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NJ-CAN Candidates Pledge If elected, I pledge to:

1. Work to ensure jobs, living wages, benefits & worker rights for all residents of New Jersey. Fight against privatization of New Jerseys public assets and services. 2. Never participate in efforts to restrict the rights, living standards of union and nonunion workers. 3. Advocate for a New Jersey Employee Free Choice Act. Oppose any Right to Work legislation. 4. Work to support all efforts to expand equal rights for all New Jersey residents and oppose all forms of discrimination in public and private life. 5. Work for tax fairness. Reverse the 50 year trend that has increased taxes on working people and decreased taxes on the wealthy and corporations. 6. Fight to bring home the NJ war dollars to fund Healthcare, Housing , Education and Jobs. 7. Push for clean and transparent elections by eliminating corporate funding of elections. Make our current voting machines meet New Jersey constitutional requirements. 8. Work for a single payer Medicare for All type universal health-care system for New Jersey residents. 9. Preserve and expand public education. Stop back door school vouchers. 10. Secure financial stability for the state of New Jersey, advocate for the establishment of a state bank. 11. Promote clean and sustainable energy sources in New Jersey. Phase out fossil fuel and nuclear based energy. In general, I promise to protect the common good and fight for progressive solutions to the problems facing the people of New Jersey. Signed ___________________________________________________ Date ______________________ Candidates Name: _____________________________________________________

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