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DAILY LESSON PLAN Theme Topic Focus Content standards World of Self, Family and Friends May I...

Listening and speaking 1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to pronounce words and speak confidently with the correct stress, rhythm and intonation. 3.1.2 Able to copy and write in neat legible print. f)simple sentences. 3.2.3. Able to punctuate correctly. b)full stop c) question mark By the end of the lesson pupils will be able to: a) copy and write simple sentences in neat legible print. b) Punctuate full stop and question mark correctly.

Learning standards


Activity 1. Teacher shows a

few simple sentences on the board and explains the use of full stop and question mark in the sentences.sound
/m/and /n/ 2.

Teaching & Learning Strategies Punctuation. Focus on full stop(.) and question mark (?).

Notes Can I sit, please? Yes, you can. Thank you. You are welcome.

Teacher reads simple sentences, pupils repeat .

Guided reading.

Can I sit, please? Yes, you can. Thank you. You are welcome. Sentence strips and Punctuation Symbols.

3. Teacher pastes sentence strips on the board and asks pupils to paste punctuation symbols. 4. Pupils copy the


words in neat legible print.

Assessment: 1)Pupils are able to copy the words in neat legible print. 2)Pupils are able to

Penmanship with focus on fine motor skills. Observation

Activity Book page 20

Tick on checklist.

punctuate correctly. Teaching Aids Added value Group task Reflection Sentence strips,Activity Book, Punctuation Symbol.

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