Natural Resources in West Asia

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Natura| kesources |n West As|a

Saud| Arab|a

Natura| kesources
uaLes WheaL 8arley Mllle Sorghum
Petroleum, Natural Gas, Iron ore, gold, copper
- Hydrocarbons, uranium, bauxite, coal, iron, phosphate
- Tungsten, zinc, silver, copper.


Natura| kesources
eLroleum flsh rock salL marble small deposlLs of coal
Cold lead nlckel and copper ferLlle soll ln wesL
MllleL sorghum sesame
Cll naLural Cas


Natura| kesources
eLroleum copper asbesLos some marble
LlmesLone chromlum gypsum naLural gas
uaLes llmes bananas alfalfa vegeLables

Un|ted Arab L|rates

Natura| kesources
evenue Cll naLural gas
lsherles pearl rock (ln emlraLe fu[alrah) sand
amels recenLly sLrawberrles


Natura| kesources
eLroleum naLural gas flsh


Natura| kesources
Cll assoclaLed and nonassoclaLed naLural gas flsh pearls
lumlnum 1exLlles


Natura| kesources
eLroleum flsh shrlmp naLural gas naLural Parbor


Natura| kesources
Cll peLroleum flsh shrlmp naLural gas naLural Parbor


Natura| kesources
Cll naLural gas phosphaLes sulfur
8ulldlng maLerlals Soap beverages coLLon


Natura| kesources
eLroleum naLural gas coal chromlum
opper lron ore lead manganese zlnc sulfur
lce soybean reflned sugar sunflower oll corn
alm oll barley processed food flsh anlmal feed
ddlLlves ferLlllzers raw maLerlals agrlculLural equlpmenL


Natura| kesources
opper hosphaLes bromlde poLash clay
Sand Sulfur asphalL manganese crude oll naLural gas


Natura| kesources
hosphaLes poLash shale oll WheaL
8arley frulLs vegeLables vlnes ollves
Marble salL


Natura| kesources
llmesLone lron ore salL arable land
waLersurplus sLaLe ln a waLerdeflclL reglon


Natura| kesources
peLroleum phosphaLes chrome and manganese ores
sphalL lron ore rock salL marble gypsum hydropower
CoaLs sheep caLLle

Natura| kesources
Gems, gold, copper, and coal
Natural gas, oil


Natura| kesources
coal lron ore copper chromlum anLlmony mercury gold
8arlLe boraLe elesLlne emery feldspar llmesLone magneLlLe
Marble perllLe pumlce pyrlLes clay arable land hydropower


Natura| kesources
copper pyrlLes asbesLos gypsum Llmber salL
Marble clay earLh plgmenL

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