Physiological Psychology Study Guide Final

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Physiological Psychology Study Guide Definitions from Test 1 Chromosomes: Strand of DNA bearing the genes Deoxyribonucleic acid

(DNA): Double-stranded chemical that composes the chromosomes and also serves as a template for the synthesis of RNA Enzyme: any proteins that catalyze biological reactions Interneuron: Intrinsic neuron this cells dendrites and axons are entirely within a single structure Oligodendricytes: Glia cells that surround and insulate certain axons in the vertebrate brain and spinal cord Glucose: A simple sugar the main fuel of vertebrate neurons Neurotransmitters: Chemicals released by neurons that affect other neurons Second Messenger: The chemical within a neuron that when activated by a neurotransmitter, initiate processes that carry messages to several areas within the neuron Excitatory Postsynaptic Potential (EPSP): The graded depolarization of a neuron Exocytosis: Excretion of neurotransmitter through the membrane of the presynaptic terminal Inhibitory Postsynaptic Potential (IPSP): Temporary hyperpolarization of a membrane Reflex: A consistent automatic response to a stimulus Neuromodulator: Chemicals that has properties intermediate between those of a neurotransmitter and those of a hormone Afferent Axon: A neuron that brings information into a structure Efferent Axon: Neuron that carries information away from a structure Absolute Refractory Period: The time immediately after an action potential when the Na+ gates close and the membrane cannot produce an action potential in response to stimulation of any intensity Relative Refractory Period: The time period after the absolute refractory period, when K+ gates remain open requiring a stronger than usual stimulus to initiate an action potential

Resting Potential: The electrical potential across a membrane when a neuron is not being stimulated Ribonucleic acid (RNA): A single strand chemical that serves as a template for synthesis of protein molecules Membrane: Structure that separates the inside of a cell from the outside Korsakoffs syndrome: A type of brain damage caused by thiamine deficiency, characterized by apathy, confusion, and memory impairment The resting potential of a neuron is -70 mV

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