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Num Author 1|t|e Ld|t|on uant|ty

101 uahl 8oberL A Cn ollLlcal LquallLy 1

102 ulckerson Mark C llanagan 1homas An lnLroducLlon Lo CovernmenL and ollLlcs 6 2
103 ulckerson Mark C llanagan 1homas An lnLroducLlon Lo CovernmenL and ollLlcs 7 9
104 ulckerson Mark C llanagan 1homas An lnLroducLlon Lo CovernmenL and ollLlcs 8 1
103 LLzlonl AmlLal 8lghLs and Lhe Common Cood 1he CommunlLarlan erspecLlve 1
106 Poffman !ohn Craham aul lnLroducLlon Lo ollLlcal 1heory 1
107 LowenLhal Mark M lnLelllgence lrom SecreLs Lo ollcy 3 1
108 Macherson C8 1he 8eal World of uemocracy 1
109 erry !ohn A erry Lrna k ConLemporary SocleLy An lnLroducLlon Lo Soclal Sclence 10 1
11 Schumaker aul 1he ollLlcal 1heory 8eader 1
111 Zakarla lareed 1he luLure of lreedom llllberal uemocracy aL Pome and Abroad 1
112 ollLlque eL SocleLles vol 29 no 2 2010 1
113 Mclnnes MlLchell kerr lan 8 vanuuzer ! AManaglng Lhe Law 1he Legal AspecLs of uolng 8uslness 2 1
201 Archer Clbblns knopff Maclvor al arameLers of ower 1
202 Argyle 8ay 1urnlng olnLs 1
203 8alns Pardlal 1he Lssence of Lhe Consensus 8eporL on Lhe ConsLlLuLlon 1
204 8akvls Perman SkogsLad Crace Canadlan lederallsm 1
203 8rooks SLephen Canadlan uemocracy 1
206 lrlesen !ohn lrlesen vlrglnla Lyons llrsL naLlons ln Lhe 21sL CenLury 1
207 Coff Colln Crlmlnal !usLlce ln Canada 1
208 lnwood Creogry ! undersLandlng Canadlan ubllc AdmlnlsLraLlon 1
209 Law Commlsslon of Canada voLlng CounLs LlecL 8eform for Canada 1
21 Candlan !ournal of ollLlcal Sclence Sep06 1
301 Slngh 8oberL Covernlng Amerlca 1he ollLlcs of a ulvlded uemocracy 1 2
401 Cahn SLeven Markle eLer LLhlcs PlsLory 1heory and ConLemporary lssues 2 1
402 Churchlll 8oberL aul Puman 8lghLs and Clobal ulverslLy 1
403 CuLmann Amy 1hompson uennls LLhlcs and ollLlcs 4 1
404 Plnman Lawrence ConLemporary Moral lssues 2 1
403 Llszka !ames !akob Moral compeLence 2 1
406 Mac8ae Slnclalr An lnLroducLlon Lo LLhlcs 1
407 o[man Louls vaughn Lewls 1he Moral Llfe 4 1
408 1hlroux !acques LLhlcs 1heory and racLlce 7 1
301 Cahn SLeven ollLlcal hllosophy 1 1
302 Cahn SLeven ollLlcal hllosophy 2 1
303 Chafee !ohn 1he hllosophers Way 2 1
304 lallkowskl AnLhony Moral hllosophy of Modern Llfe 2 1
303 CoLLlelb AnLhony 1he uream of 8eason 1
306 naLhason SLephen Should We ConsenL 1o 8e Coverned? 2 1
307 Sher Ceorge 8rody 8aruch Soclal and ollLlcal hllosophy 1
308 1annenbaun uonald SchulLs uavld lnvenLors of ldeas An lnLroducLlon Lo WesLern ollLlcal hllsosophy 1
601 8uckley !oanne llL Lo rlnL 2
602 CharlLon Lucllle CharlLon Mark 8esearch and WrlLng ln ollLlcal Sclence 1
603 Penderson Lrlc 1he Lmpowered WrlLer 1
604 1rlmmer !oseph A Culde Lo MLA uocumenLaLlon 1
701 ColdsLeln !oshua S WhlLworLh Sandra lnLernaLlonal 8elaLlons 1
702 Pughes 8arry ConLlnulLy and Change ln World ollLlcs 4 1
703 Clsen Cregg M 1he ollLlcs of a Welfare SLaLe 1
704 lorelgn ollcy Analysls !an07 1
801 8elmonLe Laura A Speaklng of Amerlca 1
802 uouglas 8 !ones 8lchard SmlLh uonald uesLlnles 1
803 llnkel Conrad Speaklng of Amerlca 1
804 LnvlromenLal PlsLory CcL10 1
901 1he Walrus May11 1
902 1he Walrus !un11 1
903 1he Walrus !uly/Aug 11 1
904 1he Walrus Sep11 1
903 1he Walrus CcL11 1
1ype Co|our
Ceneral ollLlcs Creen
Ceneral ollLlcs Creen
Ceneral ollLlcs Creen
Ceneral ollLlcs Creen
Ceneral ollLlcs Creen
Ceneral ollLlcs Creen
Ceneral ollLlcs Creen
Ceneral ollLlcs Creen
Ceneral ollLlcs Creen
Ceneral ollLlcs Creen
Ceneral ollLlcs Creen
Ceneral ollLlcs Creen
Ceneral ollLlcs Creen
Canadlan ollLlcs 8ed
Canadlan ollLlcs 8ed
Canadlan ollLlcs 8ed
Canadlan ollLlcs 8ed
Canadlan ollLlcs 8ed
Canadlan ollLlcs 8ed
Canadlan ollLlcs 8ed
Canadlan ollLlcs 8ed
Canadlan ollLlcs 8ed
Canadlan ollLlcs 8ed
Amerlcan ollLlcs 8ed/8lue
LLhlcs 8lue
LLhlcs 8lue
LLhlcs 8lue
LLhlcs 8lue
LLhlcs 8lue
LLhlcs 8lue
LLhlcs 8lue
LLhlcs 8lue
ollLlcal hllosophy ?ellow
ollLlcal hllosophy ?ellow
ollLlcal hllosophy ?ellow
ollLlcal hllosophy ?ellow
ollLlcal hllosophy ?ellow
ollLlcal hllosophy ?ellow
ollLlcal hllosophy ?ellow
ollLlcal hllosophy ?ellow
WrlLlng Culdes LlghL urple/uark urple
WrlLlng Culdes LlghL urple/uark urple
WrlLlng Culdes LlghL urple/uark urple
WrlLlng Culdes LlghL urple/uark urple
lnLernaLlonal SLudles LlghL urple
lnLernaLlonal SLudles LlghL urple
lnLernaLlonal SLudles LlghL urple
lnLernaLlonal SLudles LlghL urple
PlsLory uark urple
PlsLory uark urple
PlsLory uark urple
PlsLory uark urple
1he Walrus Creen/?ellow
1he Walrus Creen/?ellow
1he Walrus Creen/?ellow
1he Walrus Creen/?ellow
1he Walrus Creen/?ellow

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