Zakat Declaration

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Form CZ-50 DECLARATION Under the provision of sub-section (3) of section 1 of the Zakat and Ushr Ordinance 1980

(XVIII of 1980) and rule 20 of the Zakat (Collection and Refund) Rules 1981 sworn on oath before I, Amin Sharif son of Muhammad Sharif , Muslim, Adult of 34 years of age resident of House No, . . do hereby solemnly swear by Allah that:a) I am a Muslim and follow Fiqh Hanfi ;

b) According to my faith and the above said fiqh I am not obliged to pay Zakat on the following types of assets to the extent indicated against each in the manner laid down in Zakat and Ushr Ordinance 1980 (XVIII of 1980) and in accordance w i t h the decision dated March 9, 1999 of the Supreme Court of Pakistan :i Extent Fixed Deposits of all kinds of National Saving Full Schemes like SSC, DSC etc; Profit & Loss Deposits with Scheduled Banks; Full Stocks & Shares, Term Finance Certificates; Full

ii ii i iv Deposits of every kind with any Financial Institution Full Investment Bank, Insurance company, Fund, Trust, Foundation, Society, Government; Corporation, Company, Firm or any other juristic person by whatever name called; v Funds, Provident Fund, Gratuity, Annuity, Key Full Employees Retention of Services Fund, etc. c) What is stated above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.


Mian channu ----------------------DEPONENT (CNIC# 36104-0432862-9)

Date: March 07, 2011 We,


--Munir Khan------------- s/o --- Abdul Sammad------------------r/oHouse # K2 Azam town Mubarak chok spiny road quetta------

2. -------------------------------- s/o --------------------------------------------r/o------------------------------------------------------------------------------solemnly affirm that we know the above deponent and identify him/her as the same person as described above.

-------------------------WITNESS-1 (CNIC#: 54400-9901817-5 ) (CNIC#:

---------------------WITNESS -2 )

The above declaration has been solemnly affirmed on oath before me this ---------day of --------------------------------- by the above deponent in the presence of above witnesses who identified the above deponent. Place: City Date: Month Date, Year

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