Course Modules

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Monday 8:30 > 9:45


Friday 8:30 > 10:20



9:55 > 11:10

10:30 > 12:20

11:20 > 12:35

12:30 > 2:20

12:45 > 2:00

2:30 > 4:20

4:30 > 5:30 2:10 > 3:25 6:00 > 7:50 3:35 > 5:25 8:00 > 9:50 Monday 6:00 > 7:50 Wednesday
Remember to write down your CRN Number! (Its the 5 digit one) CAPP: Its tells you what classes you need to graduate, based on what youve done already. Go to GoPortal > Student Services > CAPP. Follow the instructions. Just know youre making a new Evaluation and you want a Detail Evaluation. Banner: The soul of your career at Stockton. When GoPortal crashes on registration day (and it will), you can use Banner to register for your classes instead. Go to The User ID is your complete Z-Number. You should know your pin, but if not click Forget Pin and itll let you reset your pin. Then go to Students & Financial Aid > Registration > Add or Drop Classes

8:00 > 9:50

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