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nu8 423 sLudy gulde

1 vulnerable populaLlons descrlbe healLh rlsk facLors assessmenL plannlng and lmplemenLlng
care for
a Afrlcan Amerlcans
b LaLlnos
c naLlve Amerlcans
2 LlsL rlsk facLors for
a 8reasL cancer
b ulabeLes
c PearL ulsease
d PepaLlLls A
3 8evlew 8eLLy newman Model
4 8evlew PearL lallure (dlagnosls slgns and sympLoms Lab values)
3 8evlew AnLldepressanL medlcaLlons and MAC lnhlblLors prlorlLy nurslng acLlons
6 Levels of prevenLlon
a uescrlbe and provlde samples of prlmary secondary and LerLlary levels of prevenLlon
7 1uberculosls
a uescrlbe dlagnosls LreaLmenL paLlenL care
8 Lpldemlology
a Lpldemlologlc Lrlangle (person Llme place)
b Lpldemlologlc Lrlad (vecLor agenL hosL)
c revalence and lncldence of dlsease
d Survelllance and quaranLlne
e uescrlbe and provlde examples for each of Lhe above
9 Communlcable dlseasesdescrlbe Lransmlsslon prevenLlon and paLlenL care for
a Cholera
b AnLhrax
c 1uberculosls
d Whooplng cough
10 8oles of School nurse descrlbe and provlde examples of
a Screenlngs
b AssessmenL
c lannlng acLlvlLles
d PealLh promoLlon acLlvlLles
e lnLervenLlons
11 CulLural lnfluences
a lmmlgranL healLh lssuesrevlew varlaLlons among selecLed groups
b ueveloplng culLural compeLencesenslLlvlLy sklll accommodaLlon
12 Pome PealLh care nurse
a rlorlLlzlng care of paLlenLs ln Lhe home
b uelegaLlng care of Lhe paLlenL ln Lhe home
c Care of Lhe home bound paLlenL
13 8ole of Lhe nurse care of paLlenLs wlLh suspecLed
a neglecL and abuse
14 Posplce descrlbe purpose paLlenL crlLerla paLlenL care
13 CommunlLy assessmenL daLa collecLlon
a purpose
b Wlndshleld survey
c uaLa gaLherlng
16 ulsasLer response
a 8ole of Lhe nurse
b 1rlage color Lags (green yellow black red)
17 rogram
a lannlng
b Cb[ecLlves
c Coal seLLlng
d uevelopmenL
e LffecLlveness
f LvaluaLlon

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