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English Phrases

Thai Phrases

English Greetings Hi! Good morning! Good evening! Welcome! (to greet someone) How are you? I'm fine, thanks! And you? Good/ So-So. Thank you (very much)! You're welcome! (for "thank you") Hey! Friend! I missed you so much! What's new? Nothing much Good night! See you later! Good bye! Asking for Help and Directions I'm lost

Thai Greetings: sa-was-dee a-roon-sa-was sa-yan-sa-was yin-dee-ton-rab sa-bai-dee-mai ,

sa-bai-dee, kob-kun leaw-kun-la / ( )

kor-dee/ reauy-reauy kob-kun-(mak) mai-prn-rai yai-puan

chan/phom-kid-thung-kun-mak mee-a-rai-mai-bang mai-mee-ar-rai-mak ra-tee-sa-was leaw-jor-kan-mai la-korn


English Phrases

Thai Phrases

Can I help you?

hai-chan/phom-chuay-a-rai-mai-ka/krab /

Can you help me?

chuay-chan/phom-noi-dai-mai-ka/krab / / houng-num(bathroom)/ ran-kay-ya(pharmacy) .... you-teenai-ka/krab / trong-pai leaw-sai leaw-kaw chan/phom-kam-lang-ha-John-you pab-neung-na / / /

Where is the (bathroom/ pharmacy)? Go straight! Turn left Turn right I'm looking for john. One moment please! Hold on please! (phone) How much is this? Excuse me ...! (to ask for something) Excuse me! ( to pass by)

theu-sai-roo-sak-kru-na-ka/krab an-nee-tao-rai / .....

kor-thod-ka/krab- .....


Come with me!


How to Introduce Yourself kun-pood-pa-sa-ang-kgrit-daiDo you speak English? mai

Do You Speak Thai? Just a little.

kun-pood-pa-sa-thai-dai-mai nid-noi

English Phrases What's your name? My name is ... Mr.../ Mrs./ Miss Nice to meet you! You're very kind! Where are you from? I'm from (the U.S/ Thailand) I'm (American) Where do you live? I live in (the U.S/ Thai) Did you like it here? Thailand is a wonderful country What do you do for a living? I work as a (translator/ businessman) I like Thailand I've been learning Thai for 1 month Oh! That's good! How old are you? I'm (twenty, thirty...) years old. I have to go kun-cheu-a-rai chan/phom-cheu.....

Thai Phrases

..... .../ .../ ...

nai.../ nabg.../ nang-saaw... yin-dee-tee-dai-ruu-jak kun-jai-dee-jang kun-ma-jak-tee-nai

chan/phom-ma-jak-america/pa-thad-thai / / chan/phom-pen-kon-american kun-you-tee-nai /

chan/phom-you-tee-pra-thad-america/thai / / kun-chob-tee-nee-mai

pra-thad-thai-pen-pra-thad-tee-wi-sead-mak& kun-tam-ngan-a-rai

chan/phom-pen... (nak-plea/nak-tu-ra-kit) / / chan/phom-chob-(pa-sa-thai) / ( )

chan/phom-rean-pa-sa-thai-ma-neung-dean-leaw / 1 oh-man-dee-mak-leoy ! kun-r-yu-tao-rai / (20, 30)

chan/phom-r-yu-(yee-sib/sam-sib) chan/phom-tong-pai-leaw-na /

English Phrases I will be right back! Wish Someone Something Good luck! Happy birthday! Happy new year! Merry Christmas! Congratulations! Enjoy! (for meals...) I'd like to visit Thailand one day Say hi to John for me Bless you (when sneezing) Good night and sweet dreams! Solving a Misunderstanding I'm Sorry! (if you don't hear something) Sorry (for a mistake) No Problem! Can You Say It Again? Can You Speak Slowly? Write It Down Please! I Don't Understand! I Don't Know! chock-dee-na suk-san-wan-kerd

Thai Phrases leaw-chan/phom-ja-klab-ma-mai /

sa-was-dee-pee-mai Merry Christmas! -yin-dee-dauy-na kin-khao-hai-a-roi-na

chan/phom-yak-ma-teaw-meang-thai fak-sa-was-dee-John-douy-na Nothing is said after sneezing -ra-tee-sa-was / fun-dee-na /

ko-thod-ka/krab-a-rai-na-ka/krab ko-thod-ka/krab mai-mee-pan-ha /

chuay-pood-mai-eak-krang-na-ka/krab / chuay-pood-chaa-chaa-noi-ka/krab chuay-kean-hai-doo-noi-ka/krab (chan/phom)-mai-khao-jai-ka/krab Chan/phom-mai-ruu / ( / ) / / /

English Phrases I Have No Idea. What's That Called In Thai? What Does "gato" Mean In English? How Do You Say "Please" In Thai? What Is This? My Thai is bad. I need to practice my Thai Don't worry! Thai Expressions and Words Good/ Bad/ So-So. Big/ Small Today/ Now Tomorrow/ Yesterday Yes/ No Do you like it? I really like it! I'm hungry. I'm thirsty. In The Morning/ Evening/ At Night. This/ That. Here/There

Thai Phrases chan/phom-kid-mai-ook /

an-nee-pa-sa-thai-reak-wa-a-rai-ka/krab / 'chuay duay'-plair-wa-a-rai-nai-pa-sa-ang-krit-ka/krab " " kam-wa-'please'-nai-pa-sa-thai-pood-yang-rai 'please' an-nee-keo-a-rai pa-sa-thai-khaong-chan/phom-mai-koay-khang-reang / chan/phom-yak-fik-pa-sa-thai mai-thong-pen-huang /

dee/mai-dee/ngan-ngan yai/lek / /

wan-nee /deaw-nee

prung-nee/ mea-waan-nee chai/mai-chai /

kun-chab-man-mai chan/phom-chob-man-mak chan/phom-hew-khao chan/phom-hew-num

/ /

thorn-chao/ thorn-yen/ thorn-klang-kean / / nee/ nan / tee-nee/ tee-nan .

English Phrases Me/ You. Him/ Her. Really! Really! Look! Hurry up! What? Where? What time is it? It's 10 o'clock. 07:30pm. Give me this! I love you! I feel sick. I need a doctor One, Two, Three Four, Five, Six Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten Beginning Your Relationship chan/ kun/ khao/ lon jring-reu jring-jring doo-nan-si reaw-khao a-rai tee-nai

Thai Phrases / / /

thorn-nee-kee-moang-leaw-ka/krab thorn-nee-sib-moang-leaw-ka/krab ko-doo-chin-nee-noi-ka/krab chan/phon-rak-kun-mak chan/phom-mai-sa-bai chan/phom-yak-pob-maw neung/ sawng/ sahm 1/ 2/ 3 see/ ha/ hok 4/ 5/ 6 jet/ paat/ gow/ sib 7/ 8/ 9/ 10 / / /

10 /

/ /

I am single. (pom yung sot) You are very beautiful. (koon suay mak mak) You are very cute. (koon na-ruk mak mak) I like your smile. (pom chorp roi yim kong koon) Can I see you tomorrow? (proong nee jer gun dai mai) For yes the reply is dai and for no the reply is mai dai Are you free tonight? (keun nee koon wang mai) For yes the reply is wang and for no the reply is mai wang Do you like me? (koon chorp pom reu blao) For yes the reply is chorp and for no the reply is mai chorp Can you go out with me? (bai tee-o gup pom dai mai) For yes the reply is dai and for no the reply is mai dai Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? (koon mee faen reu yung) For yes the reply is me and for no the reply is yung mai mee What kind of men do you like? (koon chorp poo-chai bap nai) Can you tell me your phone number please? (kor ber tor koon dai mai) For yes the reply is dai and for no the reply is mai dai

Do you want to go and eat with me? (bai gin kao gub pom mai) For yes the reply is bai and for no the reply is mai bai Do you want to go to watch a movie? (bai doo nung gup pom mai) For yes the reply is bai and for no the reply is mai bai Your eyes are so beautiful. (duang dtar kong koon suay mak) Can I hold your hand? (pom kor jub meu koon dai mai?) Have a nice dream. (fun dee na) Take care of yourself. (do lae dtua eng duay na) Taking it to the Next Level Love at first sight. (ruk raek pop) I still remember the first moment we met. (pom yung jum krang-raek tee row pob gun dai) I want you to be happy. (pom dtong gan hai koon mee kwarm sook) You make me happy. (koon tam hai pom mee kwarm sook) I miss you. (pom kit teung koon) I miss you all the time. (pom kit-teung koon dta-lod way-la) Can you be my girlfriend? (ben faen gub pom dai mai) For yes the reply is dai and for no the reply is mai dai You are my girlfriend. (koon ben fan kong pom) You are my sweetheart. (koon keu yot -ruk kong pom) You are the one I have been waiting for. (koon bpen kon dieow tee pom ror koi) I am serious about you. (pom jing jai gup koon) I think about you all night. (pom kit teung koon tung keun) I want to meet you. (pom dtong-gan/yaak pop koon) I want to hug you. (pom dtong-gan/yaak got koon) Can I kiss you? (pom kor joop koon dai mai) I want to be with you. (pom yaak yoo gup koon) Do you miss me? (koon kit teung pom baang mai) I wont forget you. (pom ja mai leum koon) When do you want me to come back? (koon dtong gan hai pom glup ma muea rai) When Youre Ready to Marry Your Thai Girlfriend I think I have fallen in love with you. (pom kit wa pom long ruk koon) / (pom kit wa pom dtok loom ruk koon) My heart is yours. (hua jai kong pom ben kong koon) You are my angel. (koon keu nung fa kong pom) I love you. (pom ruk koon) I will be faithful to you. (pom ja seu-sut dtor/gub koon) I dont want to let you go. (pom mai dtong-gan hai koon bai) Can I meet your parents? (pom ja bai pob por gub mae kong koon dai mai) For yes the reply is dai and for no the reply is mai dai I want to see your face every day. (pom yaak hen na koon took wan) I want to marry you. (pom dtong-gan dtang ngan gub koon) I cant live without you. (pom yoo mai dai ta mai mee koon) If Theres Trouble I hope I can see you again. (pom wang wa ja dai pob koon eek-krang) Can you give me one more chance? (hai aow-gat pom eek-krang dai mai) For yes the reply is dai and for no the reply is mai dai I will never cheat on you (pom ja mai nork jai koon) Your love is very important to me. (kwarm ruk kong koon sam kun dtor/sam-rap pom mak) Please speak to me. (dai brot poot gup pom) You hurt me so much. (koon tam pom jep-bpuat mak) Please trust me. (brot chuea jai pom)

I want you to trust me. (pom dtong gan hai koon chuea jai pom) I never lied to you. (pom mai koie gor hok koon) Dont leave me. (ya ting pom) I will always be on your side. (pom ja yoo kiang-kang koon sa-mer)

How to count above 10 in Thai...To count above 10, simply add how many sip (10) and the next corresponding number. Since sip itself is already 10, you can just omit the nung (sip-et instead of nung sip-et). For example, 11 would be sip-et, 12 would be sip soong and 15 would be sip haa. Notice that 11 is sip-et instead of sip-nung. This is the only exception to counting in Thai.

0 - sun 1 nung 2 soong 3 saam 4 sii 5 haa 6 hok 7 jet 8 bpeet 9 gaao 10 sip

11 - sip-et 12 - sip soong 13 - sip saam 20 - yii sip 21 - yii sip et 25 - yii sip haa 30 saamsip 36 saamsiphok 49 - sii sipgaoo 60 - hok-sip 80 - bpeet-sip

31 - saamsip et 40 - sii sip 50 - haa-sip 70 - jet-sip 90 - gaao-sip

To count in 100, simply add how many rooi after the number. For example, 100 would be nung rooi and 111 would be nung rooi, sip-et. 999 would be gaao rooi, gaao-sip, gaao. To count in 1000, you would add pan after the number. For example, 2000 would be soongpan. Similary, 2345 would be soonpan, saam rooi, sip sii, haa. 5987 would be haa pan, gaao rooi, bpeet-sip, jet.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

suun eng sawng saam i haa k t et kao

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 31 41 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 200 300 400 500

p -t p-sawng p-saam - i p-haa - k - t - et p-kao yii-sip yii-sip-et yii-sip-sawng saam-sip-et - -t p yii-sip saam-sip - p haa-sip - p - p - p kao-sip - wy sawng-rawy saam-rawy - wy haa-rawy

600 700 800 900 1,000 2,000 3,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 100,000 200,000 300,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 10,000,000 20,000,000 30,000,000 100,000,000

- wy - wy - wy kao-rawy eng-phan sawng-phan saam-phan - en sawng-muen saam-muen eng-saen sawng-saen saam-saen - an sawng-laan saam-laan - an yii-sip-laan saam-sip-laan - an

200,000,000 sawng-rawy-laan 300,000,000 saam-rawy-laan 55 62 73 41 36 21 haa-sip-haa - p-sawng - p-saam - -t saam-sip-hok yii-sip-et

23 99 5 55 555 1,100 1,200 1,300 1,400 1,500 1,600 1,700 1,800 1,900 2,000 3 33 333 3,333 50 500 550 5,550 27 270 2,700

yii-sip-saam kao-sip-kao haa haa-sip-haa haa-rawy-haa-sip-haa - wy eng-phan-sawng-rawy eng-phan-saam-rawy - - wy - - wy - - wy - wy eng-phan-haa-rawy

eng-phan-kao-rawy sawng-phan saam saam-sip-saam saam-rawy-saam-sip-saam saam-phan-saam-rawy-saam-sip-saam haa-sip haa-rawy haa-rawy-haa-sip haa-phan-haa-rawy-haa-sip yii-sip-jet sawng-rawy-jet-sip sawng-phan-jet-rawy

These are given in English, Thai and an approximate pronunciation of the Thai.

*"Yes" and "no" are often also indicated by simply repeating the verb. So if the question was "Do you want to go ?", it would be answered by saying "want" or "don't want", rather than "yes" or "no". Chai is an general word for "yes", but it's less used than it's English equivalent. Men can also use krap, and women ka, to indicate agreement. These are the same words used at the end of sentences to be polite. **Pom is the polite way of saying "I / me" for a man in Thai, di-chan is the equivalent for a women. You're never likely to offend anyone by using either of these words, but there are also a lot of other words for 'I/Me' that can be used depending on the situation. There's a similarly large amount of words for "you". Khun is the most common, and is a safe word to use when speaking to just about anybody. Tan is a very respectful word, used when talking to someone of markedly higher status than you in Thailand (e.g. a high court judge, or a Buddhist monk). Ter is more informal than khun, it's used when talking to friends.

Sa-wt dee is the general all purpose greeting in Thailand, the English distinctions of "Good morning", "Good afternoon" etc.. do exist but are almost never used. It's also almost always followed by krp (for a man) or k (for a woman) to be polite.

saL watL deeM

[a polite greeting or farewell used when meeting or parting] hello; goodbye; good morning; good afternoon; good evening; good night; greetings

saL baayM deeM reuuR

"How are you?"

khaawpL khoonM

[spoken formally to a person of higher rank or status, e.g. parents, teachers] "Thank you" [male: add ; female:


neeF thaoF raiM

"How much is this?"

maiF bpenM raiM

"It doesn't matter." "Never mind." "You're welcome" "Don't mention it." "It's no big deal." "See you later." "See you soon!" "Until we meet again." "I apologize" "I'm sorry" "Excuse me" "Pardon me." to be feeling fine; I am fine; I'm fine. [spoken politely by a male] hello; goodbye "Hello, how are you?" [spoken politely by a female] hello or goodbye

laaeoH phohpH ganMmaiL

khaawR tho:htF

saL baayM deeM

sa wat dee khrap

saL watL deeM khaF

phuutF thaiM maiF daiF

"I can't speak Thai."

maiF khaoF jaiM

(I) don't understand

khaoF jaiM maiR

Do you understand?

thaayL ruupF daiF maiR

May I take a picture?

haawngF naamH yuuLtheeF naiR

Where's the restroom?

neeF aL raiM

"What is this?"

phaaengM maiR

Is it expensive?

khaawR haiF cho:hkFdeeM

"Good luck to you."

khraiM khaayR khaiL gaiL

[tongue twister, alliteration] "Who sells chicken eggs?"

gepL dtang[k]M

"Check, please."

bpenM yangM ngaiMbaangF

"How's it going?" "How do you feel?" "How do you do?" "What's up?"

khoonM aaM yooH thaoFraiM

"How old are you?"

a rai gaaw dai

anything will do; that option would also be fine; whatever; anything will be okay

bpaiM naiR

Where are you going?

khoonM phuutF phaaMsaaR angM gritL daiFmaiR

"Can you speak English?"

khaawpL khoonM maakF

[a person, younger and/or lower in status, thanking the other who is older and/or higher in status] "Thank you very much" "Please make the food not spicyhot." [spoken by a male] "Please make the food spicy-hot"

khaawR maiF phetL

khaawR phetL phetLnaH khrapH

gaL rooH naaM phuutFchaaH chaaH naawyL

"Please speak slowly."

aL raiM naH

"What?" "Huh?" "What did you say?" "What was that?"

khoonM yuuL theeF naiR

"Where are you?"

mai chai

"I don't think so" "not right" "not so" "not true" "No, it is not"

khoonM bpenM phuuFchaayM reuuR phuuFyingR "Are you a man or a woman?"

geeL mo:hngM laaeoH

"What time is it?"

phohmR maiF khaoF jaiM

"I don't understand." "I do not understand."

phohmR bpenM khohnMaL maehM riH ganM

"I am an American."

English Welcome Hello

(Thai) (yindii ton rap) (sawt dee) (hanlh) - on phone ? (bpen yung-ngai bhng?) ( ) (sa-bai dee krp (k)) ? (khun cheu arai) ... (phom cheu ...) m (di-chan cheu ...) f ? (khun maa jaak tee nai?) ... (phm maa jaak ...) m ... (dichn maa jaak ...) f (yin-dii thi di rujk) / (sawt dee krp/k)

How are you? I'm fine, thanks. And you?

What's your name? My name is ...

Where are you from? I'm from ... Pleased to meet you Good morning/evening/night Goodbye

(lah grn n)

Bon voyage

(khor hai dern thaang dooi sawatdiphaap) (dern thaang dooi sawatdiphaap)

(thiaw hai sanuk) (khun khrp) - m / (kh thot) (ra ka thao rai?) ( ) (pm (chn) se-a jai) (khwp khun) (khwp khun mak) (mi bpen rai) ? (hrng nhm yo te ni?) (yhk dtn rum mi?) (phom rak khun - male speaker) (chan rak khun - female speaker) (khun kh) - f

Excuse me How much is this? Sorry Thank you Response (You're welcome) Where's the toilet? Would you like to dance with me? I love you

Language difficulties
Do you speak Thai? Please say that again ... ? (pot et tee di mi?) ? (cho-ay ke-un long hi ny, di m?) (phaasa thai ... pot wh yung-ngai) ? (khun phut phaasa thai bpen mi?)

Please write it down How do you say ... in Thai? I don't understand Do you understand?

(mi kho jai) ? (kho jai mi)

Help! Fire! Stop! Call the police! ! (cho-ay do-ay!) !(fai mi!) ! (yot!) (re-uk dtum-ro-ut mah)

Can you make it cheaper? (lot noi dai mai) The Thai word "noi" means little and is used to make a request sound more polite. All "dai mai" questions are answered with "dai" for "yes" and "mai dai" for "no". How about ... baht? (... baht dai mai) Can you help me? (chuay dai mai) Can I see that? (khor doo dai mai) I am just looking. (khor doo thao nun) I will come back later. (ja ma mai) Do you have something bigger? (mee yai gwar mai) Do you have something smaller? (mee lek gwar mai) The thai word "lek" means "small". Adding "gwar" after it makes it "smaller".The thai word "yai" means "big". Adding "gwar" after it makes it "bigger". Do you have something cheaper? (mee took gwar mai) The thai word "took" means "cheap". Adding "gwar" after it makes it "cheaper". Do you have another colour? (mee see auen mai) Where do I pay? (jai ngoen tee nai)

Hello / Goodbye Thank you

sawt dii (khrp)

khwp khun (khrp) khw thht (khrp)

Sorry / Excuse me Yes No

chi (khrp ) mi chi (khrp) arai n? sabai dee mi? sabai dee / mi sabai (mi) kho jai mi pen rai


How are you?

I'm fine / not well (ill) I (don't) understand It doesn't matter I don't want Very good

mi aow dii mak


mi dii

I'd like to go to...(the airport) Where is the...(bus station)? What time will the...(bus / train)...depart? Car Bus Taxi Bathroom / Toilet Hospital Market Post office How much? Expensive Cheap Do you have...? Can you give me a cheaper price?
How much is this?

yak j pai...(sanam bin) (sathani khn sng)...yu thi ni? rt j wk ki mohng? rt yon rt meh rt thek si hwng nam / hwng sam rohng pha yaabaan talat praisanii tho ra? phaeng thuk mii ... mi? lot nwy di mi?

taw-rai pome tawng-kahn seu sing nee pome tawng-kahn # paeng bai mai ow (khrahp) toke-lohng pome ow ahn nee tahng-mote taw-rai chai (khrahp) mai chai (khrahp)

I want to buy this.

( ) ( ) ( )

I want to buy (number).

Too expensive!

I don't want it.

Okay. I'll take it.

( )

How much altogether?



I need a taxi. (Don't take a motorcycle taxi; they are deadly!) I will/want to go to ......................

pome tawng-kan taek-see pome yahk-ja pai... tah-naah-khahn brai-sa-nee rahn-aahaan rohng-raem nai-khlahp soon-kan-khah ta-laaht mae-nahm jao-pra-yah pee-pit-tah-pahn waht klinik sathahn-thoot ah-mei-ree-gah ma-haa wi-tha-ya-lai


post office



night club/bar

shopping center

local market

the Chao Phraya river



medical clinic

the U.S. Embassy


I would like . . .

pome khaw nahm plaw bee-ah soe-dah






nahm chah gah-fae khoke bep-see seh-wen-ahp nahm-sohm





orange juice

fried Rice

khao paht gwei-tee-oh neuah gai khai kha-nome-pahng nahm-dahn gleua prik-tai prik nahm-blah noe-ee cheet/noe-ee khaeng








pepper (powder)

chili pepper (hot!)

fish sauce



with/put in/put on

sai mai sai

without/don't put in


pone-la-mai gloo-eh sap-pa-rote ma-la-kaw lam-yai





I eat vegetarian.

pome ghin jei pome tahn pet mai dai pome mai tahn hoi pome mai tahn muu pome mai chawp blah ahn-nee ah-roi ahn-nee pet jing jing pome im laeo khawp khoon khawp khoon sahm-rahp ah-haahn tee a-roi

I can't eat spicy food. I can't eat shellfish.

I can't eat pork.

I don't like fish.

This is delicious.

This is really spicy hot! I'm full. Thanks.

Thank you for the delicious dinner.


ah-haahn chao ah-haahn glahng-wann



ah-haahn yen rao khaw mawp khawng khwahn dae tahn rao khaw mawp khawng tee ra-leuk jahk brah-tate a-mei-ree-gah hai gahp tahn

I/We would like to present you with a small gift. I/We would like to present you with a souvenir from the U.S/ token of our appreciation.

I/We would like to welcome you to the United States. / Please come to visit us in the U.S. We look forward to exchanges between your university faculty of economics and NIU

rao khaw chern tahn bai yeu-un brah-tate a-mei-ree-gah

rao wahng wah ja mee gahn laek blee-an rah-wahng khah-na sate-ta-saht ma-haa wit-ta-ya-lai (e.g., Thammasat) lae N.I.U.

... ...

Thank you for your generous hospitality.

khawp khoon nai nahm jai khawng tahn


wan aa thit wan chan wan aang kan wan pud wan pa reu had wan suk wan sao chao









thieng bai yen klang kuen Gee na li ka rao ja pai ghee mohng rao ja lerk ghee mohng rao ja glahp rohng-raem ghee mohng rao ja tahn khao ghee mohng kor doo may-noo noy kor........ pet mahk mai dichan/pom hiu nahm dichan/pom hiu ah-hahn chao ah-hahn glanhg wan ah-hahn yen chek bin




What time is it?

What time are we going?

What time are we finished?

What time will we go back to the hotel? What time will we eat (breakfast...)?

Can I see a menu? Can I have......? I would like....... Is it very (hot) spicy? I am thirsty I am hungry breakfast lunch dinner Bill, please.

How? What When? Where? Who?

yhng rai -rai meuarai te ni kra

CONVERSATION & ESSENTIALS Hello swtdii (khrp/kh) Goodbye Yes chi No mi chi Please krnaa

laa kwn

Thank you khwp khun Thats fine/Youre welcome mi pen rai/yindii Excuse me khw -phai Sorry khw thht Whats your name? khun chu rai? My name is ... (men) phm chu ... (women) dchn chu ... Where are you from? maa jak ni Im from ... ... maa jak ... I dont like ... mi chwp ...tem Just a minute raw daw DIRECTIONS Where is ...? ... ... yu thi ni? Go straight ahead trong pai Turn left law sai Turn right law khwa at the next corner trong mum at the traffic lights trong fai daeng LANGUAGE DIFFICULTIES Do you speak English? khun phut phaasa angkrt di mi How do you say ... in Thai? ... ... wa yang rai phaasa thai What does ... mean? ... ... plae wa -rai I dont understand mi kho jai TIME & DATES What time is it? ki mohng lew? today yoo wan ni tomorrow phrng ni yesterday mua waan Monday wan jan Tuesday wan angkhaan Wednesday wan pht Thursday wan phruht Friday wan sk Saturday wan so Sunday wan aatht Id like to buy ... yak j su ... How much is it? tho ra? I dont like it mi chwp May I look at it? duu di mi Im just looking duu che che Its cheap raakhaa thuk Its too expensive phaeng koen pai Ill take it ao Do you accept credit cards? rp bt khrehdt mi PLACES the church bht khrt the city centre jai klaang meuang the embassy than thut

the market talat the museum phphtthphan the post office praisnii a public toilet hwng nm sathaarn the tourist office leoy smnk ngaan thwng thaw TRANSPORT What time does the ... leave? ... j wk ki mohng What time does the ... arrive? ... j thung ki mohng boat reua bus rt meh/rt bt plane khruang bin train rt fai Id like a ticket yak di ta I want to go to ... ... yak j pai ... The train has been cancelled rt fai thuk yk lek lew The train has been delayed rt fai j cha wehlaa ticket office timetable taaraang wehlaa train station wa sathanii rt fai

tu khi ta

EMERGENCIES Help! chay day! Im lost chn lng thaang Go away! pai s! Call ...! rak ... nwy a doctor mw the police tamrat TONES In Thai the meaning of a single syllable may be altered by means of different tones in standard Central Thai there are five: low tone, level or mid tone, falling tone, high tone and rising tone. For example, depending on the tone, the syllable mai can mean new, burn, wood, not? or not; ponder the phrase mi mi mi mi mi (New wood doesnt burn, does it?) and you begin to appreciate the importance of tones in spoken Thai. This makes it a rather tricky language to learn at first, especially for those of us unaccustomed to the concept of tones. Even when we know what the correct tone in Thai should be, our tendency to denote emotion, verbal stress, the interrogative etc through tone modulation often interferes with producing the correct tone. Therefore the first rule in learning to speak Thai is to divorce emotions from your speech, at least until youve learned the Thai way to express them without changing essential tone value. The following is visual representation in chart form to show relative tone values: Below is a brief attempt to explain the tones. The only way to really understand the differences is by listening to a native or fluent non-native speaker. The range of all five tones is relative to each speakers vocal range so there is no fixed pitch intrinsic to the language. low tone flat like the mid tone, but pronounced at the relative bottom of ones vocal range. It is low, level and with no inflection, eg bat (baht the Thai currency).

level or mid tone pronounced flat, at the relative middle of the speakers vocal range, eg dii (good); no tone mark is used. falling tone sounds as if you are emphasising a word, or calling someones name from afar, eg mi (no/not). high tone usually the most difficult for Westerners. Its pronounced near the relative top of the vocal range, as level as possible, eg ma (horse). rising tone sounds like the inflection used by English speakers to imply a question Yes?, eg sam (three).

PRONUNCIATION The following is a guide to the phonetic system thats been used for the words and phrases in this guide. Its based on the Royal Thai General System (RTGS). The dots indicate syllable breaks within words.

CONSONANTS The majority of consonants correspond closely to their English counterparts. Here are a few exceptions: k as the k in skin; similar to the g in good, but unaspirated (ie with no accompanying puff of air); similar to English g but unvoiced (i.e. with no vibration in the vocal chords). p as the p in stopper, unvoiced and unaspirated (not like the p in put); actually sounds closer to an English b, its voiced equivalent t as the t in forty, unaspirated; similar to d but unvoiced kh as the k in kite, aspirated (ie with an audible puff of air) ph as the p in pie, aspirated (not to be confused with the ph in phone) th as the t in tie, aspirated ng as the nging in singing; can occur as an initial consonant (practise by saying singing without the si) r similar to the r in run but flapped (i.e. the tongue touches palate); in everyday speech often pronounced like l VOWELS i as the i in it ii as the ee in feet ai as the i in pipe aa as the a in father a half as long as aa, as the a in about ae as the a in bat or tab e as the e in hen eh as the ai in air oe as the er in fern (without the r sound) u as the u in put uu as the oo in food eu as the u in fur (without the r sound) ao as the ow in now aw as the aw in jaw or prawn o as the o in bone oh as the o in toe eua a combination of eu and ai ia as ee-ya, or as the ie in French rien ua as the our in tour uay sounds like oo-way iu as the ew in new iaw as the io in Rio aew like the a in cat followed by a short u as in put ehw as air-ooh awy as the oi in coin

Not too spicy please No sugar, please This is too spicy Chicken Beef

kor mai phet mai sai nam taan nee phet gern pai gai nuea

Pork Fish Spicy prawn soup Chicken & coconut soup Fried fishcakes Chicken in pandanus leaves Chicken curry Chili beef Fried rice Thai-style noodles Salad (usually very spicy) Pomelo salad Sticky rice & mango Coconut ice cream Fresh lime juice Water Tea Coffe Ice Chilies Basic Greetings and Phrases Hello, good morning How are you? Thank you never mind Fine thanks I cannot speak thai Please speak slowly I don't understand Do you understand? May I take a photograph? May I use the telephone? Where is the rest room? How much does this cost? What is this? Very expensive Do you have something cheaper? The bill please Goodbye See you again Pleased to meet you Happy new year Happy birthday Good luck! Sorry/excuse me Does anyone speak english? I need a doctor Delicious! Directions I want to go... Where is...? Turn left Turn right yaak ja pai... ... yoo nai? leeo sai leeo kwaa

muu plaa tom yam gung tom kha gai tod man pla gai haw bai toey gaeng phet gai panaeng nuea khao pad paad thai yam yam som-o khao niew mamuang ai-tim gathi nam ma-nao nam nam cha ga-fae nam khang prik sawasdee (krup/kaa) sabai dee reu? kop koon (krup/kaa) mai pen rai sabai dee (krup/kaa) phoot Thai mai dai prohd phoot cha-cha mai kao chai kao chai mai? tai ruup dai mai? kor chai torasap dai mai? hong nam yoo tee nai? nee tao-rai (krup/kaa) nee arai? paeng maag mii tuuk gwaa nee mai? gep taang (krup/kaa) la gon laew phob gan mai dee jai thee dai phob gan sawasdee pee mai sooksan wan gerd kor hai chok dee! kor thoad mee krai pood pasa ang-grit dai bang mai? tong karn mor ma raksa a-roy! Places Airport Bus station Railway station Police station sanam bin sa-tanee rot mae sa-tanee rot fai sa-tanee tum-ruat

Straight ahead Stop here Slow down Be careful

trong pai yuut tee nee cha-cha ra wang

Hotel Embassy Hospital Post office Market

rong-raem sa-tantood rong-payabaan prai-sanee talaad

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