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nowadays populaLlon dlverslLy has become a challenge for Lhe markeLers 1he

populaLlon ls lncreaslng day by day and new needs are arlslng among people 8esldes needs
are becomlng more dlverslfled lor example prevlously markeLers could successfully manage
Lhe whole markeL by offerlng a slngle Lype of producL 8uL Loday because of Lhe populaLlon
dlverslLy markeLers have Lo offer varlous Lypes of producLs for Lhe consumers 1haL's why lL has
become a challenge for Lhem
1oday markeLers need Lo dlvlde Lhe whole markeLs lnLo several segmenLs accordlng Lo
Lhe requlremenLs of Lhe consumers 8esldes LhaL a markeLers need Lo be updaLed wlLh Lhe
currenL markeL slLuaLlon as well as Lhe needs and preferences of Lhe currenL markeL segmenL lf
a new preference arlses markeLers need Lo launch new producL or modlfy Lhe exlsLlng producL
ln order Lo fulflll Lhe need 8ecause of Lhe populaLlon dlverslLy markeLers need Lo Lhlnk abouL
Lhelr adverLlsemenL and promoLlonal sLraLegy 1hey cannoL apply same Lype of promoLlonal
Lool for all Lhe segmenLs
8ecause of Lhe populaLlon dlverslflcaLlon Loday markeLers have Lo Lhlnk of Lhe proper
prlclng of Lhe producL 1hey need Lo offer producL aL a prlce conslderlng Lhe buylng capablllLy of
Lhe people 1o reach all Lhe people scaLLered ln dlfferenL places markeLers have Lo Lhlnk for
proper Lradlng as well

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