Lab 2

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Lab Exercises – Day 2

1. Check the status of NNM services. Observe each service; identify the function of
each service.

2. Stop all NNM services. Set universal pathnames.

3. Start all NNM services. Check if the services are RUNNING. Check universal

4. Get the summary listing of the objects and fields in the object database

5. Get the object database information for your system

6. Get the summary listing of the contents of the topology database

7. Get the information about your system from the topology database

8. Start NNM GUI session. Navigate through the different submaps and observe the
objects in the submap

9. Navigate to Network submap. Explore views of the network using the Pan and
Zoom utility

10. Navigate to Internet submap. Turn on port connection labelling

11. Use the Edit Find feature to open the Segment submap containing your system.
Check out Object Properties for your system

12. Check out the Object Properties for a Network Object

13. From ovw GUI copy the default map and save it as cmcmap1

14. From command prompt, create another copy of the default map and name it

15. From ovw GUI, verify if both the new maps are listed

16. Close all ovw sessions, and from the command prompt invoke the cmcmap1

17. From the menu, delete cmcmap2

18. Set cmcmap1 as the “User Default”

19. Navigate to Internet submap and set this as the home submap
20. Close all ovw sessions and invoke the GUI once again. Verify if the default map
and submap open

21. Explore setting background, turning Automatic Layout off and on

22. Open the submap showing your system and add it to the Quick Navigator. Verify
that you can access this submap using the Quick Navigator

23. Set your user default map to default

24. Explore hiding/unhiding symbols on your Network submap

25. Explore Submap overlay and geometry

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