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Design of Delivery Service System Using Telephony

Network and LAN

--- Telephony Network --

NRP. 7204.030.045

Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya
Kampus PENS-ITS, Keputih, Sukolilo, Surabaya
Telp (031) 5947280
Making network system base on CTI
technology provided with database system
background And Problems.
People have many activities so they don’t
have time to buy some food
Phone widely used as a Communications
Problem Definition
• 1. use PABX NEC NEAX 2000 IPS

• 2. Connecting computer to PSTN network by

Dialogic D/41JCT-LS.

• 3. Operating System used by is Linux and

Software used by is GCC.

• 4. Database used to compile the information is


Study literature System Device

Examination Implementation
And Analyse And Device
Hardware Scheme
-Installation Dialogic Card type D/41 JCT-LS
- Integration between PC, PABX and DTMF telephone set

• Software Scheme
- recording of Information voice in wav file
- Making database contain data phone number of customer,
customer’s addresses, and also enlist menu

- DTMF Digit detection and call Transfer

device of System in general
User 2

User 3 User 1

Pc Server, dilengkapi Dialogic Card
Sentral B

Pc Restoran C
Pc Restoran A

Pc Restoran B Pc Restoran D

Sentral C Sentral A

User 3
User 1 User 3 User 1

User 2
User 2
Flowchart of goods Ordering
• As medium from CTI technology which
can help people to go shopping by
• People can order food easily by using the
same number of telephone for all
branches of fast food restaurant in one
code of PSTN area

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