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lVAcL Mc: GArc:lcrLL

CLrecRelll FLrLlrc

I|c \cga:ac|:ic a:c a: o|scu:c :acc,
t|c, livc o: a si:glc la:ct locatcc i:
cguc:tuu |scu:is, t|c :auc oi w|ic|
|as |cc: coi:cc |, t|c luc:ials as
\u:cc:. A la:ct covc:cc i: |cav,
iau:a a:c :oa:i:g io:csts, it woulc latc:
|c classiiicc as a Dcat| Wo:lc |, t|c
luc:iuu. I|c o:l, i:|a|ita:ts a:c t|c
\cga:ac|:ic, w|o |avc si:cc ua:agcc to
gai: a :uciuc:ta:, co:t:ol ovc: t|c
wcat|c: o: t|c la:ct. I|c \cga:ac|:ic
|avc acqui:cc a: a:cic:t scic:cc t|at allows t|cu to c|a:gc t|ci: ow:
|,siolog, to |cttc: acat to su:vivc t|c i:cu:sio:s |, ot|c: :accs.

\cga:ac|:ic Vc:iuaw oi:ts c: uoccl.

W l I W l A lc v
Vc:iuaw ! ! ! ! 1 ! 1 o
unlL ComposlLlon
1030 verlmaws

unlL 1ype

Speclal 8ules
8orn of Murder
1he unlL may Lake one of Lhe followlng upgrades
Lnhanced vlsual 8ecepLors +3 pLs
Parder Skln +10 pLs
Acldsacs +10 pLs
Adrenal Clands +13 pLs
Cameleollne Layers +3 pLs
LxLra Llmbs +10 pLs

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