimportant 543210 9. Add something Extremely important Important Average Below Average Not Important Extremely Unimportant 543210

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