2000 Appropriationreserves

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Balance 6/30/99 Balance

Appropriation Reserve for After Balance
Reserve Encumbrances Transfer Disbursed Cancelled Lapsed

Salaries and Wages

Township Council and Mayor 9.45 $ 9.45 $ $ - $ 9.45
Clerk 149.70 149.70 - 149.70
Administration 490.58 490.58 - 490.58
Finance 0.94 0.94 - 0.94
Assessment 1.54 1.54 - 1.54
Tax Collection 61.60 61.60 - 61.60
Building 1,250.47 0.47 - 0.47
Fire 138.48 138.48 - 138.48
Police 6,609.81 9.81 - 9.81
Fire Inspector 2.32 2.32 - 2.32
Emergency Management 4.10 4.10 - 4.10
Emergency Medical Services 621.55 21.55 - 21.55
Road 2,596.59 2,596.59 - 2,596.59
Central Maintenance 99.15 99.15 - 99.15
Garbage and Trash Removal 1,362.09 2.09 - 2.09
Board of Health 214.06 214.06 - 214.06
Recreation 839.30 14.30 - 14.30
Parks and Playgrounds 1,873.90 73.90 - 73.90
Senior Citizens 0.20 0.20 - 0.20
Ewing Community Center 2,584.69 227.69 - 227.69
Municipal Court 0.67 0.67 - 0.67
911 Lifeline 8,743.79 8,743.79 - 8,743.79

Other Expenses
Administration and Executive 58.58 915.30 2,058.58 2,669.37 - 304.51
Clerk 150.45 1,391.02 150.45 1,400.70 - 140.77
Elections 12,500.00 10,792.00 10,791.67 - 0.33
Finance and Administration 60.28 2,253.58 60.28 2,251.00 - 62.86
Tax Assessment 6.48 6.48 - 6.48
Collection of Taxes 9.80 235.20 9.80 221.30 - 23.70
Building and Grounds 173.37 14,103.06 3,673.37 17,776.43 - 0.00
Legal Services 7,701.73 14,691.52 8,701.73 19,261.30 - 4,131.95
Planning Board 501.70 501.70 - 501.70
Zoning Board 1,000.00 1,000.00 - 1,000.00
Environmental Commission 9.40 9.40 - 9.40
Economic Development 8,950.00 8,950.00 - 8,950.00
Community Weekend Committee 6,500.00 6,500.00 - 6,500.00
Citizens Drug Advisory Commission 4,616.58 4,616.58 - 4,616.58
Recreation Commission 38.45 34.50 38.45 34.50 - 38.45
Insurance, General 0.34 0.34 - 0.34
Group Insurance 17,793.56 3,758.50 6,193.56 9,903.00 - 49.06
Surety Bond Premiums 223.00 223.00 - 223.00
Police 4,749.04 61,309.06 4,899.04 65,074.51 - 1,133.59
Emergency Management 211.43 1,742.13 211.43 1,742.13 - 211.43
Emergency Medical Services 671.35 932.66 671.35 938.66 - 665.35
Fire 6,275.62 29,351.14 6,275.62 32,701.40 - 2,925.36
Aid to Volunteer Fore Co 455.00 0.00 92.00 363.00
Street and Roads 3,306.12 4,715.00 8,206.12 12,225.63 - 695.49
Central Maintenance 335.06 3,734.61 4,585.06 8,299.67 - 20.00
Engineering Services 2,504.20 11,525.00 13,954.48 - 74.72
Utilities and Bulk Purchases 35,995.80 874.01 30,770.80 31,644.81 - 0.00
Sanitary Landfill Contractual 6,100.07 18,081.47 6,100.07 21,521.88 - 2,659.66
Garbage and Trash Removal 458.01 135.00 458.01 135.00 - 458.01
Board of Health - Local Health Agency 574.83 1,867.26 574.83 1,928.65 - 513.44
Township Physcian 3,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 0.00
Parks and Playgrounds 8.96 836.51 3,508.96 4,186.75 - 158.72
Senior Citizens 0.20 2,703.59 200.20 1,681.22 - 1,222.57
Recreation 1,176.60 6,595.00 2,376.60 7,045.40 - 1,926.20
Patriotic Ciommittee 91.57 135.79 1,091.57 1,184.64 - 42.72
PFRS 40.00 40.00 - 40.00
Social Security System 1,158.01 1,158.01 - 1,158.01
Contingent 19.22 19.22 - 19.22
Municipal Court 43.12 376.00 143.12 466.00 - 53.12
OSHA 3,499.24 575.50 3,499.24 602.25 - 3,472.49
Reserve for Capital Improvements 6,650.51 1,287.21 6,650.51 5,843.19 2,094.53
Judgements 4,093.83 4,093.83 4,093.83 0.00
Fire Service- Inch Foot 2,047.49 2,047.49 - 2,047.49
Fire Hydrant 191.00 191.00 191.00

165,645.78 $ 178,593.82 165,645.78 $ 282,671.37 $ 0.00 $ 61,568.23

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