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Reading Test Study Guide: The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere Re-read the story and use your

book to answer the questions. Please answer all questions with complete sentences on a separate sheet of paper. Turn in all answers with this sheet on Friday morning. Keep in your Reading Folder. This is a homework grade! 1. Write five synonyms (same or almost the same) for somber, and use them in a sentence. 2. What is a steed? 3. Write five synonyms for the word fate and use them in a sentence. 4. What happens to an object after it has been magnified? 5. What is a glimmer? 6. What does it mean to be fearless? 7. If something lingers, what does it do? 8. What happened before Paul Revere told his friend goodnight? 9. What event describes when the real action begins in the poem? 10. Why did Paul Revere row quietly across the water? 11. What had to happen before Paul Revere could begin his ride? 12. What is the theme of the selection? 13. Which phrase from the poem is a clue that the setting is the Revolutionary War? 14. How were Paul Revere and his friend alike? 15. What is the most likely reason the author wrote this poem? Read the information about the author in your book!!! 16. What was of the last things Paul Revere did before he went on his midnight ride? 17. Find a generalization that refers to the colonists that is valid. Remember words like Many, Some, All, or None will be the clue words that you will look for. Ex. None of her friends believe in Santa Clause. 18. The poet writes about a spark from the horses hooves. He says the spark kindled the land into flame with its heat. To what is the poet referring or talking about? 19. Imagine that Reveres friend is talking to him after the ride. Write a sentence to tell what he might say to him. 20. What does the author most likely expect the reader to do when he says, You know the rest? Helpful site to visit:

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