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The three wishes..

lL sLarLed off wlLh 2 falrles oco and uoL 1hey were flghLlng abouL a leLLer Lhey can'L declde on
whaL way Lo send Lhe leLLer by falrymall or sendlng lL ln person So Lhey argued and argued ?ou
know lL's beLLer Lo send lL by falrymall you don'L need Lo wasLe your Llme energy and falry dusL"
sald oco 8uL l wanL Lo see how our hosLs wlll use Lhe wlshes!" sald uoL And Lhe argumenL
conLlnued Llll dawn lL was chaos AL lasL Lhey declded on a falr concluslon 1o send Lhe leLLer by
falrymall flrsL Lhen fly off Lo see how Lhelr hosLs are dolng

1wlLLer goL home exhausLed and grumpy as usual her slsLer 1umblr was slLLlng ln Lhe llvlng room
wlLh a very sLrange look on her face Cn her lap ls a lapLop WhaL's Lhe maLLer wlLh you?" 1wlLLer
Come ln and close Lhe door 1wlL ?ou won'L belleve lL buL we've had a mall from Lhe falrles
1hey've granLed us Lhree wlshes!" 1wlLLer snaLched up Lhe lapLop and slowly read lL We musL
make Lhe mosL of Lhls 1um We musLn'L be hasLy 1hree wlshes can make us rlch famous
lmporLanL! 8uL we musL ask for Lhe rlghL Lhlngs
l've already made a llsL" sald 1umblr exclLedly Look A llfe supply of shopplng manlpedl and
bulldlng an enormous fashlon emplre!! Pow bouL LhaL huh?" 8uL whaL abouL me? l wanL a llfe
supply of food boyfrlends and maybe also a Wllly Wonka ChocolaLe lacLory all for myself!!" 1wlLLer
Chh 1wlL slnce you menLloned food l have forgoLLen Lo cook dlnner for you heheh please don'L
be mad" sald 1umblr WhaL?!" snapped 1wlLLer l had been shopplng for you and you dldn'L cook
me any dlnner? Pow am l expecLed Lo make lmporLanL declslons on an empLy sLomach? ls lL so much
Lo ask ls lL? ?ou're so lazy 1um l do wlsh Lhere had been someLhlng cooked and walLlng ohh a
mouLh waLerlng uCu8LL CPLLSL 8u8CL8"
1here was a funny hummlng nolse llke falry wlngs and lop! a dellclous double cheese burger
appeared on a plaLe on Lhe Lable 1wlLLer sLared aL lL as lL sLeamed on Lhe plaLe and llcked her llps
?ou've wasLed a wlsh!" 1umblr shouLed beaLlng her over Lhe head ?ou always were sLupld! lf a
Lhlng needs dolng l have Lo do lL myself don'L l?" 1wlLLer Anak lacebook you make me feel so
angry lll wlsh Lhe burger ls sLuck on your head so LhaL you can make lL as your haL!"
1here was anoLher small maglcal sound llke falrles slnglng and Wop! Lhe burger sprang off Lhe
plaLe and sLuck on Lop of 1wlLLer's head She Louched her head and bursL lnLo Lears 1he boLh pulled
and Lugged and Lugged and pulled aL Lhe burger
Cw Lhey're so hoL!" yelled 1wlLLer SlL sLlll! l'll cuL lL off" uL down LhaL knlfe woman! Ch how
could you?" 8uL Lhe burger was sLuck fasL
!usL Lhen someone knocked aL Lhe door lL's Covoo Lhelr nelghbour 1umblr and 1wlLLer sLared aL
each oLher uon'L answer lL! uo you wanL all Lhe nelghbours Lo know you've goL a burger sLuck on
Lop of your head?"
WhaL?" crled 1wlLLer uo l have Lo hlde for Lhe resL of my llfe? Ch l never reallsed how lucky l was
before when l had an ordlnary head now l am muLaLed lf only we weren'L so qulck Lo quarrel!"
?es l know and l'm so very sorry 1wlLLer no no lL wasn'L your faulL dear slsLer l [usL wlsh Lhe
falrles Lhe falrles had kepL Lhelr wlshes Lo Lhemselves and lefL everyLhlng as lL was" So do l"
1here was a small snlggerlng nolse llfe falrles laughlng and 8llp! Lhe burger dropped off 1wlLLer's
1wlLLer and 1umblr hugged each oLher laughed and danced round Lhe klLchen And Lhe falrles aL Lhe
door ran away Lo posL anoLher leLLer

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