Speaking in Unknown Tongues. - Ron Payne

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Ron Payne.
For Christians who have come to know Jesus as Lord and Saviour through one of the
traditional churches, the gift of speaking in tongues can present a problem.

There are more than enough articles written on the subject without another coming from
this author. Therefore rather than undertake another in-depth article, let the Scriptures
speak for themselves. This may be far more appropriate, for where else can we look for
guidance, other than scripture?

A few comments that are given above each verse will assist the reader on each point being
made by scripture.

A summary will follow and the whole idea of this

presentation is twofold:

1. To place sensitive people who may feel awkward or not

understand this particular gift, more at ease.

2. To not give an in-depth argument for or against speaking in tongues, but to allow
scripture to simply speak for itself.

Firstly we see that it was promised.

And these signs shall follow them that

believe; In my name shall they cast out
devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
(Mark 16:17)

We see too that it is one of many gifts given to


To another the working of miracles; to

another prophecy; to another discerning
of spirits; to another divers kinds of
tongues; to another the interpretation of
tongues: (1 Corinthians 12:10)

It has a distinct place in the Christian church.

And God hath set some in the church, first

apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly
teachers after that miracles, then gifts of
healings, helps, governments, diversities of
tongues. (1 Corinthians 12:28)

Not every Christian has the gift.

Have all the gifts of healing? do all speak

with tongues? do all interpret?
(1 Corinthians 12:30)

Without an interpreter no one would understand what

was being said.

So likewise ye, except ye utter by the

tongue words easy to be understood,
how shall it be known what is spoken?
for ye shall speak into the air. (1 Corinthians 14:9)

When tongues are spoken publicly at prayer or a service

it is important that it be orderly and that not more
than three deliver messages in tongues. It is also important that there is an interpretation of
what was said.

let it be by two, or at the most by

three, and that by course; and let one
interpret. But if there be no interpreter,
let him keep silence in the church; and let
him speak to himself, and to God.
(1 Corinthians 14:27-28)

A short discourse in a known language, is better than

thousands of words in an unknown tongue.

Yet in the church I had rather speak five

words with my understanding, that by
my voice I might teach others also, than
ten thousand words in an unknown
tongue. (1 Corinthians 14:19)

Prophecy is a gift, which could be better than the gift of tongues.

I would that ye all spake with tongues,

but rather that ye prophesied: for greater
is he that prophesieth than he that
speaketh with tongues, except he
interpret, that the church may receive
edifying. (1 Corinthians 14:5)
One of the purpose of speaking in tongues is to edify yourself. This can be quite useful in
your quiet time.

He that speaketh in an unknown tongue

edifieth himself; but he that prophesieth
edifieth the church. (1 Corinthians 14:4)

While your spirit is praying, you could be unaware of what you are saying.

For if I pray in an unknown tongue, my

spirit prayeth, but my understanding is unfruitful. (1 Corinthians 14:14)

It would be helpful, if you could interpret what you pray or say in an unknown tongue.

Wherefore let him that speaketh in an

unknown tongue pray that he may
interpret. (1 Cor 14:13)

It is also speaking directly to God and can be a

spiritual mystery.

For he that speaketh in an unknown

tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto
God: for no man understandeth him;
howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries.
(1 Corinthians 14:2)

1. To place sensitive people who may feel awkward or not

understand this particular gift, more at ease.
One of the purposes of speaking in tongues, is to edify
yourself. This can be quite useful in your quiet time.

With all the arguments we hear for and against
the speaking of tongues, I am sure that the scriptures
show us that speaking in tongues is still scriptural
and for the church of today. If it were not so, why then
all this advice on assembly behaviour?
The argument most commonly used against the gift of tongues, is that it is no longer
required for the church today.
Below is a quotation from W.E. Vine's expository

There is no evidence of the continuance of this gift

after Apostolic times nor indeed in the later times of the
Apostles themselves; this provides confirmation of the
fulfilment in this way of 1 Cor. 13:8, that this gift would cease in the churches, just as
would “prophecies” and “knowledge” in the sense of knowledge received by
immediate supernatural power . The completion of the
Holy Scriptures has provided the churches with all that
is necessary for individual and collective guidance,
instruction, and edification. (Underlining my emphasis.)

If tongues were to cease, why would the Holy Spirit provide so much instruction in the
Bible, regarding a gift that would no longer exist? No clear statement from the Holy Spirit
regarding the cessation of tongues can be found in Scripture. To claim that tongues have
ceased without such a statement would surely be confusion. And confusion there is, but it
has come from commentators who have not clearly understood or experienced the gifts of
the Spirit. If those who maintain that the gift of tongues, ‘super’natural knowledge and
prophecy are not from the Holy Spirit, then the assumption must be that these gifts are
false. If they are false, then any falsehood found in the Church, must come from Satan, who
constantly attempts to undermine and bring confusion into the Church. If this were true,
then the question must be: "Why are these gifts increasing church membership? Why are
these churches experiencing phenomenal growth? Why are these congregations praising
and worshipping God in a manner and zeal unknown to them previously? Does this then
come from Satan? That question must be answered with the same answer our Lord gave to
those who refused to accept His Miracles and accused Him of doing evil works.

But when the Pharisees heard about the

miracle, they said, “He can cast out
demons because he is Satan, king of devils.
Jesus knew their thoughts and replied,
A divided kingdom ends in ruin.
A city or home divided against itself
cannot stand. And if Satan is casting
out Satan, he is fighting himself and
destroying his own kingdom.
Mathew 12:24-26 The Living Bible

In regard to the gifts of Prophecy or Knowledge, I have yet

to hear anyone who claims to have either of these gifts, insist that he or she is uttering a
new revelation from God as did the prophets in Biblical history and must therefore be
added to scripture. In the use of the gift of prophecy, those who have the gift are simply
confirming God’s prophetic promises, which the prophets of old had already prophesied.
These prophecies found in scripture are simply brought to the people as a reminder of what
God is doing or is still going to do.
An example of this is a prophetic utterance from a member of the congregation, that God
was going to do a marvellous work at the Hatfield Baptist Church, that if they were told
what it would be, they would never believe it. Shortly after this prophetic announcement,
the Church grew literally overnight from an extremely small congregation to thousands of
members all over South Africa. The prophecy made that night, can be found in the book of
Habakkuk chapter 1 verse 5.

“Look among the nations and watch—

Be utterly astounded! For I will work
a work in your days which you would not believe
though it were told you.” Herb 1.5 Living Word

Originally this prophecy concerned Israel. The previous four kings of Israel had brought the
people down into sin to the point that Habakkuk in desperation pleaded with God to do
something. The above verse was God’s promise that He would.
Members of the Hatfield congregation were desperate for their Church to grow. Like
Habakkuk they pleaded with God to do something. Why would God not put into the heart
of one of the members to reiterate what He would do but in this case under different
circumstances? Considering what God has done in Hatfield, who would dare deny it by
reducing the hand of God’s work by insisting that it was merely coincidence or from the

Finally, the scripture in 1st Corinthians which is used to enforce the belief that tongues
have fallen away, reads as follows:

Love never faileth: but whether there be

prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be
tongues, they shall cease; whether there be
knowledge, it shall vanish away.
(1 Corinthians 13:8)

Their argument is, that Paul is saying that tongues will cease. But have they? Paul is also
saying that knowledge will vanish away and prophecies will fail. But we know,
that knowledge has not passed away and not one Bible prophecy has ever failed. But praise
God there are still bold servants of His, who are able to take hold of God’s promises found
in Scripture and prophesy that God will apply those promises, to fit our needs for today.
In regard to the thirteenth chapter of 1st Corinthians, it is obvious that Paul is not speaking
of the age in which the Apostles and all Christians presently live in, but of the age which is
still to come. This is stated quite clearly in verse 10. Let’s look at a number of Bible
versions of this verse.

But when we have been made perfect

and complete, then the need for these
inadequate special gifts will come to an end,
and they will disappear. The Living Bible.

But when perfection comes,

the imperfect disappears.
The New International Version
When that which is perfect is come,
then that which is in part shall be done away
The King James Version

When reading this verse from different versions we get a clearer understanding of what
Paul is saying. i.e.The perfect and perfection is still to come and then and then only will
the imperfections disappear. Not before.
The new dispensation (a new heaven and a new earth) in which prophecy, tongues and
present day knowledge, will no longer be required, because we will all have the mind of
Christ, looking to the new future ahead of us.
Some would say that the perfection that is to come that Paul speaks of is Jesus Christ, But
Jesus had already come and perfection had still to be attained No, Paul is speaking of a
time that is still to come, when we will all attain perfection, with our Lord Jesus the
Bridegroom in our midst.


Whilst tongues are mentioned in chapter 13, the real issue has nothing to do with tongues.
This chapter focuses on LOVE, a gift far greater than any of the other gifts.
Love is a gift that is to be coveted in this age and unlike the present gifts, it is a gift which
will last forever, through the ages to come. Why should we use this chapter to prove
something which is not really being said? In fact using this chapter on love to prove that the
gift of tongues has fallen away, has never really gained acceptance. This chapter does not
deal with the subject of tongues or Prophecy, therefor the Holy Spirit can never confirm
something which is different to what His Word is telling us . If there is any teaching or
lesson in regard to tongues and prophecy in this 13th chapter, it would be that these gifts
are with us, to aid us, until we are perfect and made complete in Christ, and then these gifts
will cease.
Many clerics who insisted that the days of miracles, healing, speaking in tongues and
casting out demons, was only for the time of the Apostles, are discovering that these
teachings were not correct. They themselves are being liberated and practice these gifts.
Unfortunately through this form of teaching, the Church has for a time been robbed of one
of it’s greatest assets, namely the gifts of the Spirit.. Is that possible?
Yes! Very much so. During one period in Church history, the Church which was supposed
to be the light of the world, took the world into the dark ages - simply because men who
were considered the leaders of the religious world at that time, were more personally and
politically focused than they were heavenly minded.


Paul says quite plainly:

How is it then, brethren? When ye come

together, every one of you hath a psalm,
hath a doctrine, hath a tongue, hath a
revelation, hath an interpretation. Let
all things be done unto edifying. (teaching,
instruction, strengthening.) (1 Corinthians 14:26)

With the verse just quoted in mind, the question then asked of today's churches and
congregations concerning the gift of tongues is: "Does your church have a psalm, a
revelation, a doctrine, a tongue, an interpretation? Are all these things done in your church
to edify each other?" If the answer is: "No we don't speak in tongues in our church." Then
be careful of criticising those that do, because Paul's final statement on speaking in tongues
Wherefore, brethren, covet to prophesy, and
forbid not to speak with tongues. (1Cor 14.39)

If speaking in tongues has put you off or frightens you as it once did the author, I wish I
could say more to console you. But I trust that the Scriptures will speak for themselves,
with the knowledge that God in His wisdom knows exactly what your needs and
aspirations are, and if the gift of tongues is one of the desires of your heart, God will attend
to it with all the love and gentleness you

God bless you in your search and your needs.

The Controversy.

There are still a number of Pastors particularly in the South African Baptist churches who
still reject some of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, especially the gift of speaking in tongues.
In fact the author knows of Pastors who were asked to exclude themselves either from
their Church or the Baptist Union. It was said of one such pastor, that "He had gone funny."
It is not unusual to find, that amongst these orthodox churches, there is very little taught
about the gifts of the Holy Spirit. In fact it would appear that they do not want to face or
discuss subjects which they consider controversial. The outcome of this is that amongst
them there is a very limited knowledge of the Spiritual gifts.
While not enjoying the role of pointing fingers, part of the problem lies with those who
advocate and pursue with zeal the gift of tongues, namely the Pentecostal churches.
Pentecostals use the term "Baptised with the Holy Spirit" completely out of context and
this is what upsets and cause rejection by the more orthodox churches and students of
A verse which is commonly used by Pentecostals to assist their doctrine is found in Acts
1:8 where Jesus gives the promise of the Holy Spirit to the Apostles.

“But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you;

The Pentecostalist's assumption is that when you are born again, you do not necessary
have the "Fullness of Holy Spirit Power". This power which the Holy Spirit will give you,
with any one or more of the following gifts, will enable one with power, to preach,
witness, heal the sick, prophesy, speak in tongues etc; Therefor accordingly, one has to be
Baptised by or in the Holy Spirit, after being "born again" in order to receive this power.
While Pentecostalist's may not say it in so many words, yet the insinuation is there and
suggests that no one who has not had this "Baptismal experience" will not have the ability
to preach, heal, witness etc; with Holy Spirit power. Some would even go further than that
and say that without the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues, whatever man
had done in the body of Believers, he would have done it in his own strength. Yet we see,
hear, watch and listen to any amount of men of God, who bring and continue to bring
people to a Saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, through their preaching and witnessing.
They do this without any claim to a "Baptism of the Holy Spirit for power" as proposed by
Pentecostals. The obvious reason given by those who have these gifts without the
"Pentecostal experience" is that they already possess the Holy Spirit of God by Spiritual

We see therefor a group, filled with the Holy Spirit and power, who by their very actions
deny and disprove the Pentecostal doctrine. These Christian workers will deny a Baptism
of the Holy Spirit as proposed by Pentecostals, but will readily claim a continual "Filling"
of God's Holy Spirit as a necessity for their ministry. If you INSIST that they must have,
at some time been Baptised by the Holy Spirit, these mighty men of God will agree with
you and point to the day of their "New Birth" when they were Baptised by the Holy Spirit
into the body of Christ: For by one Spirit are we all baptised into one body, whether we be
Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one
Spirit. 1st Cor 12:13.
For Pentecostals to say this is correct but that there is still a further Baptism of the Holy
Spirit, or that these men had a Holy Spirit Baptism without realising it, ignores the
testimony and integrity of the word of these men.

To say that this cannot be, or is impossible for men to HAVE THIS POWER without a
Baptism of the Holy Spirit experience as preached by Pentecostals, ignores the wording in
1st Corinthians 12 verse 13 - "For by one Spirit WE ARE ALL BAPTISED into one
body", and Ephesians 4:5 "One Lord, one faith one Baptism. Romans 8:9 tells us quite
plainly that the Spirit of God dwells within us. This happened when we became Christians
and received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit into the Body of Christ and Believers But ye
are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any
man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. Look as we may the New Testament
does not speak of a further Baptism that one must
experience. This second Baptism will only be found in Pentecostal doctrine. To insist that
there is still a further Baptism of the Holy Spirit is false.

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is completed at the New Birth and from that moment on,
one only reads of the Apostle's command to: "Be FILLED with the Holy Spirit." Acts 9:17,
Ephesians 5:18

It is also interesting to note that when Saul (Paul) after his conversion on the Damascus
road went to Ananias, he was prayed upon by Ananias and told to be filled with the Holy
Spirit. Not Baptised but filled, because Saul had already received the Baptism of the Holy
Spirit similar to every believer in Christ, past and present at their conversion. "And
Ananias went his way, and entered into the house; and putting his hands on him said,
Brother Saul, the Lord, even Jesus, that appeared unto thee in the way as thou camest, hath
sent me, that thou mightest receive thy sight, and be filled with the Holy Ghost." (Acts

Please Note:
Paul in his epistle to the Corinthians was prepared to go to some length on the doctrine of
"Speaking in tongues." Surely if the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is a second experience
required if one had not received the gift of tongues, Paul would have gone to greater
lengths to expound on the doctrine.
Yet Paul is quiet. Why? The answer is simple. Paul has already stated that we have All been
Baptised by the Holy Spirit into the Body of Christ, he therefor has no reason to expound
on a doctrine that does not exist. But how many times does he
instruct us to be filled with the Holy Spirit?

In our opening verse we quoted Jesus as saying “But you shall receive power when the
Holy Spirit has come upon you;" We need to complete this verse, which says:"and you
shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the
earth.” This is a promise to EVERY Christian simply because all Christians receive power
to witness when they are "Born Again" Some receive more than others, depending on their
will and commitment. To use this verse as a "second experience requirement" is
tantamount to saying that whatever men do without a further Baptism in the Holy Spirit, is
in their own strength.

Where then does the problem lie? It lies with reading more into the three occasions when
the Holy Spirit was given.
It requires creating a doctrine to these events which cannot be upheld by Scripture.
The problem is increased when they take the instructions from Jesus to the disciples in that
the disciples "Should wait and be baptised with the Holy Spirit not many days hence." Acts
1:5. and use it as an instruction to us. This instruction was to the disciples to wait. God
had planned the outpouring of the Holy Spirit to occur on the day of Pentecost. This
happened and there are no further instructions in Scripture for Christians today, to do as the
Apostles did, i.e Wait or look for a Baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Pentecost was a very special event. Remember the disciples spoke in tongues that were
foreign languages. They were understood by foreigners. It was not a gift of ecstatic
tongues as we normally experience today; “ for no man understandeth him; howbeit in
the spirit he speaketh mysteries. 91Cor. 14:2 that no man understands.

The Introduction and outpouring of the Holy Spirit was accomplished at Pentecost and
from that moment on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit would be undertaken automatically by
the Holy Spirit immediately at the conversion of new converts.
The word "Baptised" means to be totally engulfed. Not only are we engulfed by the Spirit
but He dwells within us. Romans 8:9
1 Corinthians 6:19
To be baptised in water, a Believer is totally engulfed by the water. Surely when Paul says
that we are all Baptised into one Spirit and when he speaks of One Lord One Faith One
Baptism (Eph 4:5) he has total immersion of the Believer in the Spirit in mind and not a
partial baptism with hopes of further baptisms?
Should Pentacostals say that they know all this then it is still encumbent upon them to show
where the Scriptures speak of more than one Baptism of the Holy Spirit in order for
Believers to experience power and the gift of tongues.
Another problem the Pentecostals have is reading into a verse, as to what it does not say.
Jesus did breathe on the disciple and say: "Receive ye the Holy Spirit" John 20:22. But
what did Jesus mean? To say that it was then that the disciples were born again, is pure
assumption and being dogmatic on this point is fruitless. (Who knew the mind of Jesus
when he said this?) It is difficult to say with authority what Jesus meant. But it must be
remembered that the thinking of that day in respect to the Holy Spirit was that The Holy
Spirit in O.T. theology could be given temporarily to a man when he was about God's work
i.e. "Prophesying, healing, etc; and then taken away. This was the O.T. experience of
Prophets and especially King David who pleaded with God not to remove His Spirit from
Him. With this in mind, the disciples were still totally unaware of being Baptised, filled and
sealed with the Holy Spirit, hence it was necessary to make (the giving of the Holy Spirit as
a continual indwelling presence,) a display which no one could doubt had
occurred in the Gentile Believers. Which is what God did. After Pentecost and hearing the
Gentiles speak in tongues as did the Apostles, no one could doubt that the Holy Spirit had
been given to all who believed.

To use the instruction from Jesus: To wait and they would be baptised not many days hence
as evidence that as Christians we are to wait on God for this Baptism to receive power is
not supported by scripture. Why did the disciples have to wait? There may be more than
one reason, but one that holds true is to displays God's timing on the matter. (Remember
three thousand souls were saved and how man more who witnessed it?)
Again at the meeting with John the Baptist's disciples and again at the inauguration of
Gentile Believers into the Church of God. None of these Baptisms of the Holy Spirit had
or have anything to do or say that we therefor, must look for or wait for a Baptism of the
Holy Spirit, after the New Birth. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit with the gift of tongues
on those occasions were similar to Pentecost, simply to display God's agreement and
approval of these people being accepted by God into fellowship with Jewish Believers.
To turn these events into doctrine is unfounded and cannot be upheld other than to read into
them something they do not say. Remember there were disciples and followers who were
against the acceptance of Gentiles into the community. It would not have helped the
growth of the Church for the disciples to simply say: "God has accepted them as He has
us." Another Pentecost display was required to leave no doubt in their minds. After this
the Baptism of a Believer into the Church became an event of Faith and not sight. It is
accepting God's Word in Faith that every believer at conversion is Baptised by the Holy
Spirit into the body of Christ.
The sad reality of the conventional Christian Church and Pentecostal churches is that both
experience "converts" who fall away almost the day after their "delivery". But it is more
tragic when a person "Christian or not" under the influence of others is prayed for to
Receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and shows evidence of this to those who prayed for
him by speaking in tongues, or by acceptance of Jesus as Saviour, but immediately
thereafter hardly attends church or Bible study let alone prayer meetings. Happily this of
course is not the fault of either churches. But it does put a question mark on "You shall
receive power" as argued by Pentecostals. If the new convert finds that nothing has or is
happening in his or her life since receiving the "Baptism" then doubt is going to set in. One
must take into consideration that this new convert has been placed on the pinnacle of a
Christian experience and has heard it preached that "You shall receive power when you are
"Baptised" in the Holy Spirit" Here then is a man or woman who has not the slightest
understanding of Christian dogma and theology, even the language that Christians use.
The church has placed the convert in a situation where the convert might feel more lost
than saved.
The "New Birth" experience in itself can leave a new convert confused and insecure
because of the lack of knowledge and understanding. How then must this same convert
inwardly feel when everyone around him or her is rejoicing because the convert may have
uttered a few words in a strange tongue or imitated one of the Christians?. Therefore when
converts become uncertain of their salvation, we must assume that they have been told to
expect too much from such a "Baptism of power" experience. Also what kind of Christian
walk will this new convert display? There are ofcourse exceptions to the norm.
The conventional church adopts a different approach to the new convert and that is: "You
have been Baptised (immersed) by the Holy Spirit into the fellowship of Believers. Be
continually filled with the Holy Spirit". This places the responsibility where it belongs on
"The Believer" to grow in faith. Without any promise given by the Church that "Having
received the Baptism and spoken in tongues, you now have Holy Spirit power, similar to
the Apostles"
It is the the Church's responsibility is to encourage this convert to focus on what Jesus has
done and will continue doing in the converts life. It becomes the duty of the church to
nurture and assist in the growth of the new Christian thereby encouraging continuity in the
Christian faith .
There is plenty of time for new Christians to grow and be strengthened in doctrine before
rushing out to save the world. Remember Paul himself went into seclusion for three years
to be taught by God the Holy Spirit before presenting himself to the Apostles. Galatians
When the time comes and it can only be in God's time, the convert may or may not desire
the gift of tongues. Often with the gift comes a feeling of euphoria, of freedom and
achievement. This is because the convert has received his or her desire and put faith into
action. With it may come a new in filling of the Holy Spirit, but must not be mistaken as
the Baptism of the Spirit, which has already been accomplished at the converts conversion.
Invariably the gift should also be followed by a closer walk and relationship with Jesus.
God does not give gifts to play with therefor, this closer walk with the Lord should also
attract people, thereby placing the convert in a position of service to the Lord, whereby
souls may be won.

What then is the doctrine of the Holy Spirit?

Simply put. When a man or woman comes to the cross, truly repentant and believing that
Jesus Christ the Son of God died on the cross for all who turn to him in repentance, then
that person is born again. In this process the Holy Spirit Baptises that person into the body
of Christ and that he or she is sealed into the body (The Church of Christ) by the Holy
Spirit. The Spirit may give one or more gifts at this time and the Believer may ask for more
as he or she grows in faith. This "babe in Christ" must be encouraged to be continually
filled with the Spirit. All this is found in Scripture without having to read into experiences
and instructions the disciples received and then try to make them our own. The Holy Spirit
and other Christians will be the new convert's teacher and guide.Helping to sift through
false and true doctrine, guiding and correcting the convert in the new life, as quick and as
willing as the convert is prepared to learn

A Barrier

The Barrier between Baptists and Pentacostalists regarding the Baptism of the Spirit can be
broken down. Both parties must assume some of the guilt. Pentecostals must look to their
Theological terms and Baptists must face up to the fact that although the Pentecostal's may
be using the wrong terminology, the Pentecostals do have more insight to the gifts of the
Holy Spirit. Pride must not stop either of them breaking down this barrier as some Baptists
churches have already done.

The process of salvation comes by:

i) Hearing the Word

In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation:
in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, Which
is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the
praise of his glory. Eph 1:3
It must be pointed out here that God requires repentance which is a turning away from the
past and sinful life previously led.
Remorse is not repentance. Remorse is simply being sorry for the sins in ones life, but does
not mean that there will be a change.

ii) Being Baptised by the Holy Spirit.

For by one Spirit are we all baptised into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles,
whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.
1st Cor 12:13.

iii) Receiving gifts for Service

And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors
and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying
of the body of Christ Ephesians 4:11 - 12
The performance of the Believer then depends on his will and commitment. The Holy
Spirit will urge and assist where and when needed or is asked for help. The Believer will
be encouraged by all members to be continually "Filled" with the Holy Spirit. But must not
be expected to wait upon the Lord for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. There is no Scripture
for this. This is a Baptism already accomplished.
Believers may and can definitely wait daily upon the Lord for a renewal and filling of the
Holy Spirit, where power may be given for the task required or even the gift of speaking in
ecstatic tongues may be given as a gift if asked for and sometimes when not asked for.

The Holy Spirit and other Christians will be the new convert's Teacher and guide.Helping
to sift through false and true doctrine, guiding and correcting the convert in the new life, as
quick and as willing as the convert is prepared to learn.
But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he
shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said
unto you. (John 14:26)
Ron Payne

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