Self Evaluation Students

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LPD (IPD 2011/2012)

Department of Nutrition and Dietetics Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Universiti Putra Malaysia PRE/POST EVALUATION FORM (To complete by student) Name: ________________________________ Matric no: ____________ Scales of assessment 1 Limited skill 2 Needs Improvement 3 Satisfactory Post Assessment 4 Good 5 Excellent Comment

Criteria of Assessment Application of knowledge Familiar & understand the medical diagnosis Demonstrates & applies knowledge of normal & therapeutic diet Demonstrates & applies knowledge of food, special dietary products/formulas Professional Responsibilities Demonstrates ability to work in a multidisciplinary unit Assessment Collects appropriate client history, anthropometry, biochemical data & other relevant data /problems related with nutrition Interprets client history, anthropometry, biochemical data & other relevant data / problems related with nutrition Ability to use SGA (if applicable) Collects & analyses data on food intake Criteria of Assessment Planning

Pre Assessment

Pre Assessment

Post Assessment


LPD (IPD 2011/2012)

Develops appropriate goals & objectives for nutritional management Provides adequate calorie requirement depending on patients needs Provides appropriate nutrition & management including choosing the right product/formulas Adjust nutritional management / education as necessary Evaluates patients progression regarding the nutritional intervention. Communication Understand the structure & function of the department and/or healthcare agencies Promotes positive teamwork with other colleagues Writing skill using SOAP / ADIME format Counseling technique Body language @ non verbal communication Creativity and use of material in counseling Time management Confidence Bedside manners

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