Simple Present Tense

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Simple Present Tense is used to show habitual actions. ( )

Simple Present Tense ( )


Every: Day week year morning afternoon evening night


2) The Simple Present Tense is used in Subject Verb Agreement. In Subject Verb Agreement, the subject and the verb must agree with each other in a sentence. ( ,) +es, +ies) A (+s

He She It Ali (just 1 person) The boy The child The girl The cat My father Mr, Mrs, Ms, Puan..

(+s , +es, +ies)

is Has

goes , plays, likes, lives, walks, takes, drinks, reads, eats, does, collects, helps, studies, wants, cuts, needs, washes, watches, swims, writes, learns, makes, gives, sleeps, keeps, lays, uses, repairs, delivers, looks, sweeps, sells, sees, works, hates

Every: Day week year morning afternoon evening night

I am You We They I and Mary Siti and Ali The chlidren The boys The cats The girls Mr. Tan and Mrs. Tan

B ( +s , +es, ( +s , +es, +ies) +ies)

Are Have

go, play, like, live, walk, take, drink, read, eat, do, collect, help, study, want, cut, needs, wash, watch, swim, write, learn, make, give, sleep, keep, lay, use, repair, deliver, look, sweep, sell, see, work, hate


Simple Past Tense ( )



The Simple Past Tense is used to tell an action that happened in the past. ( )

2) The verb tell us that the action happened in the past. They are in the simple past tense form. The words like yesterday, just now, last week, last month, a few minutes ago tell you that the actions happened in the past, therefore you need to use the simple past tense.


Yesterday Just now

A few minutes ago

Last: Day week month year night time




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