The Santa Anita Handicap

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The Santa Anita Handicap

As millions of you listeners wait in quiet trepidation Im here to let you know that the wait has finally ended and that the race is about to begin. As the horses line up along the trail the audience sits on the edges of there seats in quiet anticipation. At the sound of the bell all 18 horses bound forward rushing to gain the optimal position. Time Supply takes first place, while Special Agent tries to force his way to front. Rosemont, on the outside, seems to be in a pretty good position and Seabiscuit is pitched back to ninth. Suddenly Special Agent takes the lead with Time Supply right along side him in 2nd. Following in third is Accolade and Boxthorn close behind. Then here comes Seabiscuit easing his way up to fourth position. While Rosemont comes up close in sixth place he seems to be having a hard time working his way through and decides to go around on the inside. Wow I must say it is getting hard to keep up. Now its Special Agent and Seabiscuit going head to head with Seabiscuit gaining by increments. Seabiscuit takes the lead! Dare I say it appears Seabiscuit is going to win! All of a sudden, inexplicably Seabiscuit pauses. What could be the meaning of this, is he sensing hesitation from Pollard and if so what for? Is he arrogant, inept, overconfident, or just plain crazy to hesitate with the lead that he has? Then abruptly Seabiscuit takes a sharp left turn veering ten feet across the track and back down in to the deep going giving away several feet of his lead. The cadence of his stride drops giving Rosemont a chance to catch up. Only as the wire rushes at them does Pollard break out of his limbo and Seabiscuit dives forward. As the crowd shrieks its inaudibly to even hear my self think. Then the crowd goes silent as we wait for the stewards to post a winner. Could Seabiscuit and Pollards break in concentration have caused them to lose the game? Is Rosemont the winner here? Although I saw

with my own eyes what had seemed to be a win for Rosemont I still hope that Seabiscuit might have been the winner. If anything it would be a very close call as you can tell by how long wereRosemont has won! The photo that appears on the screen is unequivocal. Rosemont wins by his muzzle being a wink ahead of Seabiscuits. It was an eyelash finish and a thrillingly, beautiful race to watch and I hope you enjoyed listening.

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